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Decidere se creare una web app di Access o un database desktop
Utilizzare una web app di Access se: Utilizzare un database desktop se: Le proprie esigenze di reporting sono semplici, o non si hanno problemi con l';utilizzo di un database desktop per collegarsi ai dati nella web app di Access per i report più complessi. Si vuole poter controllare completamente l'aspetto dell'esperienza utente del database.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Access, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Create an Access app - Microsoft Support
Note: If you have an Access 2010 web database, you can edit it in Access 2013 or later, but you can’t update it to an Access web app. Instead, create a new custom web app and import the tables from the Access 2010 web database. Default views will be created automatically, and you can add your own custom views.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Access, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016, Access 2013
Decide whether to create a desktop database or an Access web app
Use an Access web app if: Use a desktop database if: People inside and outside of your organization need to access data from any location and from many different devices. Everyone can connect to the computer on which the Access database is stored and will most likely use the database from a networked desktop or laptop computer.
适用于: Microsoft 365 专属 Access, Access 2021, Access 2019, Access 2016
Opciones > Versión de Outlook Web App - Soporte técnico de Microsoft
Vaya a Opciones, en la esquina superior, y seleccione Versión de Outlook Web App en el panel de navegación. Desactive la casilla Usar la versión abreviada de Outlook Web App. Seleccione Guardar. Cierre sesión en la versión abreviada, cierre el explorador y vuelva a iniciar sesión usando un explorador compatible. Es posible que tenga que ...
适用于: Outlook Web App 简易版, Outlook Web App
Trouble installing the Skype for Business Web App?
Skype for Business Web App is not supported in this environment. To use Skype for Business Web App, launch your browser as a standard user. Top of Page. Firewall warning when joining a meeting from Skype for Business Web App. In the Windows Firewall security alert, it’s OK to select Cancel if you don’t have administrator privileges on your ...
适用于: Lync Web App, Skype for Business Web 应用
Outlook Web App > Options - Microsoft Support
Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016 Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019 Outlook Web App More... Less. This article is for Outlook Web App, which is used by organizations that manage email servers running Exchange Server 2013 or 2010. If you're using Microsoft 365, or Exchange Server 2016 or 2019, your email program is Outlook on ...
适用于: 适用于 Exchange Server 2016 的 Outlook 网页版, 适用于 Exchange Server 2019 的 Outlook 网页版, Outlook Web App
安裝商務用 Skype Web App 外掛程式時發生問題嗎?
商務用 Skype Web App 外掛程式是在 Skype 會議中進行音訊、視訊和螢幕共用時所必需。如果您已加入會議,卻無法連線到 Skype 通話,或是看不到會議內容,不妨先試試基本的疑難排解步驟,必要時再檢閱常見問題與錯誤清單。 基本的外掛程式安裝疑難排解
适用于: Lync Web App, Skype for Business Web 应用
Open a Project Online project in Project desktop - Microsoft Support
You can open projects from Project Web App for viewing or editing in Project Professional. To do this, click Projects on the Quick Launch, and then click once in a project row to select it. On the Projects tab, in the Project group, click Open, and then click In Microsoft Project if you want to open it read-only, for viewing, or click In Microsoft Project for Editing if you want to make ...
适用于: Project Server 2016, Project Professional 2013, Project Server 2013, Project Online
Add an existing SharePoint task list to Project Web App
In Project Web App, click Create or import projects on the Get Started with Project Web App Web Part. On the Create a new Project page, click Add existing SharePoint sites to Project Web App . On the Add SharePoint Sites to Project Web App dialog box, select the check box next to the site that contains the task list you want to include in ...
适用于: Project Server 2016, Project Server 2013, Project Online
Vypnutí filtrování ActiveX pro Web App Skypu pro firmy
Pokud chcete vypnout filtrování ovládacích prvků ActiveX v Internet Exploreru, přejděte na Nástroje > Zabezpečení > Filtrování ActiveX. V aplikaci Skype pro firmy online Web App jsou pro zvuk, video a sdílení obrazovky nutné ovládací prvky ActiveX (malé moduly ...
适用于: Lync Web App, Skype for Business Web 应用