使用 Microsoft 登录
Windows - Microsoft
请确保麦克风已连接到电脑。. 选择 "开始 >设置> 系统 > 声音"。. 在 " 输入"中,选择要测试的麦克风。. 在 "输入设置 "中,查看 对 着麦克风说话时输入音量。. 如果在说话时移动栏,则你的麦克风将正常工作。. 如果未看到栏移动,请转到测试 麦克风, 然后 ...
Leave family group or remove members - Microsoft Support
There are several different ways for family members and organizers to leave or be removed from a Microsoft family group depending on their role. Before leaving, family members and organizers should remove saved places and location alerts they would not like to remain in the group. Location alerts must be removed by the individual who set them for saved places to be deleted.
Windows 11 - Microsoft
Windows 11 전원 효율적인 설정. 기본 화면 및 절전 모드 설정으로 업데이트 이제 에너지를 보다 효율적으로 사용하고 배터리 수명을 연장하는 데 도움이 됩니다. Windows 11 설정 > 시스템 > 전원 & 배터리 에서 효율성 설정을 찾을 수 있습니다. 각 전원 및 배터리 ...
View activity reports and notifications in the Xbox Family Settings app
To see a more detailed activity report, select the member’s account tile, select the Screen Time tile, and then choose one of the following: Select Today at the top of the screen to see the member’s online activity for the day, including a breakdown of how they used this time. Select Past Week at the top of the screen to see a graph of a ...
Xbox 0x82D40003 | Xbox Support
查看此处以了解我们当前正在跟踪的已知游戏问题,并了解可以对其执行的操作。. . 启动游戏或应用时看到以下错误代码和消息:. 0x82D40003. 你是该游戏或应用的所有者吗?. 这可能意味着其他人拥有你尝试玩的游戏,或者该服务很难验证所有权。. 若要解决此 ...
What controllers can I use for cloud gaming on Xbox?
Pressing the Xbox button (or Home button on some controllers) may take you to the home screen on your Android device. If your controller does not have an Xbox/Home button equivalent, you can use the on-screen touch version of the Xbox button located in the centre of your game screen.; Some controllers can be used with a wired connection instead of Bluetooth.
Write a letter in Word for the web - Microsoft Support
For an electronic version of your letter, send out a link: Near the top of the screen, click Share. Under Share, click Get a Link. Under Choose an option, click View only. Click Create Link. Click on the web address to select it, and then copy and paste it into an email, message, or post. Learn how to type a letter online using Word for the web.
适用于: Word 网页版
Xbox | Xbox Support
ゲーマータグを初めて変更する場合、1 回無料で変更できます。 これは、Xbox に最初に登録したときに Microsoft によってゲーマータグが自動的に作成された (つまり、ユーザーが自分で選んでいない場合) か、ご自分のゲーマータグをサインアップ時に作成したかとは無関係です。
Skype | Skype
你的个人资料中需要有一个电子邮件地址,因为我们使用它来联系你并提供有关你的 Skype 帐户的重要信息。. 你的朋友和家人也将能够根据你的电子邮件和搜索首选项找到你。. 此外,如果尚未验证电子邮件地址,可能无法通过该电子邮件地址在 Skype 中搜索 ...
| Skype
了解Skype. 最新版本的 Skype加载速度更快,比以往任何时候都更可靠,并且可帮助你与最重要的人一起完成更多工作。. 它还包括一些功能,用于与朋友、家人和同事进行更加个性化的交互式体验。A. 个人资料 - 访问设置并个性化设置。. B.更多 – 访问设置、帮助 ...