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在 Windows 中打开“控制面板” - Microsoft 支持
Windows 10. 在任务栏上“开始” 旁边的搜索框中,键入 “控制面板 ”。. 从结果列表中选择 “控制面板 ”。. 注意: 许多控制面板功能在 “设置” 中更简单、更快。. 打开设置. 订阅 RSS 源. 在 Windows 中打开“控制面板”.
取得新的佈景主題和桌面背景 - Microsoft 支援服務
在應用程式或應用程式中Windows 設定新的主題和桌面Microsoft Store。 選取開始 ,然後選取設定> 主題>選項。如果您想要下載具有桌面背景的新主題,包括可愛的小動物、令人歎為觀止的風景,以及其他令人驚豔的笑臉選項,請選擇預設主題,或選取從Microsoft Store取得更多主題。
Xbox Support
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Personalize your lock screen - Microsoft Support
Customize your lock screen status. Select Start > Settings . Select Personalization > Lock screen. Select the list for Lock screen status and select an app that can show detailed status on the lock screen. You can also select None if you don't want to see detailed status on the lock screen. Note: Lock screen status will be available when you ...
Xbox Accessibility Insider League FAQ | Xbox Support
Open the Microsoft Store app from your console or PC. Search for the Xbox Insider Hub, select the app from the list of results, and then select Get or Install. After the app finishes installing to your device, open the app, and then select Previews. Under Available, select Xbox Accessibility Insider League > Join.
These license terms are an agreement between you and Microsoft Corporation (or one of its affiliates). They apply to the software named above and any Microsoft services or software updates (except to the extent such services or updates are accompanied by new or additional terms, in which case those different terms apply prospectively and do not alter your or Microsoft’s rights relating to ...
Error 80154080 occurs when you try to make an Xbox Live purchase
Solution 4: Try your purchase again later. The purchase might be blocked because: Too many recent purchase attempts were declined. The Microsoft account or the payment option is being used from a suspicious location. The payment option you provided has a violation for non-payment that’s preventing it from being used for new purchases.
释放 Windows 中的驱动器空间 - Microsoft 支持
释放 Windows 中的驱动器空间. 如果电脑可用空间不足,你可能无法安装重要的 Windows 更新,并且电脑性能可能会受到影响。. 以下是一些释放空间的方法,释放空间后你的电脑可以进行更新并且运行顺畅。. 这些建议是有顺序的,所以请从第一条开始阅读,看看 ...
Compte et profil | Changer l’état de connexion | Assistance Skype
Bénéficiez de l'assistance Skype pour Changer l’état de connexion pour votre Skype pour iPhone et restez connecté avec vos proches où que vous voyez.
Wiadomości | Moji i emotikony | Pomoc techniczna w ...
Uzyskaj pomoc techniczną Skype w kategorii Moji i emotikony dotyczącą usługi Skype dla Androida i bądź w kontakcie ze znajomymi i rodziną, gdziekolwiek jesteś.