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关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
不必担心,有了 MSN 体育应用,您可以随时了解比赛战况,查看比分、得分最高的球员、比赛剩余时间及更多内容! 您甚至可以让 Cortana 帮助您查找单场比赛比分或球队比赛日程等信息。
向 Microsoft 帐户兑换礼品卡或代码 - Microsoft 支持
如何在 Windows 中兑换礼品卡或下载代码. 打开下面的 Microsoft Store 应用。. Microsoft Store. 选择应用顶部的个人图标,然后选择“ 兑换代码或礼品卡 ”。. 输入 25 个字符组成的代码,然后选择“ 兑换 ”。. 不必担心连字符,系统会为你自动处理。.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Use Microsoft Teams for work or school in Windows 11
Taskbar icon. Apps. Check your version of Teams. For Microsoft Teams (free), select Settings and more > Settings > About Teams , then look under Version to see if you have the latest version or need to Update now. For Microsoft Teams (work or school), select Settings and more > About, then look under Version.
适用于: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams 个人版, Microsoft Teams 小型企业版
Capture game clips and screenshots | Xbox Support
The following shortcuts are standard: Win button + Alt+PrintScreen: Take a screenshot of your game. Win button + Alt + G: Record the last few moments of game play. To change the duration of clips recorded in Windows: Things to keep in mind: Background recording can affect game performance.
入门 | 下载、安装和升级 | Skype 支持
Skype Mac 上的管理员在安装或升级客户端时要求提供管理员Skype. 如果 Mac 在安装或升级客户端时要求提供管理员Skype,请按照以下步骤操作。. 从 Skype.com (.dmg) 下载最新的 Skype 安装程序。. 下载后,双击打开安装程序文件。. 不要通过Skype拖放应用来安装Skype应用 ...
Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Perks FAQ | Xbox Support
Claimed and redeemed Perks remain yours, including third-party Perks and in-game Perks for Game Pass games. If your only access to a game with an in-game Perk was through Ultimate, you'll need another way to access it. Once your Ultimate subscription expires, you won’t see new Perks or Perks you’ve claimed in the Perks gallery, so make sure ...
Delete cookies in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
In Edge, select Settings and more > Settings > Cookies and site permissions. Under Cookies and data stored, select Manage and delete cookies and site data > See all cookies and site data and search for the site whose cookies you want to delete. Select the down arrow to the right of the site whose cookies you want to delete and select Delete .
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams (免费版) 微软在线订购协议 本 Microsoft Teams (免 费版 ) 微 软 在线 订 购 协 议 是 您代 表 的 实 体与 ( 以 下 简 称 “ 微 软 ”、“ 我们 ” 或 “ 我 们的 ” ) 之 间达 成 的 协 议, 或者如果您未指定与订购或续签相关的实体,则本协议是 Microsoft Operations Pte Ltd. ...
Microsoft Edge 中的键盘快捷方式 - Microsoft 支持
Edge for Windows Edge for Mac. 键盘快捷方式是指按键或按键组合,可提供另一种方式来执行通常使用鼠标执行的操作。. 下面是适用于 新版 Microsoft Edge 和 Microsoft Edge for Mac 的列表。. Windows Mac. 按此键. 执行此操作. Ctrl + Shift + B. 显示或隐藏收藏夹栏. Alt + Shift + B.
What is the Skype Phone Authentication feature? | Skype Support
Phone authentication adds easy access point to your Skype account. With only phone authentication, you can start chatting with anyone in your contact list right away. No longer needing to search for your contacts. It's also a fast option how to log-in to your account on different devices.