使用 Microsoft 登录
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Outlook.com 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的 帮助,然后输入查询。如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 Outlook.com 中联系我们,需要登录。 如果无法登录,请单击 此处。 若要获取其他有关 Microsoft 帐户和订阅的帮助,请访问 帐户 ...
适用于: Outlook.com
Download and install apps - Microsoft Support
Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac. Set up Office apps and email on a mobile device. Small business help and learning. Learn how to download and install apps you need from your Microsoft 365 business subscription.
Find settings in Windows - Microsoft Support
Find your Windows settings in a snap! Select the Start button, then select Settings . From there, browse the categories or use search to find what you're looking for. Windows 11 Windows 10. Tips: Most apps have their own settings. In the app, select Settings to make app-specific changes.
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
Open Game Bar to take control of all your favorite gaming activities while playing on your Windows 10/11 device. Note To use many of the Xbox features within Game Bar, you must have the Xbox app for Windows installed and be signed in. Get the Xbox app for Windows.
Cloud gaming with Xbox | Xbox Support
Playing an Xbox console game with cloud gaming versus installing it. Cloud gaming on third-party services. Learn about cloud gaming on Xbox using your Android, iOS, or Windows device.
Update Windows - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, you decide when and how to get the latest updates to keep your device running smoothly and securely. To manage your options and see available updates, select Check for Windows updates. Or select Start > Settings > Windows Update . Here's some other info you might be looking for:
手机连接要求和设置 - Microsoft 支持
从电脑中,可以使用预安装在设备上的连接至 Windows 应用或从 Google Play 或 Samsung Galaxy Store 下载的应用连接到选择 Android、Samsung、HONOR、OPPO 和华硕设备。 可以通过 Android 设备和电脑之间的连接立即访问喜爱的所有内容。 轻松阅读和回复短信、查看 Android 设备中最近的照片、使用常用的移动应用、拨打和接听电话以及在电脑上直接管理 Android 设备的通知。 手机连接 需要满足以下条件: 运行 Windows 10 (带有 2019 年 5 月更新或更高版本) 或 Windows 11 的电脑。 运行 Android 8.0 或更高版本的 Android 设备。
Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport ...
需要记住的事项: 此游戏可能并非在所有区域设置中都可用。 可在 Microsoft Store 的游戏产品详细信息页,或游戏开发人员网站查找特定于此游戏的信息: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速) 有关 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)和 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)论坛和社区支持,请访问: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)论坛. 如果你已收到来自游戏的强制措施,请访问: Forza 强制准则. 故障排除. 全部折叠. 检查 Xbox 状态. 如果遇到 Forza 游戏的问题,请先检查 Xbox 状态,然后再联系支持人员。 如果看到任何服务警报,请展开服务,向下滚动到“通知”,然后登录以在服务恢复启动并再次运行时接收消息。
Keyboard shortcuts to add language accent marks in Word and Outlook ...
In Word and Outlook, you can use accent marks (or diacritical marks) in a document, such as an acute accent, cedilla, circumflex, diaeresis or umlaut, grave accent, or tilde. For keyboard shortcuts in which you press two or more keys simultaneously, the keys to press are separated by a plus sign (+) in the tables.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, Word 2016, Outlook 2016
Fix your Outlook email connection by repairing your profile
Follow these steps to let Outlook diagnose and fix errors in your Outlook mail profile that might be causing the issue. Do you have a Microsoft 365 account? The Microsoft Support and Recovery Assistant can diagnose and fix several Outlook issues for you, including fixing your Outlook profile.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员