使用 Microsoft 登录
Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport ...
如果你有有效订阅,则可以安装和玩 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)或 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速),或者你可以以折扣价购买该游戏。. 若要以 Xbox Game Pass 20% 的折扣购买 Forza 游戏,请访问游戏的应用商店页面。. 还可以 Xbox Game Pass 10% 的折扣购买加载项。. 可能 ...
如何兑换礼品卡和代码 | Xbox Support
了解如何在移动设备、Windows 设备或 Xbox 主机上兑换 Microsoft/Xbox 礼品卡或其他代码。按“开始”按钮 ,然后在“搜索”框中输入“商店”。 从结果中选择 Microsoft Store 以打开应用。选择屏幕右上角的帐户,然后选择 兑换充值码或礼品卡。输入由 25 个字符组成的代码,选择 下一步,然后按照提示操作。
捕获游戏剪辑和屏幕截图 | Xbox Support
如果您发现很酷的内容并且想要捕获它,请按 “Xbox” 按钮 打开指南,然后按 X按钮 录制最后 30 秒。. 若要抓取更长时间的延长内容(最多持续 2 分钟),请按“视图”按钮 ,然后选择持续时间。. 要捕获屏幕截图,请打开指南并按 Y按钮 \ uE3CC 而非 X 按钮 ...
计算两个时间之间的差值 - Microsoft 支持
可通过两种方法以标准时间格式 (小时显示结果:分钟:秒) 。. 使用减法运算符 ( -) 查找时间之间的差值,然后执行下列操作之一:. 通过执行以下操作,将自定义格式代码应用于单元格:. 选择相应的单元格。. 在“ 开始 ”选项卡上的“ 数字 ”组中,单击 ...
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Excel 2021, Excel 2019, Excel 2016, Excel 2013
Learn about Microsoft Rewards - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Rewards doesn’t ask for a commitment or fees. It's included in your Microsoft account. Make sure you’re logged in, head to the Rewards page, and start exploring. As your points rack up, so do your opportunities to get great rewards. We make it simple to track progress toward anything you’ve got your eye on, including gift cards ...
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Download and install apps - Microsoft Support
Select Install apps. Follow the instructions in the browser to download the installer and start your installation. Tip. As your apps are installing you might see the User Account Control prompt pop up and ask Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device? Select Yes. Close the installer window after it's finished.
Use Game Bar to capture game clips and screenshots on Windows
Record game clips and take screenshots. While you’re playing a game, press the Windows logo key + G to open Game Bar. Choose Widget Menu > Capture. Choose Start recording, Take screenshot, or Record last…. Record last… turns the most recent moments of play into a game clip when background recording is turned on.
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
All your favorite things in one place. When you open Game Bar, a variety of Xbox gaming activities are at your fingertips. Select a feature from the Widget Menu and it’ll pop up as a widget. Many of these can be moved, resized, or pinned to your screen. Widget menu (1) – Select the Widget menu icon to open a list of activities to choose from.
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
To sign out, go to Outlook.com. Select your account initials or account picture at the top corner of your Inbox. Select Sign out. Tips: If you don't see your picture at the top of screen, check to see if ad blocking is turned on. Sometimes this prevents the picture from showing. If you don't see see Profile or Account options, you can access ...
适用于: Outlook.com
在 Windows 上调整捕获设置 | Xbox Support
录制的音频设置. 在捕获游戏剪辑时,可以启用该选项以录制音频。. 你可以选择在录制游戏剪辑时是否还要录制系统和麦克风音频。. 可以通过从下拉菜单中选择比特率来调整录制的音频质量。. 可以通过移动滑块在录制时调整系统和麦克风音频级别。. 如果要将 ...