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关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
不必担心,有了 MSN 体育应用,您可以随时了解比赛战况,查看比分、得分最高的球员、比赛剩余时间及更多内容! 您甚至可以让 Cortana 帮助您查找单场比赛比分或球队比赛日程等信息。 您只需执行简单的几步操作,就能充分利用 MSN 体育应用的功能。 首先,确保您已连接到 Internet。 如果您是在移动设备上使用应用且不在 Wi-Fi 热点覆盖范围内,请确保您已允许设备使用手机网络服务。 接下来,请确保您已使用 Microsoft 帐户 登录,并且在想要共享信息的设备上使用的是同一 Microsoft 帐户。 如果您是首次使用此应用,可能会下载更新,部分功能的响应速度可能比预期要慢。 发送想法来改进此应用. 我们想要听听你的想法! 从应用内部发送你的想法、评论和其他反馈。
更改浏览器主页 - Microsoft 支持
Safari. 打开 Safari,依次选择“Safari”>“首选项”,然后选择“常规”。. 在“主页”字段中,输入网页地址。. 若要使用正在浏览的网页,请选择“设为当前页”。. 选择何时显示主页。. 在新窗口中打开主页:选择“新窗口打开方式”弹出菜单,然后选择“主页 ...
Set up the Microsoft Authenticator app as your verification method
Set up the Microsoft Authenticator app from the Security info page. Depending on your organization’s settings, you might be able to use an authentication app as one of your security info methods. You aren't required to use the Microsoft Authenticator app, and you can choose a different app during the set up process.
关于 Xbox Game Pass 移动版 | Xbox Support
. 订阅和计费. 关于 Xbox Game Pass 移动版. 查看可使用适用于移动设备的 Xbox Game Pass 进行的所有操作。 适用于 Android 设备的 Xbox Game Pass. 全部折叠. 可用功能. 当前提供 Xbox Game Pass 的任何位置都可以使用 Android 版 Xbox Game Pass 应用。 功能: 从 100 多种高质量游戏中选择并从云端游戏. 下载游戏到其他设备,例如个人电脑和主机. 有关 Cloud Gaming 的详细信息,请转到: 如何使用云游戏. 有关远程下载的详细信息,请转到: 远程安装和管理游戏. 通过以下位置将移动版 Xbox Game Pass 下载到 Android 设备上: Google Play 商店.
Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app for Windows
Home. . Games & apps. Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app for Windows. If you’re having problems installing or playing a game from the Xbox app on your PC or Windows device, try the following solutions. Solutions. Collapse all. Problems installing a game from the Xbox app. Run the Gaming Services Repair Tool.
使用 Xbox 玩云游戏 | Xbox Support
将 Xbox 触摸控件与云游戏或远程游戏配合使用. 为云游戏配置内容限制. 请确保使用最新的控制器进行云游戏. 通过云游戏和安装来玩 Xbox 主机游戏. 了解如何使用 Android、iOS 或 Windows 设备在 Xbox 上玩云游戏。
Change your app recommendation settings in Windows
Select Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & features . Next to Choose where to get apps, select one of the available options. To see recommendations, select Anywhere, but let me know if there's a comparable app in the Microsoft Store . To stop seeing app recommendations, select Anywhere.
Set up cloud gaming on a smart TV | Xbox Support
. Games & apps. Set up cloud gaming on a smart TV. Note Game Pass Ultimate is required for cloud gaming. If you’re interested in playing with cloud gaming on your Samsung smart TV, you can download the Xbox app and jump into your favorite Xbox game. Setup video instructions. For additional info and help with cloud gaming, visit:
App & browser control in Windows Security - Microsoft Support
App & browser control in Windows Security provides the settings for Microsoft Defender SmartScreen, which helps protect your device from potentially dangerous apps, files, websites, and downloads. The settings on the App & browser control page let you: Block unrecognized apps, files, malicious sites, downloads, and web content.
Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app on your smart TV
. Games & apps. Troubleshoot issues with the Xbox app on your smart TV. Cloud gaming is currently supported only in select areas. For a list of countries or regions that support cloud gaming, see the “Cloud gaming (Ultimate only)” section in: Xbox Supported Countries/Regions. Things to keep in mind.