使用 Microsoft 登录
Sync files with OneDrive in Windows - Microsoft Support
This article describes how to download the OneDrive sync app and sign in with your personal account, or work or school account, to get started syncing. If you use Microsoft 365 Apps for business, you can also sync files from your SharePoint sites.
适用于: OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Server 订阅版, SharePoint Server 2019, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Office 商业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365, 由世纪互联运营的 Office 365 - 管理员版, OneDrive (工作或学校), OneDrive (家庭或个人), 由世纪互联运营的 OneDrive (工作或学校), Windows 版 OneDrive, SharePoint 管理中心, Microsoft 365 小型企业版中的 SharePoint, 由世纪互联运营的 SharePoint
Troubleshoot Outlook for Windows issues - Microsoft Support
For information on emerging or known Outlook issues, go to Fixes or workarounds for recent issues in Outlook for PC. New Outlook Classic Outlook. Restart new Outlook. Right-click Start and select Task Manager. Select Microsoft Outlook, then End task. Check to make sure that new Outlook is closed, then close Task Manager.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013, 新的 Outlook for Windows
在 Windows 10 中查看安全模式和其他启动设置 - Microsoft 支持
安全模式是一项启动设置,可帮助你解决电脑上的问题。 下面是一些访问方法。 从“设置”中转到安全模式: 打开“恢复设置 ”。 若要手动打开设置,请选择“ 启动 > 设置 > 更新 & 安全 > 恢复 ”。 在“高级启动”下,选择“立即重启”。 电脑重启到 “选择选项” 屏幕后,选择“ 排查 > 高级选项” > “启动设置” > 重启 。 系统可能会要求输入 BitLocker 恢复密钥 。 电脑再次重启后,选择要使用的启动设置。 从 Windows 登录屏幕进入安全模式: 在 Windows 登录屏幕上,长按 Shift 键的同时依次选择“电源” >“重启”。 在电脑重启到“选择一个选项”屏幕后,依次选择“疑难解答”>“高级选项”>“启动设置”>“重启”。
Prevent unauthorized purchases on Xbox consoles | Xbox Support
Learn how to prevent unauthorized purchases on your Xbox by creating Microsoft accounts for every person who uses that console.
What external devices work with the Xbox Adaptive Controller?
The Xbox Adaptive Controller enables you to create a gaming configuration that works for you. The controller accepts two types of connections for external devices: 3.5mm and USB 2.0, including both digital inputs (like most buttons with two states, on and off) and analog inputs (like joysticks and trigger buttons which have a range of values).
Error 0x800704CF occurs while signing in, or when ... - Xbox Support
Solution 1: Check the Xbox status. Check the Xbox status page. If you see any services with alerts, expand the service, scroll down to Notifications, and sign in to receive a message when the service is up and running again. Xbox status page. Solution 2: Wait a while, then try again.
Check grammar, spelling, and more in Word - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Editor runs in Word for Microsoft 365 to analyze your document and offer suggestions for spelling, grammar, and stylistic issues, like making sentences more concise, choosing simpler words, or writing with more formality. To use Editor, on the Home tab choose Editor. Reviewing suggestions.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Word 2021, Word 2021 for Mac, Word 2019, Word 2019 for Mac, Word 2016
Use a screen reader to chat in Skype for Mac | Skype Support
In the Skype main window, press Option+1 to open recent chats. Press Shift+Tab until you hear "New chat," and press Return. A menu opens. Press the Down arrow key until you hear "New private conversation," and then press Return. The New Private Conversation dialog opens.
加入俱樂部 | Xbox Support
俱樂部是由 Xbox 社群所建立的線上聚會場所,讓志同道合的使用者一起暢玩多人遊戲並參與社交活動。 了解如何加入俱樂部,以便與其他玩家交談、玩遊戲、分享內容與加入其他玩家的派對。 全部摺疊. 加入俱樂部. 按 Xbox 按鈕 開啟快顯功能表,然後選取 [人員] > [俱樂部] > [探索俱樂部] > [探索所有俱樂部] 以查看您加入的俱樂部或瀏覽精選俱樂部。 您也可以選取 [尋找俱樂部] 來搜尋這些俱樂部。 或者,從 [首頁] 畫面選取 [朋友與社群更新] 磚,然後選取 [Xbox 上的俱樂部] > [尋找俱樂部] 以瀏覽或搜尋公開的俱樂部。 選擇俱樂部。 在 [歡迎] 之下,選取 [要求加入]。 系統會通知俱樂部的擁有者和系統管理員。
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