使用 Microsoft 登录
如何登录到 Hotmail - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Outlook.com 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的 帮助,然后输入查询。如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 Outlook.com 中联系我们,需要登录。 如果无法登录,请单击 此处。 若要获取其他有关 Microsoft 帐户和订阅的帮助,请访问 帐户 ...
适用于: Outlook.com
Download and install or reinstall Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office ...
Note: The steps to install the 2019, 2016, or 2013 versions of Office Professional Plus, Office Standard, or a stand-alone app such as Word or Project might be different if you got Microsoft 365 through one of the following: Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly known as Home Use Program): If you bought Microsoft 365 for personal use through your company, see Install Office through ...
适用于: Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
To sign out, go to Outlook.com. Select your account initials or account picture at the top corner of your Inbox. Select Sign out. Tips: If you don't see your picture at the top of screen, check to see if ad blocking is turned on. Sometimes this prevents the picture from showing. If you don't see see Profile or Account options, you can access ...
适用于: Outlook.com
Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport ...
查看此处以了解我们当前正在跟踪的已知游戏问题,并了解可以对其执行的操作。 有关于 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)的问题? 如需 Xbox 游戏常见问题的一般信息和解答,请参阅: Xbox 游戏常见问题解答. 需要记住的事项: 此游戏可能并非在所有区域设置中都可用。 可在 Microsoft Store 的游戏产品详细信息页,或游戏开发人员网站查找特定于此游戏的信息: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速) 有关 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)和 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)论坛和社区支持,请访问: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)论坛. 如果你已收到来自游戏的强制措施,请访问:
打开截图工具并获取屏幕截图 - Microsoft 支持
打开截图工具并获取屏幕截图. 按 Windows 徽标键 ‌+ Shift + S 。. 选择屏幕截图的区域时,桌面将变暗。. 默认情况下,选择“ 矩形模式 ”。. 可以通过在工具栏中选择以下选项之一来更改截图的形状:“矩形模式”、“窗口模式”、“全屏模式”和“任意格式 ...
了解 Windows 上的 Game Bar | Xbox Support
将最喜爱的内容固定到一个位置. 打开 Xbox Game Bar,各种游戏活动尽在掌控中。. 从小组件菜单中选择一项功能,它将作为小组件弹出。. 其中很多叠加项可以移动、调整大小或固定到你的屏幕。. 小组件菜单 (1)- 选择小组件菜单图标可打开活动列表以供选择 ...
Change your default search engine in Microsoft Edge
Choose your preferred search engine from the Search engine used in the address bar menu. To add a different search engine, perform a search in the address bar using that search engine (or a website that supports search, like a wiki site). Then go to Settings and more > Settings > Privacy, search, and services > Address bar and search.
Scan a document or picture - Microsoft Support
A scanner you've connected using a wired, wireless, or network connection. An app for scanning files, such as Windows Scan, available for free from Microsoft Store. The Windows Scan app can help you scan pictures or documents and save them to your PC as JPEG, bitmap, or PNG files. For more info, see Install and use a scanner in Windows.
Fix touchpad problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
Open Device Manager. Right-click the name of the device, then select Uninstall device. Select Uninstall and then restart your PC. Windows will attempt to reinstall the driver. If Windows doesn't find a new driver and reinstalling the driver doesn’t help, contact your PC’s manufacturer for help. Things to try to fix touchpad problems in ...
Activate Office - Microsoft Support
Try guided support. Select your version of Microsoft 365 below to learn how to activate Microsoft 365. Activate Microsoft 365 or a non-subscription version of Office. Activate Office that's pre-installed on a new Windows device. Activate an Office purchase or offer that's included on a new Windows device.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 专属 Access, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 专属 Publisher, Visio 计划 2, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Office 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Office 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Publisher 2016, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 家庭版, Office 商业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, 由世纪互联运营的 Microsoft Lync for iPhone 2013, Project for Office 365