删除以前版本的 Windows - Microsoft 支持
可以将其删除,但请记住,你将删除 Windows.old 文件夹,其中包含文件,可让你选择返回到以前版本的 Windows。. 如果删除以前版本的 Windows,则无法撤消此操作 (无法返回到以前版本的 Windows) 。. 按键盘上的 Windows 徽标键 ,然后选择 “设置 ”> 系统 > 存储。. 打开 ...
Windows 中的恢复选项 - Microsoft 支持
在升级后保留 windows.old 和 $windows.~bt 文件夹中的所有内容。 删除升级后添加的所有用户帐户。 知道你用于登录到 Windows 7 或 Windows 8.1 的密码(如果你使用过)。
KB5012334—Delete the Windows.old folder using Storage sense in the ...
The Windows.old folder contains the previous version of Windows on your device. If you want to remove the previous version after you upgrade, the easiest method is to use Storage sense in the Settings app. Follow the steps below for your version of the Windows operating system.
释放 Windows 中的驱动器空间 - Microsoft 支持
要查看 Windows 11 设备上的剩余总磁盘空间,请选择任务栏中的“ 文件资源管理器 ”,然后在左侧选择“ 此电脑 ”。. 你的硬盘可用空间将会显示在“ 设备和驱动器 ”。. 注意: 如果按照以下步骤操作并因磁盘空间不足而在更新 Windows 时继续遇到问题,则重置或 ...
你无法在一台新的 Windows 电脑上打开经典 Outlook
如果你最近买了一台新的 Windows 设备,你可能找不到经典版的 Outlook,或者虽然显示了该图标,但当你试图打开它时会出现错误。. 该错误可能表示找不到 Outlook,或者可能显示:. 无法验证并安装此项,因为它在 Microsoft Store 中不可用。. 若要安装,请从发布者的 ...
新的 Outlook for Windows
Retrieve files from the Windows.old folder - Microsoft Support
If you reinstall, reset, or refresh Windows, the previous Windows.old folder is replaced by a new Windows.old folder. For more info, see How to refresh, reset, or restore your PC and How to remove the Windows.old folder. Learn how to find your old files and move them to your new PC after upgrading to Windows 8.1.
Delete your previous version of Windows - Microsoft Support
Ten days after you upgrade to Windows, your previous version of Windows will be automatically deleted from your PC. However, if you need to free up drive space, and you’re confident that your files and settings are where you want them to be in Windows, you can safely delete it yourself.
使用存储感知管理驱动器空间 - Microsoft 支持
如何实现删除 Windows.old 或以前的 Windows 安装 ? 转到 “启动 > 设置” > “系统 > 存储 ”。 在“磁盘使用情况”下,选择“ 临时文件 ”,确保选中 “以前的 Windows 安装 () ”并选择“ 删除文件 ”。
How to restore a Windows 7-based computer to a previous Windows ...
To resolve this issue, follow the steps listed below to restore your computer back to a previous version of Windows using the Windows.OLD folder. TIP: You may find it easier to follow the steps if you print this article first. Step 1: Determine whether there is a Windows.old folder and whether there is sufficient free space on the Windows hard disk
Truy xuất tệp từ thư mục Windows.old - Hỗ trợ của Microsoft
Bạn chỉ có 28 ngày để truy xuất hầu hết các tệp từ thư mục Windows. Old, bắt đầu từ lúc bạn cài đặt, nâng cấp lên, làm mới hoặc đặt lại Windows 8.1. Sau thời gian đó, hầu hết nội dung của Windows.old được xóa tự động.