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Get apps from Microsoft Store on your Windows PC
Here's how to download apps and games so you can get up and running right away. Open Microsoft Store. To get a game or app from Microsoft Store: To see more of any category, select Show all at the end of the row. Select the app or game you'd like to download, and then select Get.
解决游戏或应用下载缓慢的问题 | Xbox Support
解决方案 1:检查下载速度. 滚动到“安装…”< 要下载的游戏名称 >。. 转到“我的游戏和应用”>“管理”>“队列”,并记下显示的正在安装游戏或应用的下载速度。. 这表示当前的下载速度。. 如果看到速度缓慢(例如,每秒小于 1 兆位),则可能需要很长时间 ...
Create a Power App for a list - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Power Apps provides a rapid application development environment to build custom apps for your business needs. The custom apps can connect to your business data stored either in the underlying data platform (Microsoft Dataverse) or in various online and on-premises data sources. These apps have a responsive design and can run seamlessly in a browser or on mobile devices (phone or tablet).
适用于: Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Microsoft Lists
将非 Microsoft 帐户添加到Microsoft Authenticator应用
如果你有非 Microsoft 帐户(例如 Google、Facebook 或 GitHub帐户),则可以将其添加到Microsoft Authenticator应用以进行双重验证。. Authenticator应用适用于使用双重验证的任何应用,以及支持基于时间的一次性密码 (TOTP) 标准的任何帐户。. 重要: 在添加帐户之前,必须下载 ...
Aggiungi un'app da eseguire automaticamente all'avvio in Windows 10
Aggiungi un'app da eseguire automaticamente all'avvio in Windows 10. Seleziona il pulsante Start e scorri per trovare l'app da eseguire all'avvio. Fai clic con il pulsante destro del mouse sull'app, seleziona Altro e quindi Apri percorso file. Verrà visualizzata la posizione in cui è salvato il collegamento all'app. Se l'opzione Apri percorso ...
Use the web version of Outlook like a desktop app
Use Outlook in the new Microsoft Edge. In Microsoft Edge, sign in to your Outlook on the web or Outlook.com account. Select Settings and more at the top of the window. Select Apps > Install this site as an app.
适用于: 适用于 Office 365 的 Outlook Web App, 适用于 Office 365 小型企业版的 Outlook Web App, Outlook 网页版, Outlook.com, 适用于 Exchange Server 2019 的 Outlook 网页版
Suchen von App-Einstellungen in Windows 10 - Microsoft-Support
Suchen von App-Einstellungen in Windows 10. Die meisten Apps verfügen über eigene Einstellungen. Suchen Sie in der App nach einem Zahnradsymbol . Hinweis: Bei einigen apps müssen Sie das Symbol " mehr " auswählen, bevor Sie das Symbol " Einstellungen " auswählen . Suchen Sie nach dem Zahnradsymbol in der App für die Einstellungen.
如何在 Xbox 主机上安装游戏和应用 | Xbox Support
从 Microsoft Store 或 Xbox Game Pass 安装游戏和应用. 您的主机设置为家庭主机。. 主机已开机或电源模式设置为 “睡眠”。. 您的主机已连接到 Xbox 网络。. 有足够的存储空间用于安装。. 当游戏正在下载和安装时,你可以选择“查看安装进度”,转到“管理队列 ...
Microsoft 支持
Microsoft 支持可帮助你处理 Microsoft 产品的问题。 查找有关 Microsoft Copilot、Microsoft 365、Windows、Surface 等操作方法的文章、视频和培训。 了解 Microsoft Copilot 在每天使用的应用中使用 AI 助手实现可以想象的任何内容。
Manage app passwords for two-step verification - Microsoft Support
To create app passwords using the Office 365 portal. Sign in to your work or school account, go to the My Account page, and select Security info. Select Add method, choose App password from the list, and then select Add. Enter a name for the app password, and then select Next. Copy the password from the App password page, and then select Done.