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Configure your Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2
Using your Series 2 controller, open the Xbox Accessories app. Scroll to the Xbox Elite Wireless Controller Series 2, then select Configure. Select New profile, and then give your profile a name. When you’re done, press the B button for the changes to take effect. Create multiple profiles in the app and switch between them using the built-in ...
更新 Xbox 无线控制器 | Xbox Support
为此,请按 Xbox 按钮 打开导航页,选择“档案和系统”>“设置”>“设备和连接”>“控制器和耳机”,然后选择要更新的控制器。. 在 Xbox 无线控制器屏幕上,选择“…”以检查控制器的固件版本。. 如果它显示“更新”,请选择固件版本,然后按照提供的步骤 ...
关于 Xbox 配件应用的所有信息 | Xbox Support
如果要在 Windows 设备上使用该应用,请使用 Xbox 无线适配器或 USB 缆线连接并配置你的配件。. 若要在主机上使用该应用,请确保配件已连接,然后:. 按“Xbox”按钮 打开导航页。. 转到“档案和系统”>“设置”>“设备和连接”>“配件”。. 当 Xbox 配件应用启动 ...
向 Microsoft 帐户兑换礼品卡或代码 - Microsoft 支持
如何在 Windows 中兑换礼品卡或下载代码. 打开下面的 Microsoft Store 应用。. Microsoft Store. 选择应用顶部的个人图标,然后选择“ 兑换代码或礼品卡 ”。. 输入 25 个字符组成的代码,然后选择“ 兑换 ”。. 不必担心连字符,系统会为你自动处理。.
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
请求更换 Xbox 控制器 | Xbox Support
请求更换 Xbox 控制器. 如果您的Xbox配件出现功能问题需要更换,可以前往当地服务站点进行确认,或可以通过页面右上方“与我们联系”按钮和Xbox售后技术支持取得联系。.
购买设备时获取 Microsoft Complete 保护计划。. 所有 Microsoft 设备和配件具有标准的有限保修。. Microsoft Complete 提供硬件扩展和意外损坏服务。. 购买后,你还将获得 Microsoft 的无限技术支持。. 仅在所选市场中可用。. 有关 Microsoft Complete 的详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft ...
Move your files to a new Windows PC - Microsoft Support
You'll need: A OneDrive storage location. Internet access. Move files to a new Windows PC using an external storage device. You'll need: An external hard drive or network drive. Note: If you're moving from a Windows 7 PC rather than a Windows 10 PC, see Moving to a Windows 10 PC for info on how to bring your files with you.
All about the Xbox Accessories app | Xbox Support
To use the app on your console, make sure that your accessory is connected, and then: Press the Xbox button to open the guide. Go to Profile & system > Settings > Devices & connections > Accessories. When the Xbox Accessories app launches, select Configure under the accessory that you want to adjust. If you have more than one accessory attached ...
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
Sign in to SharePoint. SharePoint is a browser-based app that you connect to through your web browser, like so: Go to office.com, and sign in to your work or school account. In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher > All apps > SharePoint. Tip: If you don't see the SharePoint app under All apps, use the Search box near ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint
为你的 Xbox 设备获取服务 | Xbox Support
选择要维修的设备。. 按照屏幕上的步骤,完成服务订单请求。. 在设备服务人员收到提交的请求后,将发送服务订单编号和订单确认电子邮件,其中包含发运或收寄说明。. 重要事项 请尽快送出设备。. 如果在提出申请后的 30 天内没有发运,将取消服务订单 ...