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Earn points with Microsoft Rewards | Xbox Support
You can earn points by: Buying games and other items from the Microsoft Store. Learn more about shopping to earn points: Shop to earn points. Searching on Bing.com. Sign in and earn 5 points for every search. Engaging with special offers on new releases. Participating in daily and weekly quizzes on new releases.
管理 Xbox 的應用程式隱私權設定 | Xbox Support
在 web 上管理設定. 請採取以下步驟,管理應用程式隱私權設定以及從所有 Xbox 裝置所收集的資料:. 登入 Xbox.com。. 從畫面右上角選取您的玩家圖示。. 選取 [更多選項] (…),然後選取 [Xbox 設定]。. 選取 [隱私權和線上安全],然後自訂帳戶的隱私權設定。. 完成後 ...
Create a presentation in PowerPoint for the web - Microsoft Support
PowerPoint for the web Quick Start. Create a presentation in PowerPoint for the web. With PowerPoint for the web running in your web browser, you can: Create presentations that include images, videos, transitions, and animations. Get to your presentations from your computer, tablet, or phone. Share and work with others, wherever they are. Notes:
适用于: PowerPoint 网页版
Connect a Kinect sensor to an Xbox One S or Xbox One X console
Connect the adapter to the console. Insert the USB 3.0 cable into the left USB port labeled "Kinect" on the back of the console. Your Kinect sensor is now ready to be set up on your console. For best results, make sure your sensor and adapter aren’t sitting directly on top of your console. Select Profile & system > Settings > Devices & streaming.
如何在 OneDrive 中添加帐户 - Microsoft 支持
联系支持人员 有关 Microsoft 帐户和订阅的帮助,请访问 帐户和计费帮助。 如需技术支持,请转到联系 Microsoft 支持人员,输入问题并选择“获取帮助”。 如果仍然需要帮助,请选择“联系支持人员”以转至最佳支持选项。 管理员 管理员应查看 OneDrive 管理员帮助、OneDrive 技术社区 或联系 Microsoft 365 ...
适用于: OneDrive (工作或学校), OneDrive (家庭或个人), OneDrive for Mac, Windows 版 OneDrive
如何实现更改我的呼叫者标识设置? | Skype 支持
打开 Skype 应用。. 选择你的 个人资料图片 然后选择 设置. 选择 通话 然后选择 来电显示. 若要打开或关闭呼叫方 ID,请使用屏幕顶部的 切换。. 若要更改来电显示号码,请选择 添加数字. 如果要使用新的手机号码作为呼叫方标识:. 选择 添加数字. 在文本框中 ...
Skype Lite | Skype 支持
有关本文的详细信息。. Skype 对帮助使用机器翻译,将提供多种语言的支持文章。. 这些机器翻译的文章可能包含语法错误、错误句法或错误措辞,例如母语人士不会使用的措辞。. Skype 对由于错误翻译的内容或因客户使用此内容而导致的任何不准确、错误或损害 ...
Office Help & Training
加入 Office Insider Fast 计划即表示您同意服务或软件均以 “ 现状 ” 提供且不包含任何保证,此外,无论您的基础许可证如何规定,亦或您是否与 Microsoft 签订了单独的支持协议,Microsoft 均不会为上述服务或软件提供支持。 如果您提供反馈或建议,则意味着您允许 Microsoft 出于任何目的使用、复制 ...
Unlicensed Product and activation errors in Office
Tip: In Windows 7, you can synchronize your computer clock with an Internet time server to keep the computer clock up to date.To do this, select the date or time in the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, and then select Change date and time settings.Select the Internet Time tab, select Change settings, select Synchronize with an Internet time server, and then select Update now.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 专属 Access, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Project Online 桌面客户端, Microsoft 365 专属 Publisher, Visio 计划 2, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Access 2021, Project 专业版 2021, Project Standard 2021, Publisher 2021, Visio Professional 2021, Visio Standard 2021, Office 2021, OneNote 2021, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Access 2019, Project Professional 2019, Project Standard 2019, Publisher 2019, Visio Professional 2019, Visio Standard 2019, Office 2019, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016, Access 2016, OneNote 2016, Project 专业版 2016, Project Standard 2016, Publisher 2016, Visio 专业版 2016, Visio 标准版 2016, Office 2016, Microsoft 365 家庭版, Office 商业版, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, InfoPath 2013
Smart Delivery for Xbox FAQ | Xbox Support
Here's how to find out if a game you want to play supports Smart Delivery: Digital games: Look in the Microsoft Store for the Smart Delivery icon. Games on disc: Some game disc cases have the Smart Delivery icon on the front of the game case and “Smart Delivery” listed on the back. To see a complete list of Smart Delivery games, go to: