使用 Microsoft 登录
Scaricare e installare l'app Microsoft Authenticator
Configurare l'app Authenticator. Dopo aver installato l'app Authenticator, segui i passaggi seguenti per aggiungere il tuo account: Aprire l'app Authenticator. Selezionare (+) nell'angolo in alto a destra. Punta la fotocamera sul codice a matrice o segui le istruzioni fornite nelle impostazioni del tuo account.
Download and install the Microsoft Authenticator app
Set up the Authenticator app. After you install the Authenticator app, follow the steps below to add your account: Open the Authenticator app. Select (+) in the upper right corner. Point your camera at the QR code or follow the instructions provided in your account settings. After your account appears in your Authenticator app, you can use the ...
关闭必应主页图像或视频 - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft必应主页上同时具有静止图像和视频背景。 如果这会分散注意力,你可以将其关闭。 必应记住你的选择。 关闭主页图像和视频 选择 “设置和快速链接”,然后关闭 “显示主页图像”。 不自动播放视频
Get help with Windows Photos app - Microsoft Support
Get help with Windows Photos app. Windows 11 Windows 10. The Windows Photos app is a built-in application for Windows operating systems that allows users to view, organize, edit, and share their photos and videos. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, it serves as a versatile tool for managing digital media on Windows ...
如何使用必应位置 - Microsoft 支持
如何与用户共享必应 如果以前未允许或阻止来自 必应 的位置请求,则会看到要求提供位置的提示。 如果允许必应此信息,浏览器的位置将共享,从而获得更准确的本地搜索结果。 如何在 必应 搜索本地内容而不包含位置时,必应显示它正在检测的当前位置。
Turn on app permissions for your microphone in Windows 10
Once you've allowed microphone access to your apps, you can change the settings for each app. In Microphone settings, go to Choose which Microsoft apps can access your microphone, and turn on apps you want to use with it.For desktop apps, make sure that Allow desktop apps to access your microphone is turned on.
Use To Do app to manage Tasks in Outlook - Microsoft Support
Make the To Do app your preferred tasks management experience. You now have the option to specify your preferred experience for managing tasks in Outlook for Windows. There are a few different ways to configure this option. Navigate to File > Options > Tasks, then select Open tasks in the To Do app.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Outlook, 新的 Outlook for Windows
Remove Or Uninstall the Microsoft Family Safety app
Sign out from your child’s account in the Family Safety app (tap on the app’s menu button > your child’s name > Sign out). Depending on your child’s age, organizer approval to sign out may be required (Remove members or leave your family group).
如何报告问题或联系必应 - Microsoft 支持
重要: 必应网站发布的内容或显示在搜索结果必应的内容。要确保从搜索结果中删除内容,最佳选择是联系发布内容的网站管理员,并请求删除或删除内容。 即使必应从搜索结果中删除 URL,它仍将存在,并且可以通过直接访问 Web 地址来发现,直到网站管理员从其网站中删除内容。
Manage photos and videos with Windows Photos app
Select Settings, and under the About section, select About Photos. Photos: Says Updated in the About section of Settings—you are running the new version of the Photos app.This version includes features like iCloud integration in left navigation bar. This version of Windows Photos app offers a convenient and user-friendly way to view, import, organize, edit, and share photos and videos on ...