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Xbox 订阅取消和退款 | Xbox Support
了解有关 Xbox 订阅退款政策的详细信息. 你可以在首次购买后的 30 天内或第一个定期计费日期(以更快者为准)之前收到退款,具体方法是在部分中概述的步骤中取消订阅。. 正在取消订阅。. 此外,如果在付款后 30 天内取消订阅,则有权获得最近定期计费的 ...
获取 Windows 中的经典免费 Solitaire 游戏 - Microsoft 支持
获取 Windows 中的经典免费 Solitaire 游戏. Microsoft Store. 喜欢早期 Windows 版本中的免费 Solitaire 游戏吗?. 我们已将它们全部打包在一个便利的应用中,即 Microsoft Solitaire Collection。. 在 Microsoft Store 中的“Microsoft Solitaire Collection”页面上,选择“安装”。. 游戏将自动 ...
消息传递 | 多人会话 | Skype 支持
如何在桌面版 Skype 中管理群组聊天?. 在群组聊天中,选择 组名旁边的"管理群组"按钮以打开个人资料。. 从组配置文件中,可以:管理群组聊天 添加或更新组图片: 选择组照片以上传照片或删除照片。. 更改组名称: 选择组名称旁边的"编辑文本"按钮以键入新 ...
Track your PC's performance with Game Bar | Xbox Support
To use the Performance widget over your game, press Windows logo key + G to open Game Bar, then select Widget menu > Performance. Performance widget in Game Bar. The Performance widget shows your PC's resources while gaming, such as: CPU – Central Processing Unit. This indicates whether your system is keeping up with the needs of the game.
如何获得 Microsoft Rewards 积分 - Microsoft 支持
以下是获取 Microsoft Rewards 积分的一些方法: 使用 必应 *搜索。 通过 Windows 10/11 设备上任务栏上的搜索框搜索 Web。 从移动设备、Xbox One、Windows 10/11 或 Windows 8.1 设备上的 Microsoft Store 应用中或通过 Web) 从 Microsoft Store 在线商店 (购买内容。 有关详细信息,请参阅 购买和赚取 Microsoft Rewards 积分 。 浏览 “赚取”页 和 积分细分 页。 赚取积分的机会,如参加测验或玩琐事游戏,每天都会更新,所以经常检查! 在 Xbox One 上玩所选游戏或完成所选任务。 启动 Rewards 应用以开始使用。
适用于: Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Open the Camera in Windows - Microsoft Support
Open Camera. Looking for other camera info? Having trouble using your camera? See Camera doesn't work in Windows. Need to allow or block an app from using your camera? See Turn on app permissions for your camera in Windows. How to open the Camera app in Windows.
Error 800701e7 occurs when you try to update your Xbox One console
To resolve this problem, use the Xbox One System Update Solution:
Change the display of chart axes - Microsoft Support
Click anywhere in the chart for which you want to display or hide axes. This displays the Chart Tools, adding the Design, and Format tabs. On the Design tab, click the down arrow next to Add chart elements, and then hover over Axes in the fly-out menu . Click the type of axis that you want to display or hide.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 PowerPoint, Excel 2021, Word 2021, Outlook 2021, PowerPoint 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Word 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Word 2019, Outlook 2019, PowerPoint 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Word 2019 for Mac, PowerPoint 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Word 2016, Outlook 2016, PowerPoint 2016
Xbox All Access FAQ | Xbox Support
As part of your upgrade process, if you purchase an Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S with Xbox All Access before meeting the minimum payment requirement (18 full payments, unless you purchased an Xbox One X with Xbox All Access before December 31, 2019) on your original Xbox All Access purchase, you’ll need to make payments for both the original Xbox All Access purchase and your new Xbox All ...
Hvordan tilpasser jeg bakgrunnen for Skype videosamtaler?
Hvordan gjør jeg bakgrunnen uskarp eller tilpasser under en videosamtale i Skype for Windows, Mac, Linux og Web? Under en samtale velger du pilen ved siden av videoknappen eller velger Mer-menyen. Velg Velg bakgrunn på skrivebordet eller Gjør bakgrunnen uskarp på weben. Du kan gjøre rommet du er i, uskarpt for øyeblikket.