Hilfe zur Kontakte-App - Microsoft-Support
Kontakte auf der Taskleiste. Mit Kontakten auf der Taskleiste können Sie die Personen, mit denen Sie am häufigsten sprechen, direkt über die Taskleiste auf Ihrem Windows 10-Gerät erreichen. Wenn Sie Ihre am häufigsten verwendeten Kontakte an die Taskleiste anheften, können Sie diesen mit nur wenigen Mausklicks eine E-Mail senden, sie anrufen oder Nachrichten auf Skype senden.
Windows 的语言包 - Microsoft 支持
使用此页面上的链接。 你可以使用下面的链接从 Microsoft 下载中心下载语言界面包 (LIP)。 LIP 可安装在任意版本的 Windows 上,但只提供最常用对话框、菜单项和帮助内容的翻译版本。 若要安装 LIP,将需要在你的电脑上安装必需的母语。
Get started with Project Web App - Microsoft Support
This section suggests starting points based on typical roles for working on a project: project managers, team members, portfolio managers, and site administrators. Project managers. In Project Web App, project managers are the people who create and maintain projects and tasks, assign resources to tasks, and track task work and status.
Project Server 2013, Project Online
Einrichten von E-Mail in der Mail-App - Microsoft-Support
Klicken Sie oben in Schritt 2 im Fenster Konto auswählen auf die Option Erweitertes Setup.Erweitertes Setup ist die letzte Option in der Liste, und möglicherweise müssen Sie scrollen, damit sie angezeigt wird.. Sie können ein Exchange ActiveSync-Konto oder ein Internet E-Mail-Konto auswählen.Wenn Sie von Ihrem Administrator nicht die Anweisung erhalten haben, Exchange ActiveSync zu ...
Windows 10 版邮件, Windows 10 版 Outlook 邮件
更改网站的标题、说明、徽标和网站信息设置 - Microsoft 支持
将成员添加到组 以将成员添加到与您的网站关联的 Microsoft 365 组 (首选方法) 。做出此选择后,将显示网站的组成员身份。 选择“添加成员”,输入姓名或电子邮件地址,然后选择“保存”。 默认情况下,添加到 Microsoft 365 组的成员将添加到 SharePoint 网站成员权限组,并且可以编辑网站。
SharePoint Server 订阅版, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, SharePoint Server 2013 企业版, Microsoft 365 中的 SharePoint, Office 商业版, SharePoint Server 2010, SharePoint 管理中心
Installing the Windows 365 app - Microsoft Support
You can pin any of your Cloud PCs to the Windows taskbar so you can access them directly, without having to open the Windows 365 app first. Here's how: Launch the Windows 365 app. Select Start > All apps > Windows 365, or select Search , enter windows 365, and select the Windows 365 app from the list of results.
How to use the PC Health Check app - Microsoft Support
PC Health Check app brings you up to date info on your Windows device health, helping you take action to improve your device performance and troubleshoot performance problems. It is periodically updated based on customer feedback to help you make the most of your Windows PC. How to open PC Health Check ...
How to get and use app passwords - Microsoft Support
After you turn on two-step verification or set up the Authenticator app, you may run into issues if you use older devices (like Xbox 360 or a mail-sending security camera) that don't support two-step verification. For those devices, you can sign in with an app password instead. An app password is a long, randomly generated password that you provide only once instead of your regular password ...
Microsoft Edge 中的 Internet Explorer 模式 - Microsoft 支持
如果你需要查看其中的某个网站,可使用 Microsoft Edge 中的 Internet Explorer 模式。 大多数网站在新式浏览器上都能更好地工作。 对 Internet Explorer 的支持已于 2022 年 6 月 15 日结束。 建议仅在必要时才在Microsoft Edge中使用Internet Explorer模式。
People app help - Microsoft Support
So when you email a contact from Mail, the app picks up that person's email address from the People app (which is where their contact info lives). Note: The People app for Windows 8/8.1 no longer supports integration with Facebook and Sina Weibo networks due to changes in the connection software from both services.