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Microsoft Edge 中的 Internet Explorer 模式 - Microsoft 支持
大多数网站在新式浏览器上都能更好地工作。. 对 Internet Explorer 的支持已于 2022 年 6 月 15 日结束。. 建议仅在必要时才在Microsoft Edge中使用Internet Explorer模式。. 有关详细信息,请参阅 详细了解 Microsoft Edge 。. 要打开 Internet Explorer 模式,请按照下列步骤操作。. 在 ...
详细了解儿童模式Microsoft Edge - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft Edge. 儿童模式是专为孩子设计的Microsoft Edge便利浏览模式。. 借助适合儿童的功能和安全防护栏,儿童模式是儿童安全浏览 Web 的一个不错位置。. 儿童模式包括自定义浏览器主题、儿童友好内容、基于允许列表进行浏览、必应安全搜索设置为严格"和退出 ...
Microsoft.com 全球
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Family & online safety | Xbox Support
About the core family safety features of Xbox. Child account safety on Xbox. Secure an adult account or child account on Xbox. Manage what guests can see on your Xbox console. Set screen time limits for your Xbox family group. Manage web filtering for members in your Xbox family group. Photosensitive seizure warning.
Xbox의 콘텐츠에 대한 나이 제한 설정 | Xbox Support
Xbox 단추 를 눌러 가이드 메뉴를 연 다음, 프로필 및 시스템 > 설정 > 계정 > 가족 설정으로 이동합니다. 가족 구성원 관리를 선택한 다음 설정을 업데이트할 구성원을 선택합니다. 콘텐츠 액세스에서 원하는 연령 수준을 선택합니다. 참고 항목 기본적으로 멤버의 ...
Apply and customize SharePoint site templates - Microsoft Support
Start by creating a communication site or a team site . You can then make changes to the site's name, description, logo, privacy level, and site classification, as well as service limits and permissions for the site. Navigate to site Settings and select Apply a site template. Select a site template to display additional information.
适用于: Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint
帐户和个人资料 | 更改或重置密码 | Skype 支持
获取 Windows 10 版 Skype 的 Skype 更改或重置密码 支持,不论身在何处,都能与朋友和家人保持联系。 我忘记了 Skype 用户名或密码 我忘记了 Skype 密码如果你忘记了 Skype 密码,请立即重置密码。
通話 | Skype 同士の通話 | Skypeサポート
異なる国に通話を発信するときに、異なる番号を表示させることはできますか? はい。発信者番号認識用に複数の番号を登録してある場合は、発信先と同じ市外局番や国コードのSkype番号や携帯電話番号を選択できます。
Use Microsoft Translator in Microsoft Edge browser
Open a webpage in Microsoft Edge. The browser will detect the language of the page and a menu will appear asking you to confirm that you want to translate the page. In the Translate to dropdown, choose the language you want the page translated into. The default is the language you've set for Microsoft Edge. To translate the page, click Translate.
适用于: Microsoft Edge
Use section breaks to change the layout or formatting in one section of ...
Here are some formatting that can be applied parts of your document using section breaks: Change page orientation
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, Word 2013