使用 Microsoft 登录
更改浏览器主页 - Microsoft 支持
Safari. 打开 Safari,依次选择“Safari”>“首选项”,然后选择“常规”。. 在“主页”字段中,输入网页地址。. 若要使用正在浏览的网页,请选择“设为当前页”。. 选择何时显示主页。. 在新窗口中打开主页:选择“新窗口打开方式”弹出菜单,然后选择“主页 ...
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Keeping Bing as your default search engine provides an enhanced search experience in the new Microsoft Edge , including direct links to Windows apps, relevant suggestions from your organization if you’re signed in with a work or school account, and instant answers to questions about Windows.However, you can change the default search engine to any site that uses OpenSearch technology.
Change your browser home page - Microsoft Support
Open Safari, then choose Safari > Preferences, then select General. In the Homepage field, enter a wepage address. To simply use the webpage you're currently viewing, select Set to Current Page. Choose when your homepage is shown. Open new windows with your homepage: Select the New windows open with pop-up menu, then choose Homepage.
Brukerstøtte for Skype for Skype for Android | Brukerstøtte ...
Brukerstøtte for Skype er her for å hjelpe deg med alle spørsmål du måtte ha om Skype for Android. Begrenset nødanrop Skype er ikke en erstatning for telefonen din og har begrensede nødanropsmuligheter avhengig av ditt land.
Block pop-ups in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
The Microsoft Edge feature that blocks pop-ups is effective in preventing websites from automatically opening a new window or tab, or a partial window on top of your current web page. This feature is turned on by default. There are many different types of pop-ups, including advertisements, notices, offers, or alerts that can appear at various times on any web page. Some can be helpful, such as ...
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
更新付款方式 | Xbox Support
如果遇到预购付款错误,或者希望尝试其他购买付款方式,请参阅下面的付款方式更新方法:. 登录到要更新的 Microsoft 帐户。. Microsoft 帐户. 转到“付款和账单”,并选择“支付选项”。. 可以在此处添加或编辑付款方式。. 在“付款方式”下面,可以“添加新的 ...
Messaggistica | Moji ed emoticon | Assistenza Skype
Ricevi aiuto da Skype sull'argomento Moji ed emoticon per Il nuovo Skype per Windows, Mac e Linux e rimani in contatto con amici e familiari ovunque tu sia.
疑難排解 | 撥號問題 | Skype 支援
為什麼我無法在 Skype 中撥打行動裝置或有線電話?. 如果您在 Skype 撥打電話時遇到問題,最好在 skype 狀態頁面上檢查目前是否有任何問題。. 若要撥打行動裝置或有線電話,您必須擁有 Skype 點數或訂閱。. 接著,您可以撥打連絡人設定檔上的號碼,或使用撥號鍵 ...
设置和配置 Xbox 无线耳机 | Xbox Support
若要管理电脑上的 Xbox 无线耳机设置,请通过 USB-C 线或 Windows Xbox 无线适配器连接耳机。. Xbox 无线耳机需要打开并连接到你的主机或设备,才能在 Accessories 应用中更新设置。. 根据当时连接至主机或设备的附件数量,需要向左或向右滚动以显示耳机配置界面 ...
在 Microsoft Edge 中隐藏收藏夹栏 - Microsoft 支持
在新版 Microsoft Edge 中,你可以选择何时隐藏收藏夹栏。. 方法如下:. 选择“ 设置及更多 ” ,然后选择“ 设置 ” 。. 选择“ 外观 ” 。. 在“ 自定义工具栏 ”下的“ 显示收藏夹栏 ”中,执行下列操作之一:. 要关闭收藏夹栏,请选择“ 从不 ”。. 要仅在新 ...