Uw app-aanbevelingsinstellingen wijzigen in Windows
Als u geen aanbevelingen voor apps meer wilt zien, selecteert u Alle apps toestaan of App-aanbevelingen uitschakelen (opties variëren per Windows-versie). RSS-FEEDS ABONNEREN. Meer hulp nodig? Meer opties? Ontdekken Community. Verken abonnementsvoordelen, blader door trainingscursussen, leer hoe u uw apparaat kunt beveiligen en meer.
Optimize the Outlook mobile app for your iOS or Android phone
Updating the Outlook app to the latest version means you get all the bug fixes, security updates, and new features you need to be productive. You can update the Outlook mobile app from your device's app store. On Android. Open the Play Store on your Android device. Search for Microsoft Outlook.
适用于: Outlook for iOS
All about the Xbox Accessories app | Xbox Support
To ensure compatibility with all controllers, make sure that your Windows device is up to date and that you're using the latest version of the Xbox Accessories app. The Xbox Accessories app does not support the Xbox 360 controller or non-Xbox devices. Most app features aren't supported via Bluetooth connections.
Manage app permissions for your camera in Windows
Some apps take photos or videos with the Camera app. This means that the app will not appear in the list and its access to the camera is determined by the camera access setting for the Camera app. The Camera app won’t capture and send any images to the app that opened it unless you explicitly select the capture button in the Camera app.
Create app passwords from the Security info (preview) page - Microsoft ...
If you don't see App passwords as an option, they're not available in your organization. When using app passwords, remember that: App passwords are auto-generated, and should be created and entered once per app. There's a limit of 40 passwords per user. If you try to create one after that limit, you need to delete an existing password before ...
Use the OneDrive mobile app - Microsoft Support
The mobile app lets you: Open your files in Word, Excel, or PowerPoint to edit them. Share, delete, move, or rename files. Save files offline so you can view or edit when you're not connected to the internet. Create new files and folders, take photos or videos, and upload new files.
适用于: SharePoint Server 订阅版, SharePoint Server 2019, SharePoint Server 2016, OneDrive (工作或学校), OneDrive (家庭或个人), OneDrive for Mac, Windows 版 OneDrive
スマート アプリ コントロールとは - Microsoft サポート
Smart App Control は、悪意のあるアプリや信頼されていないアプリをブロックすることで、新しい脅威や新たな脅威からの大幅な保護を追加します。 スマート アプリ コントロールは、望ましくない可能性のあるアプリをブロックするのにも役立ちます。
Calibrate your HDR display using the Windows HDR Calibration app
Here are a couple more notes and other things to help you get the best results from your HDR-capable display and the Windows HDR Calibration app. HDR certified displays typically work great out of the box without any additional calibration. However, you should still consider using the Windows HDR Calibration app on your HDR display.
关于 MSN 体育应用的所有内容 - Android - Microsoft 支持
想要发送关于改善应用的想法?我们希望收到你的来信!从应用内发送你的想法、评论和其他反馈。点击 按钮,然后点击“发送反馈”。如果觉得在使用该应用的过程中遇到了问题,我们提供了一些步骤来帮助解决一些常见问题,具体请参见获取 MSN 体育应用的帮助。
Get help with Microsoft Photos app - Microsoft Support
The Microsoft Photos app is a built-in application for Windows operating systems that allows users to view, organize, edit, and share their photos and videos. With its user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, it serves as a versatile tool for managing digital media on Windows devices.