使用 Mac 连接 Xbox 控制台
了解如何使用 Mac 计算机而不是路由器连接到 Xbox 主机。如果要连接到 Xbox 主机但没有路由器,则可以通过 Mac 计算机进行连接。如果 Mac 连接到 Internet 并且安装了 AirPort Card,则可与主机共享其 Internet 连接。
Get started with Project Web App - Microsoft Support
Site administrators are the people who configure the Project Web App settings. They are responsible for setting up a wide variety of options in Project Web App, including things like users, time reporting periods, and custom fields. A good starting point for site administrators is the Project Web App Settings page.
适用于: Project Server 2013, Project Online
Fehlermeldungen beim Synchronisieren von gespeicherten Xbox-Spieldaten ...
Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Cloud-Speicherfehler beheben können, die beim Synchronisieren von gespeicherten Xbox-Spieldaten auftreten.
Update an app in Microsoft Teams - Microsoft Support
Select Update for the app that you want to update. The app details page for that app will open. You can review the Permissions tab to see the new list of required permissions. Select Update now to agree to the new permissions and update the app. From a personal app. Select your personal app on the left side of Teams.
适用于: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams 教育版, Microsoft Teams 小型企业版
Getting started in Outlook Web App - Microsoft Support
After your Inbox, the calendar is probably where you’ll spend the most time when using Outlook Web App. For more information about calendars in Outlook Web App, go to Calendar in Outlook Web App. Create a new event by selecting New event. An event can be an appointment, a meeting, or an all-day event.
适用于: 适用于 Office 365 的 Outlook Web App, Outlook Web App
Conditions de remboursement d’achat de jeu numérique | Xbox Support
Ces conditions de remboursement d’achat de jeu numérique couvrent uniquement les offres de jeux numériques du Microsoft Store, les applis Xbox (à l’exclusion des applis de films et TV), les offres groupées de jeux numériques et les offres de jeux numériques durables et consommables, telles que abonnements aux jeux, les devises virtuelles et les microtransactions, qu’elles soient ...
How to use the Camera app - Microsoft Support
Note: To keep the Camera app from using the camera, turn off the camera completely. Drag the app to the bottom of the screen and hold it there until the app flips over. If you have problems with the Camera app after changing privacy settings, close it and re-open it.
Add an app to a site - Microsoft Support
To see only apps that your organization has added, select From my organization on the left under Filter.Conversely, to see only apps available in the SharePoint Store, select From SharePoint Store on the left.. Find the app you want to add either by scrolling through available apps or by searching for a specific app in the search box at the top, and then select Explore Pricing Details.
适用于: SharePoint Server 2016, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Microsoft 365 小型企业版中的 SharePoint
How to install the free Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner and then ...
How to install the free Windows Live OneCare Safety Scanner and then scan your computer in Safe Mode
문서 또는 사진 스캔 - Microsoft 지원
한국마이크로소프트(유) 대표이사: 조원우 주소: (우)110-150 서울 종로구 종로1길 50 더 케이트윈타워 A동 12층 전화번호: 02-531-4500, 메일: ms-korea@microsoft.com 사업자등록번호: 120-81-05948 사업자정보확인 호스팅서비스 제공자: Microsoft Corporation