Windows의 시계 앱에서 스톱워치를 사용하는 방법 ...
Windows의 시계 앱에서 스톱워치를 사용하는 방법 알아보기 스톱워치를 사용하여 시간을 측정하려면 다음과 같이 하세요. 앱을 시작하려면 시작을 선택하고 앱 목록에서 Clock을 선택하거나 검색 상자에 이름을 입력합니다.
Xbox Support
Xbox Support 提供 Xbox、Game Pass 及帳單問題的協助。在 Xbox Support 社群中取得建議與客戶服務。請在這裡查看版本資訊、常見問題和我們正在追蹤的已知問題 (以及您可以針對這些問題採取的動作)。
查看你的 Microsoft Store 订单历史记录 - Microsoft 支持
如果你从Microsoft Store购买了一个物理商品,而我们将其寄送到你,则可以在订单历史记录页检查状态。 如果订单状态 "已发货",请检查状态下方的 跟踪发货 链接。待定 订单可能需要更新信息或更改付款方式。 最近的购买可能无法立即显示状态。 请稍后返回查看订单进度。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Xbox Support
Xbox Support 为 Xbox、Game Pass 和账单问题提供帮助。在 Xbox Support 社区中获取建议和客户服务。请查看此处,了解我们正在跟踪的发布信息、常见问题解答和已知问题(以及可以对其执行的操作)。
联系人 - Microsoft 支持部门
产品 Microsoft 365 Outlook Microsoft Teams OneDrive OneNote Windows Microsoft Edge 其他… 设备 Surface 电脑配件 移动设备 Xbox 电脑游戏 HoloLens 硬件保修 新增功能 帐户和帐单 帐户
Save and share outside your organization
With Microsoft 365, you can securely share files in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint with clients to collaborate on them. What will I learn? What do I need? Tip: We'll use Word for this tutorial, but it works exactly the same in PowerPoint, Excel, and more. 1. Create a Word document.
How to position and ventilate your Xbox console
Learn how to correctly position your Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, Xbox One S, original Xbox One, or Xbox 360 console for stability and ventilation. Place the console on a stable surface. Do not place the console on speakers or subwoofers. Place the console in a well-ventilated, relatively cool place and away from direct heat sources.
Create and run a delete query
When you want to either quickly delete a lot of data or delete a set of data on a regular basis in an Access desktop database, a delete or an update query might be useful because the queries make it possible to specify criteria to quickly find and delete the data. Using a query can also be a timesaver because you can reuse a saved query.
下载并安装或重新安装 Office 2019、Office 2016 或 Office 2013
注意: 如果是通过以下任一方式获取的 Microsoft 365:Microsoft 工作区折扣计划(以前称为家用许可计划),则安装 2019、2016 或 2013 版的 Office 专业增强版、Office 标准版或独立应用(如 Word 或 Project)的步骤可能会有所不同:如果你通过公司购买了 Microsoft 365 供个人使用,请参阅通过工作场所折扣计划安装 ...
Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Xbox 360 storage | Xbox Support
Learn about Xbox 360 storage devices and options for storing and moving Xbox 360 content. You can store and move content between consoles using the following accessories. Attach an Xbox 360 hard drive to increase the capacity of your console. You can use the Xbox 360 transfer cable to transfer content to a new console.