使用 Microsoft 登录
如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
了解如何在移动设备、Windows 设备或 Xbox 主机上兑换 Microsoft/Xbox 礼品卡或其他代码。按“开始”按钮 ,然后在“搜索”框中输入“商店”。 从结果中选择 Microsoft Store 以打开应用。选择屏幕右上角的帐户,然后选择 兑换充值码或礼品卡。输入由 25 个字符组成的代码,选择 下一步,然后按照提示操作。
强制措施处罚系统常见问题解答 | Xbox Support
即便是数量较少的强制措施,账户也可能会收到八次处罚,具体取决于严重性。. 例如,如果某个帐户收到了针对仇恨言论的强制措施,则由此导致的强制措施将是三次处罚和为期三天的强制措施。. 如果玩家没有改善其行为并收到针对该仇恨言论的第二次强制 ...
How to sign in to Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Tips: While signing in, select Yes at the "Stay signed in?" prompt if you want to go straight to your mailbox next time (not recommended for shared computers). Alternatively, check the "Don't show this again" box and select No to be prompted for your password each time.. If you can't sign in, or have forgotten your username or password, use our sign-in troubleshooter.
适用于: Outlook.com
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
To sign out, go to Outlook.com. Select your account initials or account picture at the top corner of your Inbox. Select Sign out. Tips: If you don't see your picture at the top of screen, check to see if ad blocking is turned on. Sometimes this prevents the picture from showing. If you don't see see Profile or Account options, you can access ...
适用于: Outlook.com
someone@example.com-您是否正在寻找电子邮件地址?. 在 Outlook 中查找电子邮件地址?. 使用 "搜索通讯簿" 框。.
适用于: Outlook 2007
如何申请 Xbox 数字产品退款 | Xbox Support
若要申请退款,需要登录用于购买的 Microsoft 帐户,并提供所购买内容的名称、订单编号以及需要退款的原因。. 可以联系 aka.ms/contactxboxsupport 以获取退款申请和其他支持。. 有关 Xbox 实物产品(如光盘游戏和控制器)和其他 Microsoft 产品的详细信息,请参阅 ...
Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC | Xbox Support
The Gaming Services Repair Tool for PC is now also integrated directly into the Xbox app for PC. To run the Gaming Services Repair Tool on your PC, make sure you have the 2311.1001.7.0 version or newer of the Xbox app on PC installed. To check your Xbox app version number: Launch the Xbox app for PC. Click your Profile picture.
Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC ...
Select Install (or depending on your version, Install apps> ). From the home page select Install apps (If you set a different start page, go to aka.ms/office-install .) For Microsoft 365 operated by 21 Vianet go to login.partner.microsoftonline.cn/account. For Microsoft 365 Germany go to portal.office.de/account.
适用于: Office 2021, Office 2021 for Mac, Office 2019, Office 2019 for Mac, Microsoft 365 家庭版, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 管理员版, Microsoft 365 Mac 版, Office 365 Germany – 企业版, Office 365 Germany - 企业管理员版
你在尝试下载安装或启动游戏时出现 0x87E10BC6 错误 ...
了解如何修复错误代码 0x87E10BC6,以便可下载、安装和启动游戏。该游戏可能未在你的区域提供,或者目录中不再显示。如果是从 Xbox Game Pass 下载的游戏,请查看你区域的 Game Pass 目录是否仍显示有该游戏。要详细了解你在玩游戏时可能遇到的问题 ...
Shut down (turn off) your PC - Microsoft Support
Windows 10. To turn off your PC in Windows 10, select the Start button, select the Power button, and then select Shut down.