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关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
不必担心,有了 MSN 体育应用,您可以随时了解比赛战况,查看比分、得分最高的球员、比赛剩余时间及更多内容! 您甚至可以让 Cortana 帮助您查找单场比赛比分或球队比赛日程等信息。
Xbox Support
Xbox Support 为 Xbox、Game Pass 和账单问题提供帮助。在 Xbox Support 社区中获取建议和客户服务。We are aware of an issue with the latest update to Minecraft on PC via the Xbox app. Check here for known game issues.
Change screen brightness in Windows - Microsoft Support
Select the Network icon on the right side of the taskbar, and then move the Brightness slider to adjust the brightness. (If the slider isn't there, see the Notes section below.) Some PCs can let Windows automatically adjust screen brightness based on the current lighting conditions. To find out if your PC supports this, select Settings > System ...
如何在 Xbox 上進行網路直播 | Xbox Support
直播您的遊戲. 按 [Xbox] 按鈕 開啟快顯功能表,然後移至 [擷取與分享]。. 選取 [網路直播],然後選擇提供者 (如有多個選項)。. 如果您想要變更您用於調整串流檢視器體驗的服務,請選擇或變更 [目的地]。. 選取 [立即即時播送]。. 如果遊戲已經在主機上執行,則 ...
Troubleshoot Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
When that happens, restart Game Bar to fix the problem: Close the game. In the search box on the Windows taskbar, type and then select Task Manager. Select More details. In the list of running processes, select the Broadcast bar server (bcastdvr.exe) process (if it's still there), and then select End task. Restart your game and try recording again.
Join a Teams for work or school meeting in Microsoft Teams (free)
Join on the Teams app. You can sign in with your Microsoft Teams (free) account and join a Teams for work school meeting. Step 1: In Teams, select Calendar on the leftmost side to view your meetings. Step 2: Choose the meeting you want to attend and select the meeting link or Join. Step 3: After the pre-join window opens, select Join now.
适用于: Microsoft Teams 个人版
Outage of service of Signing into Skype affecting Skype for Web in ...
Affected countries/regions: Africa, Asia, Australia / Pacific, Europe, North America / Central America / Caribbean, South America
Change spacing between paragraphs - Microsoft Support
Change spacing between paragraphs. Click Design, then Paragraph Spacing. Pick which spacing you want (the default is Open ), and notice your whole document will preview as you mouse over the different settings. If you don’t like those options, click Custom Paragraph Spacing and change the numbers under Paragraph Spacing.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013
在 Xbox One 或 Xbox.com 上兑换充值码时出现错误 XBOS3004
解决方案 2:更改你的 Xbox One 上的位置. 如果你在设置 Xbox One 后更改位置,则可以通过更改你的位置来兑换充值码。. 按 Xbox 按钮 打开导航页。. 选择“配置文件和系统”>“设置”>“系统”>“语言和位置”。. 选择“位置”,然后将其更改为你的新位置。. 选择 ...
帳戶及個人資料 | 變更或重設密碼 | Skype 支援
帳戶及個人資料 | 變更或重設密碼. 如何變更或重設我的 Skype 密碼?. 登入 您的帳戶。. 選取 [變更密碼] 連結。. 我們會引導您完成變更密碼的過程。. 忘記密碼時該怎麼辦?. 請前往密碼復原頁面重新設定。. 變更密碼.