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Microsoft Edge使Microsoft - Microsoft ...
在Microsoft Edge中翻译网页. 在Microsoft Edge中打开网页。. 浏览器将检测页面的语言,并显示一个菜单,要求你确认是否要翻译页面。. 请执行以下任一操作:. 在 “翻译为 ”下拉列表中,选择要将页面翻译成的语言。. 默认值是为Microsoft Edge设置的语言。. 若要翻译 ...
适用于: Microsoft Edge
Microsoft - Microsoft
了解如何兑换礼品卡、代码或 Office 产品密钥,以及如何在 Microsoft Store 在线商店、Windows 或 Xbox 上花费余额。
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
- Microsoft
当 Excel 工作表跨越多个页面时,可以在每个页面上打印行标题和列标题 (也称为标题或标签) 。 注意: 如果选择了多个工作表,则“页面设置”对话框中的“顶端标题行”和“左端标题列”框将不可用。要取消选择多个工作表,请单击任何未选定的工作表。 如果看不到未选定的工作表,则右键单击 ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Excel 2013
Manage what guests can see on your Xbox console | Xbox Support
Step 2: Grant access to content and apps. After you create your access PIN, you can set parameters around what content can be viewed on your console when no one is signed in. Press the Xbox button to open the guide. Go to Profile & system > Settings > System > Access restriction options. Select Access to content.
Surface - Microsoft
下面是使用 Fn 键的特殊键盘快捷方式: 将键锁定为功能模式. 如果你使用的应用经常用到功能键,你可以暂时将顶行键锁定为功能键。 若要锁定和解锁大多数键盘盖或键盘上的功能键,请按 Fn 键锁定功能键。 再次按 Fn 键以解锁它们。 当键锁定到功能模式时,Fn 键上的灯会亮起。 注意: 如果你有 专业键盘盖、专业键盘盖 2 或 专业键盘盖 3 Surface Pro, 请按住 Fn 键,然后按 Caps 键锁定功能键。 按住 Fn 键 ,然后再次按 Caps 键以解锁它们。 了解适用于 Surface 专业键盘盖的快捷键。
Installing Microsoft Defender - Microsoft Support
Protect your Android, iPhone, Mac, and Windows devices from threats by installing Microsoft Defender. Download Microsoft Defender on your devices either by: Scanning the following QR code. Searching for Microsoft Defender in your app store. Sharing with your devices, the following link: Copy link.
适用于: Android 上的 Microsoft Defender, iOS 上的 Microsoft Defender, Mac 上的 Microsoft Defender, Windows 上的 Microsoft Defender
Learn about gift cards and codes | Xbox Support
To view and manage your subscriptions, sign in to your Microsoft account, and select Services & subscriptions. To view and manage your subscriptions on your Xbox console: Press the Xbox button to open the guide. Select Profile & system > Settings > Account > Subscriptions. Choose the subscription you want to manage.
File sharing over a network in Windows - Microsoft Support
Here are some answers to common questions about changes to file and folder sharing in Windows 11: How do I share files or folders over a network now? How do I stop sharing files or folders? Why does "Stop sharing" or "Remove access" show in File Explorer for files I haven't shared? How do I tell which files or folders I've shared over a network?
Microsoft Edge - Microsoft
Microsoft Edge基于Chromium,比 Internet Explorer 和 Microsoft Edge 旧版 更快、更安全、更现代的浏览体验。 有关详细信息,请参阅 工作Microsoft Edge功能 。 此外,Microsoft Edge将很快成为唯一支持Microsoft 365 Web 应用和服务的 Microsoft 浏览器。 对Microsoft Edge 旧版的支持于3月9日结束。 2021. 如果尝试在 2021 年 8 月 17 日之后从 Internet Explorer 访问 Microsoft Web 应用和服务,可能会遇到性能下降或根本无法连接。 更快的性能. Microsoft Edge使用Chromium在线提供世界级的兼容性和性能。
Windows activity history and your privacy - Microsoft Support
Activity history helps keep track of the things you do on your device, such as the apps and services you use, the files you open, and the websites you browse. Your activity history is stored locally on your device. You can manage activity history settings to choose what to store. Features that use activity history.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板