How to sign in to or out of - Microsoft Support
Learn how to sign in or out of your, Hotmail, Live, or MSN email account with Microsoft Support's step-by-step guide.
在 Windows 中配对蓝牙设备 - Microsoft 支持
如果在安装打印机或扫描仪时遇到问题,请参阅修复打印机问题或在 Windows 中安装和使用扫描仪。 使用“迅速配对”配对蓝牙设备 Windows 11中的 Swift Pair 允许你快速将受支持的蓝牙设备与电脑配对。 如果蓝牙设备支持“迅速配对”,那么当此蓝牙设备在你附近时,你将收到通知;只需切换到配对 ...
Welcome to Copilot in Word - Microsoft Support
Whether you're creating a new document or working on an existing one, Copilot can help you move forward. In a new, blank document or upon creating new line in an existing document, the Draft with Copilot experience appears.. The description you provide can be a simple sentence or a more complex request with outlines, notes, or referenced files that you want Copilot to use.
Microsoft 365 专属 Word, Microsoft 365 Mac 版专属 Word, Word 网页版, Word for iPad
使用截图工具捕获截图 - Microsoft 支持
若要捕获视频截图,请打开“截图工具”,选择“ 录制 ”按钮,然后选择“ 新建录制”,或按 Windows 徽标键 + Shift + R。选择要录制的屏幕区域,然后选择“ 开始”。完成后,选择“ 停止”。此时,可以按原样保存录制内容,或在 Clipchamp 视频编辑器中选择“在 Clipchamp 中编辑 ”以使用录制内容。
How to sign in to Hotmail - Microsoft Support
Tips: While signing in, select Yes at the "Stay signed in?" prompt if you want to go straight to your mailbox next time (not recommended for shared computers). Alternatively, check the "Don't show this again" box and select No to be prompted for your password each time.. If you can't sign in, or have forgotten your username or password, use our sign-in troubleshooter.
Using Microsoft Copilot in Edge at work - Microsoft Support
Note: To learn about the terms like ‘prompt’, ‘responses’, ‘recent conversation history’, ‘grounding’, ‘page information’, ‘page context’ and so on used throughout this article, please refer to the glossary of terms on this page.
Office Help & Training
Open and use a shared mailbox in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Find the shared mailbox in the folder pane. In the folder pane on the left, locate the Shared with me folder. Click the folder to expand it. Your shared mailbox is a subfolder under Shared with me.When you select the name of the shared mailbox there, it will expand to show the standard email folders, such as Inbox, Drafts, and Sent Items.. Send mail from the shared mailbox
Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Office 365 小型企业版, Microsoft 365 管理员, Outlook 网页版, 新的 Outlook for Windows
重置忘记的 Microsoft 帐户密码 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何重置更改 Microsoft 帐户密码。 获取有关忘记 Microsoft 帐户密码的帮助。 重要: 如果看不到用于在何处发送代码的选项,或者你不再有权访问显示的任何验证选项,请使用此登录帮助程序工具。 如果无法识别任何验证电子邮件或电话选项,请使用此登录帮助程序工具。
Microsoft 帐户仪表板
Office Help & Training