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在 Excel 中加载分析工具库 - Microsoft 支持
注意: 若要为分析工具库包括 Visual Basic for Application (VBA) 函数,可以像加载分析工具库一样加载分析工具库 - VBA 加载项。 在“ 可用加载宏 ”框中,选中“ 分析工具库 - VBA ”复选框。
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 2021, Excel 2021 for Mac, Excel 2019, Excel 2019 for Mac, Excel 2016, Excel 2013
Excel 中的“分析数据” - Microsoft 支持
Excel 中的“分析数据”功能可用于通过高级视觉摘要、趋势和模式理解数据。 只需单击数据区域中的单元格,然后单击“开始”选项卡上的“分析数据”按钮即可完成操作。 Excel 中的“分析数据”功能将分析数据,并在任务窗格中返回与其相关的有趣的视觉对象。
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Excel, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Excel, Excel 网页版
解决 Windows 中的蓝屏错误 - Microsoft 支持
如果某个严重问题导致 Windows 意外关闭或重启,则会出现蓝屏错误(有时也称为黑屏错误或终止代码错误)。 你可能会看到一条消息,指出“Windows 已关闭,以防止损坏你的计算机”或类似消息。 这些错误可能是由硬件和软件问题导致的。 如果你在蓝屏错误发生之前向电脑添加了新硬件,请关闭电脑、删除硬件并尝试重启。 如果你在重启时遇到问题,则可以在安全模式下启动你的电脑。 有关详细信息,请参阅 在 Windows 中以安全模式启动电脑 。 你还可以尝试通过 Windows 更新获取最新更新、从其他来源获取帮助或将 Windows 还原到以前的时间点。 如果这些步骤都无法解决蓝屏错误,请尝试“获取帮助”应用中的“蓝屏疑难解答”: 在 Windows 中,打开 “获取帮助 ”。
Adjust capture settings on Windows | Xbox Support
To change your capture settings, press the Start button , and then select Settings > Gaming > Captures. The following sections cover the capture settings you can adjust. Location for saving captures. Near the top of the Captures screen, you’ll see a section displaying the folder location where screenshots and game clips are automatically stored.
Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport ...
查看此处以了解我们当前正在跟踪的已知游戏问题,并了解可以对其执行的操作。 有关于 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)和 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)的问题? 如需 Xbox 游戏常见问题的一般信息和解答,请参阅: Xbox 游戏常见问题解答. 需要记住的事项: 此游戏可能并非在所有区域设置中都可用。 可在 Microsoft Store 的游戏产品详细信息页,或游戏开发人员网站查找特定于此游戏的信息: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速) 有关 Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)和 Forza Horizon(极限竞速地平线)论坛和社区支持,请访问: Forza Motorsport(极限竞速)论坛. 如果你已收到来自游戏的强制措施,请访问:
Cloud gaming with Xbox | Xbox Support
Make sure your controller is up to date for cloud gaming. Playing an Xbox console game with cloud gaming versus installing it. Cloud gaming on third-party services. Learn about cloud gaming on Xbox using your Android, iOS, or Windows device.
How to sign in to Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Tips: While signing in, select Yes at the "Stay signed in?" prompt if you want to go straight to your mailbox next time (not recommended for shared computers). Alternatively, check the "Don't show this again" box and select No to be prompted for your password each time.. If you can't sign in, or have forgotten your username or password, use our sign-in troubleshooter.
适用于: Outlook.com
Use Game Bar to capture game clips and screenshots on Windows
Record game clips and take screenshots. While you’re playing a game, press the Windows logo key + G to open Game Bar. Choose Widget Menu > Capture. Choose Start recording, Take screenshot, or Record last…. Record last… turns the most recent moments of play into a game clip when background recording is turned on.
How to sign in to or out of Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
To sign out, go to Outlook.com. Select your account initials or account picture at the top corner of your Inbox. Select Sign out. Tips: If you don't see your picture at the top of screen, check to see if ad blocking is turned on. Sometimes this prevents the picture from showing. If you don't see see Profile or Account options, you can access ...
适用于: Outlook.com
Get to know Game Bar on Windows | Xbox Support
All your favorite things in one place. When you open Game Bar, a variety of Xbox gaming activities are at your fingertips. Select a feature from the Widget Menu and it’ll pop up as a widget. Many of these can be moved, resized, or pinned to your screen. Widget menu (1) – Select the Widget menu icon to open a list of activities to choose from.