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如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
代码的长度为 25 个字符,包括数字和字母,并且采用横竖 5 个字符的 5x5 格式。. 代码可以是你从 Microsoft 或受信任的零售商处购买的数字卡或物理卡。. 请注意,如果帐户的未结余额或付款选项不再有效,则无法激活或使用代码。. 有关详细信息,请参阅:. 在 ...
更改浏览器主页 - Microsoft 支持
Firefox. 打开 Firefox,然后选择“个人资料”图标旁边的三条水平线。 选择“选项”,然后选择“主页”图标。 在“新窗口和标签页”下,选择“主页和新窗口”旁边的下拉列表。 选择需要的选项:“Firefox 主页(默认)”、“自定义 URL”或“空白页”。 Safari. 打开 Safari,依次选择“Safari”>“首选项”,然后选择“常规”。 在“主页”字段中,输入网页地址。 若要使用正在浏览的网页,请选择“设为当前页”。 选择何时显示主页。 在新窗口中打开主页:选择“新窗口打开方式”弹出菜单,然后选择“主页”。 在新标签页中打开主页:选择“新标签页打开方式”弹出菜单,然后选择“主页”。
Fix sound or audio problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
1. Check your speaker output. 2. Run the audio troubleshooter. 3. Verify that all Windows Updates are installed. 4. Check your cables, plugs, jacks, volume, speaker, and headphone connections. 5. Check sound settings. 6. Fix your audio drivers. 7. Set your audio device as the default device. 8. Turn off audio enhancements. 9. Restart Audio Services
在 Microsoft Edge 中管理网站通知 - Microsoft 支持
若要在访问已订阅的网站时检查或管理通知,请按照以下步骤操作:. 选择地址栏左侧的“ 查看网站信息 ” 。. 在“ 此网站的权限 ”>“ 通知 ”下,从下拉菜单中选择“ 阻止 ”。. 注意: 你可以在将来重新订阅网站的通知,方法是返回到此菜单,然后选择 ...
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Why is the price of my subscription changing? | Xbox Support
The most likely reason the price for your Xbox Game Pass subscription is changing is that it’s renewing from a trial or promotional rate to a full rate. Sign in at account.microsoft.com to check the status of your subscription. Check subscription.
Getting your Xbox device serviced | Xbox Support
After you’ve registered your device, follow these steps: Sign in to the Device services site with your Microsoft account credentials. Select the device that you want repaired. Follow the onscreen steps to complete your service order request.
Purchases and payments | Skype Number | Skype Support
Get Skype Skype Number support for your Skype for Xbox One and stay connected with friends and family from wherever you are.
Protect yourself from phishing - Microsoft Support
Phishing (pronounced: fishing) is an attack that attempts to steal your money, or your identity, by getting you to reveal personal information -- such as credit card numbers, bank information, or passwords -- on websites that pretend to be legitimate.
Register or unregister your Xbox device | Xbox Support
You can either: Select your device, and then select the Register button, or. Select Register device at the top of the page. For both options, a Register device pop-up window opens. Enter your device’s serial number, check the privacy statement box, and then select Confirm. You’ll receive the message “Your device has been added.”.
Set up your handheld gaming device for cloud gaming
There are many networking factors that can affect your cloud gaming experience. For more info about known issues and fixes, plus additional help troubleshooting other cloud gaming issues, see: Troubleshoot cloud gaming issues on handheld gaming devices. How to start a party. To start a party when cloud gaming on a handheld gaming device: