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如何使用云游戏 | Xbox Support
如何使用云游戏. 注意 云游戏不支持本地多人游戏。. 目前,它一次仅支持一个玩家和一个帐户。. 云游戏需要 Game Pass Ultimate 或受支持的免费玩游戏服务。. 部分地区当前支持云游戏。. 有关支持云游戏的国家或地区列表,请参阅以下内容中的“云游戏(仅限 ...
关于 Xbox 上的 Ubisoft+ 的所有信息 | Xbox Support
https://www.ubisoft.com/help/article/000064103. 要在 Xbox 上激活订阅,需要将用于 Xbox 游戏的 Microsoft 帐户链接到购买 Ubisoft+ 所用的 Ubisoft 帐户。. 如果 Microsoft 帐户之前已链接到另一个 Ubisoft 帐户,则必须先在 Ubisoft 订阅帐户管理中取消链接。. 之后,必须重新链接购买 ...
获取 Windows 中的经典免费 Solitaire 游戏 - Microsoft 支持
玩免费游戏时遇到问题? 运行 应用疑难解答。 如果 Microsoft Store 无法打开, 请获取详细信息 来修复它。 在线 播放纸牌 获取 Microsoft 纸牌 需要更多帮助吗? 请联系支持人员 有关技术支持,请转到联系Microsoft 支持,输入问题并选择“获取帮助”。 如果仍然需要帮助,请选择“联系支持人员”以转 ...
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
Sign in to SharePoint. SharePoint is a browser-based app that you connect to through your web browser, like so: Go to office.com, and sign in to your work or school account. In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher > All apps > SharePoint. Tip: If you don't see the SharePoint app under All apps, use the Search box near ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint
Xbox 状态 | Xbox Support
如果您遇到 Xbox 服务、游戏或应用的问题,您可以在这里查看是否有任何服务中断,并获取解决方案。
Camera app shows error "0xA00F4244 NoCamerasAreAttached"
Select Close to acknowledge settings choices and go back to Device Manager.The webcam will now appear under the Cameras category in the Device Manager list.
Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app on your smart TV
A wired connection is ideal, but if you’re using a wireless network, use a 5 GHz network when connecting your devices wirelessly (you’re likely to get interference on a 2.4 GHz—this can affect audio and video quality). If you have a dual-band router, you may need to enable or separate the 5 GHz signal, then make sure your cloud gaming devices are all connected to this same signal.
在 Windows 中打开“控制面板” - Microsoft 支持
Windows 10. 在任务栏上“开始” 旁边的搜索框中,键入 “控制面板 ”。. 从结果列表中选择 “控制面板 ”。. 注意: 许多控制面板功能在 “设置” 中更简单、更快。. 打开设置. 订阅 RSS 源. 在 Windows 中打开“控制面板”.
Capture game clips and screenshots | Xbox Support
Win button + Alt+PrintScreen: Take a screenshot of your game. Win button + Alt + G: Record the last few moments of game play. Background recording can affect game performance. If you notice a difference in your game after changing the background recording setting, you might want to pick a shorter recording time.
Scan a document or picture - Microsoft Support
A scanner you've connected using a wired, wireless, or network connection. An app for scanning files, such as Windows Scan, available for free from Microsoft Store. The Windows Scan app can help you scan pictures or documents and save them to your PC as JPEG, bitmap, or PNG files. For more info, see Install and use a scanner in Windows.