Applies ToDynamics NAV 2013

本文对所有国家/地区和语言的所有语言环境的 Microsoft 动态导航。


在输入收货人地址代码值时 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2013年的开机自检代码城市的值中的销售订单不会传输与送货地址运往开机自检代码字段发货城市字段,运往县字段到销售订单上。此问题只发生在如果发货国家/地区代码值已指定在销售订单上的值与新的送货地址的国家/地区代码值不同。



受支持的修补程序现已从 Microsoft 推出。然而,它仅用于纠正本文中描述的问题。它仅应用于正经历此特定问题的系统。此修补程序可能会接受进一步的测试。因此,如果这个问题没有对您造成严重的影响,我们建议您等待下一步的 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2013 service pack 或包含此修复程序的下一个 Microsoft Dynamics 导航版。注意: 在特殊情况下,可免收的支持电话,可免收如果技术支持专业人员对 Microsoft Dynamics 和相关的产品的费用确定某个特定的更新能够解决您的问题。照常收取支持费用将应用于其他支持问题和对于特定更新无法解决的问题。


Microsoft 提供的编程示例仅用于说明,没有任何明示或暗示的担保。这包括但不限于适销性或特定用途适用性的暗示担保。本文假定您熟悉所演示的编程语言和用于创建和调试过程的工具。Microsoft 的支持工程师可以帮助解释某个特定过程的功能。但是,他们不会修改这些示例以提供额外的功能或构建过程以满足您的特定要求。注意:安装此修复程序之前,请验证所有 Microsoft Navision 客户端用户都注销系统。这包括 Microsoft Navision 应用程序服务 (NAS) 客户端的用户。要实现此修补程序时,在登录的唯一客户端用户。若要实现此修补程序,必须使用开发人员许可证。我们建议在 Windows 登录窗口或数据库登录窗口中的用户帐户将分配该"超级"角色 id。如果不能将用户帐户分配成"超级"角色 ID,则必须验证用户帐户具有下列权限:

  • 您将更改该对象的修改权限。

  • 为系统对象 ID ™ 5210对象和系统对象 ID 9015对象的 Execute 权限。




  1. 更改字段中 (14) 中的位置表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 5715;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 5718;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 5719;   ;Home Page           ;Text90        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Delete the following lines.     { 5720;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND ("Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   Postcode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 5724;   ;Use As In-Transit   ;Boolean       ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF "Use As In-Transit" THEN BEGIN                                                                    TESTFIELD("Require Put-away",FALSE);                                                                    TESTFIELD("Require Pick",FALSE);                                                                    TESTFIELD("Use Cross-Docking",FALSE);...


    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 5715;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 5718;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 5719;   ;Home Page           ;Text90        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Add the following line.     { 5720;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 5724;   ;Use As In-Transit   ;Boolean       ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF "Use As In-Transit" THEN BEGIN                                                                    TESTFIELD("Require Put-away",FALSE);                                                                    TESTFIELD("Require Pick",FALSE);                                                                    TESTFIELD("Use Cross-Docking",FALSE);...
  2. 更改字段中 (18) 中的客户表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 32  ;   ;Place of Export     ;Code20         }      { 33  ;   ;Invoice Disc. Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Customer;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 34  ;   ;Customer Disc. Group;Code20        ;TableRelation="Customer Discount Group" }// Delete the following lines.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 36  ;   ;Collection Method   ;Code20         }      { 37  ;   ;Amount              ;Decimal       ;AutoFormatType=1;                                                     AutoFormatExpr="Currency Code" }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Customer),...


    ...      { 32  ;   ;Place of Export     ;Code20         }      { 33  ;   ;Invoice Disc. Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Customer;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 34  ;   ;Customer Disc. Group;Code20        ;TableRelation="Customer Discount Group" }// Add the following line.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 36  ;   ;Collection Method   ;Code20         }      { 37  ;   ;Amount              ;Decimal       ;AutoFormatType=1;                                                     AutoFormatExpr="Currency Code" }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Customer),...
  3. 更改字段中 (23) 中的供应商表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 30  ;   ;Shipment Method Code;Code10        ;TableRelation="Shipment Method" }      { 31  ;   ;Shipping Agent Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Shipping Agent" }      { 33  ;   ;Invoice Disc. Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Vendor;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }// Delete the following lines.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Vendor),                                                                                             No.=FIELD(No.)));                                                     Editable=No }      { 39  ;   ;Blocked             ;Option        ;OptionString=[ ,Payment,All] }...


    ...      { 30  ;   ;Shipment Method Code;Code10        ;TableRelation="Shipment Method" }      { 31  ;   ;Shipping Agent Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Shipping Agent" }      { 33  ;   ;Invoice Disc. Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Vendor;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }// Add the following line.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Vendor),                                                                                             No.=FIELD(No.)));                                                     Editable=No }      { 39  ;   ;Blocked             ;Option        ;OptionString=[ ,Payment,All] }...
  4. 更改字段中销售头表 (36) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Bill-to City","Bill-to Post Code","Bill-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 88  ;   ;Sell-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Post Code";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County","Sell-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 88  ;   ;Sell-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Post Code";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County","Sell-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Sell-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 90  ;   ;Sell-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Sell-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Sell-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Sell-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Post Code";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Sell-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 90  ;   ;Sell-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Post Code";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    现有代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 97  ;   ;Exit Point          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  UpdateSalesLines(FIELDCAPTION("Exit Point"),FALSE);                                                                END;...

    替换代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 97  ;   ;Exit Point          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point";                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  UpdateSalesLines(FIELDCAPTION("Exit Point"),FALSE);                                                                END;...
  5. 更改字段中的采购订单头表 (38) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Pay-to County       ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 87  ;   ;Pay-to Country/Region Code;Code10  ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Pay-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Pay-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Pay-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Pay-to City","Pay-to Post Code","Pay-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 88  ;   ;Buy-from Post Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Buy-from Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County","Buy-from Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Pay-to County       ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 87  ;   ;Pay-to Country/Region Code;Code10  ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 88  ;   ;Buy-from Post Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Buy-from Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County","Buy-from Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Buy-from County     ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 90  ;   ;Buy-from Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Buy-from Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Buy-from Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Buy-from Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Buy-from County     ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 90  ;   ;Buy-from Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 95  ;   ;Order Address Code  ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Order Address".Code WHERE (Vendor No.=FIELD(Buy-from Vendor No.));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF "Order Address Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN                                                                    OrderAddr.GET("Buy-from Vendor No.","Order Address Code");...

    替换代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 95  ;   ;Order Address Code  ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Order Address".Code WHERE (Vendor No.=FIELD(Buy-from Vendor No.));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF "Order Address Code" <> '' THEN BEGIN                                                                    OrderAddr.GET("Buy-from Vendor No.","Order Address Code");...
  6. 更改字段中 (79) 公司信息表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 33  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }      { 34  ;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 35  ;   ;Home Page           ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Delete the following lines.     { 36  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }     { 37  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 38  ;   ;IBAN                ;Code50        ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  CheckIBAN(IBAN);                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 39  ;   ;SWIFT Code          ;Code20         }...


    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 33  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }      { 34  ;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 35  ;   ;Home Page           ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Add the following lines.     { 36  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }     { 37  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }// End of the lines.      { 38  ;   ;IBAN                ;Code50        ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  CheckIBAN(IBAN);                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 39  ;   ;SWIFT Code          ;Code20         }...
  7. 更改域中资源表 (156) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 55  ;   ;Automatic Ext. Texts;Boolean        }      { 56  ;   ;No. Series          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="No. Series";                                                     Editable=No }      { 57  ;   ;Tax Group Code      ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Tax Group" }      { 58  ;   ;VAT Prod. Posting Group;Code10     ;TableRelation="VAT Product Posting Group" }// Delete the following lines.     { 59  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 60  ;   ;IC Partner Purch. G/L Acc. No.;Code20;                                                     TableRelation="IC G/L Account" }      { 900 ;   ;Qty. on Assembly Order;Decimal     ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Sum("Assembly Line"."Remaining Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Document Type=CONST(Order),                                                                                                                        Type=CONST(Resource),...


    ...      { 55  ;   ;Automatic Ext. Texts;Boolean        }      { 56  ;   ;No. Series          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="No. Series";                                                     Editable=No }      { 57  ;   ;Tax Group Code      ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Tax Group" }      { 58  ;   ;VAT Prod. Posting Group;Code10     ;TableRelation="VAT Product Posting Group" }// Add the following line.     { 59  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 60  ;   ;IC Partner Purch. G/L Acc. No.;Code20;                                                     TableRelation="IC G/L Account" }      { 900 ;   ;Qty. on Assembly Order;Decimal     ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Sum("Assembly Line"."Remaining Quantity (Base)" WHERE (Document Type=CONST(Order),                                                                                                                        Type=CONST(Resource),...
  8. 更改字段中作业表 (167) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 66  ;   ;No. Series          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="No. Series";                                                     Editable=No }      { 67  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;// Delete the following lines.                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Bill-to City","Bill-to Post Code","Bill-to County");                                                               END;// End of the lines.                                                     Editable=Yes }      { 68  ;   ;Bill-to Name 2      ;Text50         }      { 117 ;   ;Reserve             ;Option        ;OptionString=Never,Optional,Always }      { 1000;   ;WIP Method          ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Job WIP Method".Code WHERE (Valid=CONST(Yes));                                                     OnValidate=VAR...


    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 66  ;   ;No. Series          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="No. Series";                                                     Editable=No }      { 67  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                     Editable=Yes }      { 68  ;   ;Bill-to Name 2      ;Text50         }      { 117 ;   ;Reserve             ;Option        ;OptionString=Never,Optional,Always }      { 1000;   ;WIP Method          ;Code20        ;TableRelation="Job WIP Method".Code WHERE (Valid=CONST(Yes));                                                     OnValidate=VAR...
  9. 更改字段中的送货地址表 (222) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                  IF "Shipping Agent Code" <> xRec."Shipping Agent Code" THEN                                                                    VALIDATE("Shipping Agent Service Code",'');                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 32  ;   ;Place of Export     ;Code20         }// Delete the following lines.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 54  ;   ;Last Date Modified  ;Date          ;Editable=No }      { 83  ;   ;Location Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Location WHERE (Use As In-Transit=CONST(No)) }      { 84  ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 85  ;   ;Telex Answer Back   ;Text20         }      { 91  ;   ;Post Code           ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"...


    ...                                                                  IF "Shipping Agent Code" <> xRec."Shipping Agent Code" THEN                                                                    VALIDATE("Shipping Agent Service Code",'');                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 32  ;   ;Place of Export     ;Code20         }// Add the following line.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 54  ;   ;Last Date Modified  ;Date          ;Editable=No }      { 83  ;   ;Location Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Location WHERE (Use As In-Transit=CONST(No)) }      { 84  ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 85  ;   ;Telex Answer Back   ;Text20         }      { 91  ;   ;Post Code           ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"...
  10. 更改的开机自检代码表 (225) 中的ClearFields函数中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...          CountryCode := PostCodeRec."Country/Region Code";          County := PostCodeRec.County;        END;      END;// Delete the following lines.       PROCEDURE ClearFields@1(VAR City@1000 : Text[30];VAR PostCode@1001 : Code[20];VAR County@1002 : Text[30]);     BEGIN       City := '';       PostCode := '';       County := '';     END;// End of the lines.      BEGIN      END.    }  }...


    ...          CountryCode := PostCodeRec."Country/Region Code";          County := PostCodeRec.County;        END;      END;      BEGIN      END.    }  }...
  11. 更改字段中 (270) 银行帐户表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 24  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 26  ;   ;Statistics Group    ;Integer        }      { 29  ;   ;Our Contact Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Salesperson/Purchaser }// Delete the following lines.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 37  ;   ;Amount              ;Decimal       ;AutoFormatType=1;                                                     AutoFormatExpr="Currency Code" }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Bank Account),                                                                                             No.=FIELD(No.)));...


    ...                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 24  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 26  ;   ;Statistics Group    ;Integer        }      { 29  ;   ;Our Contact Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Salesperson/Purchaser }// Add the following line.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 37  ;   ;Amount              ;Decimal       ;AutoFormatType=1;                                                     AutoFormatExpr="Currency Code" }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Bank Account),                                                                                             No.=FIELD(No.)));...
  12. 更改字段中提醒头表 (295) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Delete the following line.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 11  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 12  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Currency Code") THEN                                                                    IF Undo THEN BEGIN...


    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 11  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 12  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Currency Code") THEN                                                                    IF Undo THEN BEGIN...
  13. 更改字段中财务费用备忘录标题表 (302) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Delete the folloiwng lines.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '')THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 11  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 12  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Currency Code") THEN                                                                    IF Undo THEN BEGIN...


    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 11  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 12  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF CurrFieldNo = FIELDNO("Currency Code") THEN                                                                    IF Undo THEN BEGIN...
  14. 更改字段中 (5050) 中的联系人表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 10  ;   ;Telex No.           ;Text20         }      { 15  ;   ;Territory Code      ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Territory }      { 22  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency }      { 24  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 29  ;   ;Salesperson Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Salesperson/Purchaser }// Delete the following lines.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Contact),                                                                                                         No.=FIELD(No.),                                                                                                         Sub No.=CONST(0)));                                                     Editable=No }...


    ...      { 10  ;   ;Telex No.           ;Text20         }      { 15  ;   ;Territory Code      ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Territory }      { 22  ;   ;Currency Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Currency }      { 24  ;   ;Language Code       ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Language }      { 29  ;   ;Salesperson Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Salesperson/Purchaser }// Add the following line.     { 35  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 38  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Rlshp. Mgt. Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Contact),                                                                                                         No.=FIELD(No.),                                                                                                         Sub No.=CONST(0)));                                                     Editable=No }...
  15. 更改字段中联系人备选地址表 (5051) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 12  ;   ;Phone No.           ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 13  ;   ;Telex No.           ;Text20         }      { 14  ;   ;Extension No.       ;Text30         }      { 15  ;   ;Mobile Phone No.    ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 16  ;   ;Pager               ;Text30         }...


    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;County              ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 10  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 12  ;   ;Phone No.           ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 13  ;   ;Telex No.           ;Text20         }      { 14  ;   ;Extension No.       ;Text30         }      { 15  ;   ;Mobile Phone No.    ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 16  ;   ;Pager               ;Text30         }...
  16. 更改字段中 (5200) 中雇员表中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 20  ;   ;Birth Date          ;Date           }      { 21  ;   ;Social Security No. ;Text30         }      { 22  ;   ;Union Code          ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Union }      { 23  ;   ;Union Membership No.;Text30         }      { 24  ;   ;Gender              ;Option        ;OptionString=[ ,Female,Male] }// Delete the following lines.     { 25  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 26  ;   ;Manager No.         ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Employee }      { 27  ;   ;Emplymt. Contract Code;Code10      ;TableRelation="Employment Contract" }      { 28  ;   ;Statistics Group Code;Code10       ;TableRelation="Employee Statistics Group" }      { 29  ;   ;Employment Date     ;Date           }      { 31  ;   ;Status              ;Option        ;OnValidate=BEGIN...


    ...      { 20  ;   ;Birth Date          ;Date           }      { 21  ;   ;Social Security No. ;Text30         }      { 22  ;   ;Union Code          ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Union }      { 23  ;   ;Union Membership No.;Text30         }      { 24  ;   ;Gender              ;Option        ;OptionString=[ ,Female,Male] }// Add the following line.     { 25  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 26  ;   ;Manager No.         ;Code20        ;TableRelation=Employee }      { 27  ;   ;Emplymt. Contract Code;Code10      ;TableRelation="Employment Contract" }      { 28  ;   ;Statistics Group Code;Code10       ;TableRelation="Employee Statistics Group" }      { 29  ;   ;Employment Date     ;Date           }      { 31  ;   ;Status              ;Option        ;OnValidate=BEGIN...
  17. 更改字段中的替代地址表 (5201) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 13  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Human Resource Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Alternative Address),                                                                                                            No.=FIELD(Employee No.),                                                                                                            Alternative Address Code=FIELD(Code)));                                                     Editable=No }// Delete the following lines.     { 14  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.    }    KEYS    {      {    ;Employee No.,Code                       ;Clustered=Yes }    }...


    ...      { 13  ;   ;Comment             ;Boolean       ;FieldClass=FlowField;                                                     CalcFormula=Exist("Human Resource Comment Line" WHERE (Table Name=CONST(Alternative Address),                                                                                                            No.=FIELD(Employee No.),                                                                                                            Alternative Address Code=FIELD(Code)));                                                     Editable=No }// Add the following line.     { 14  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }    }    KEYS    {      {    ;Employee No.,Code                       ;Clustered=Yes }    }...
  18. 更改字段中联合表 (5209) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...      { 9   ;   ;Address 2           ;Text50         }      { 10  ;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 11  ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 12  ;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 13  ;   ;Home Page           ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Delete the following lines.     { 14  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.    }    KEYS    {      {    ;Code                                    ;Clustered=Yes }    }...


    ...      { 9   ;   ;Address 2           ;Text50         }      { 10  ;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 11  ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 12  ;   ;E-Mail              ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=E-Mail }      { 13  ;   ;Home Page           ;Text80        ;ExtendedDatatype=URL }// Add the following line.     { 14  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }    }    KEYS    {      {    ;Code                                    ;Clustered=Yes }    }...
  19. 更改字段中责任中心表 (5714) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码

    ...                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(City,"Post Code",County,"Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }// Delete the folloiwng lines.     { 7   ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 8   ;   ;Phone No.           ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 9   ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 10  ;   ;Name 2              ;Text50         }      { 11  ;   ;Contact             ;Text50         }      { 12  ;   ;Global Dimension 1 Code;Code20     ;TableRelation="Dimension Value".Code WHERE (Global Dimension No.=CONST(1));...


    ...                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(City,"Post Code",County,"Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }// Add the following line.     { 7   ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 8   ;   ;Phone No.           ;Text30        ;ExtendedDatatype=Phone No. }      { 9   ;   ;Fax No.             ;Text30         }      { 10  ;   ;Name 2              ;Text50         }      { 11  ;   ;Contact             ;Text50         }      { 12  ;   ;Global Dimension 1 Code;Code20     ;TableRelation="Dimension Value".Code WHERE (Global Dimension No.=CONST(1));...
  20. 更改域中传输头表 (5740) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;Transfer-from County;Text30         }      { 10  ;   ;Trsf.-from Country/Region Code;Code10;// Delete the following lines.                                                    TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Trsf.-from Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Trsf.-from Country/Region Code") AND                                                                    (xRec."Trsf.-from Country/Region Code" <> '')                                                                 THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Transfer-from City","Transfer-from Post Code","Transfer-from County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 11  ;   ;Transfer-to Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Location WHERE (Use As In-Transit=CONST(No));                                                     OnValidate=VAR                                                                  Location@1000 : Record 14;                                                                  Confirmed@1001 : Boolean;                                                                BEGIN...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 9   ;   ;Transfer-from County;Text30         }      { 10  ;   ;Trsf.-from Country/Region Code;Code10;// Add the folloiwng line.                                                    TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 11  ;   ;Transfer-to Code    ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Location WHERE (Use As In-Transit=CONST(No));                                                     OnValidate=VAR                                                                  Location@1000 : Record 14;                                                                  Confirmed@1001 : Boolean;                                                                BEGIN...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 18  ;   ;Transfer-to County  ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 19  ;   ;Trsf.-to Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Trsf.-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Trsf.-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Trsf.-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Transfer-to City","Transfer-to Post Code","Transfer-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 20  ;   ;Posting Date        ;Date           }      { 21  ;   ;Shipment Date       ;Date          ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  TestStatusOpen;                                                                  TransferRoute.CalcReceiptDate(                                                                    "Shipment Date",...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 18  ;   ;Transfer-to County  ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 19  ;   ;Trsf.-to Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 20  ;   ;Posting Date        ;Date           }      { 21  ;   ;Shipment Date       ;Date          ;OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  TestStatusOpen;                                                                  TransferRoute.CalcReceiptDate(                                                                    "Shipment Date",...
  21. 更改字段中服务头表 (5900) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Bill-to City","Bill-to Post Code","Bill-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 88  ;   ;Post Code           ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(City,"Post Code",County,"Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 88  ;   ;Post Code           ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(City,"Post Code",County,"Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);                                                                END;...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 90  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  VALIDATE("Ship-to Country/Region Code");// Delete the following lines.                                                                 IF ("Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields(City,"Post Code",County);// End of the lines.                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;County              ;Text30         }      { 90  ;   ;Country/Region Code ;Code10        ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  VALIDATE("Ship-to Country/Region Code");                                                                END;                                                                 }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN...

    现有代码 3

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }      { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN// Delete the following lines.                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");// End of the lines.                                                                  IF "Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '' THEN                                                                    "VAT Country/Region Code" := "Ship-to Country/Region Code"                                                                  ELSE                                                                    "VAT Country/Region Code" := "Country/Region Code"                                                                END;...

    替换代码 3

    ...                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }      { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  IF "Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '' THEN                                                                    "VAT Country/Region Code" := "Ship-to Country/Region Code"                                                                  ELSE                                                                    "VAT Country/Region Code" := "Country/Region Code"                                                                END;...
  22. 更改字段中返回装运头表 (6650) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Pay-to County       ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 87  ;   ;Pay-to Country/Region Code;Code10  ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Pay-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Pay-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Pay-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Pay-to City","Pay-to Post Code","Pay-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 88  ;   ;Buy-from Post Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Buy-from Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County","Buy-from Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Pay-to County       ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 87  ;   ;Pay-to Country/Region Code;Code10  ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 88  ;   ;Buy-from Post Code  ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Buy-from Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Buy-from Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County","Buy-from Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Buy-from County     ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 90  ;   ;Buy-from Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Buy-from Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Buy-from Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Buy-from Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Buy-from City","Buy-from Post Code","Buy-from County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Buy-from County     ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 90  ;   ;Buy-from Country/Region Code;Code10;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 95  ;   ;Order Address Code  ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Order Address".Code WHERE (Vendor No.=FIELD(Buy-from Vendor No.)) }      { 97  ;   ;Entry Point         ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point" }      { 98  ;   ;Correction          ;Boolean        }      { 99  ;   ;Document Date       ;Date           }...

    替换代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 95  ;   ;Order Address Code  ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Order Address".Code WHERE (Vendor No.=FIELD(Buy-from Vendor No.)) }      { 97  ;   ;Entry Point         ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point" }      { 98  ;   ;Correction          ;Boolean        }      { 99  ;   ;Document Date       ;Date           }...
  23. 更改字段中返回收据头表 (6660) 中的代码,如下所示︰现有代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Bill-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Bill-to City","Bill-to Post Code","Bill-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 88  ;   ;Sell-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Sell-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Sell-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Sell-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County","Sell-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 1

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 86  ;   ;Bill-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 87  ;   ;Bill-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 88  ;   ;Sell-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Sell-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Sell-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Sell-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County","Sell-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Sell-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 90  ;   ;Sell-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Sell-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Sell-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Sell-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Sell-to City","Sell-to Post Code","Sell-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    替换代码 2

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 89  ;   ;Sell-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 90  ;   ;Sell-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 91  ;   ;Ship-to Post Code   ;Code20        ;TableRelation=IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=CONST()) "Post Code"                                                                   ELSE IF (Ship-to Country/Region Code=FILTER(<>'')) "Post Code" WHERE (Country/Region Code=FIELD(Ship-to Country/Region Code));                                                     OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                  PostCode.ValidatePostCode(                                                                    "Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County","Ship-to Country/Region Code",(CurrFieldNo <> 0) AND GUIALLOWED);...

    现有代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Delete the following lines.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region;                                                    OnValidate=BEGIN                                                                 IF ("Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code") AND (xRec."Ship-to Country/Region Code" <> '') THEN                                                                   PostCode.ClearFields("Ship-to City","Ship-to Post Code","Ship-to County");                                                               END;                                                                }// End of the lines.      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 97  ;   ;Exit Point          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point" }      { 98  ;   ;Correction          ;Boolean        }      { 99  ;   ;Document Date       ;Date           }      { 100 ;   ;External Document No.;Code35        }...

    替换代码 3

    ...                                                                END;                                                     ValidateTableRelation=No;                                                     TestTableRelation=No }      { 92  ;   ;Ship-to County      ;Text30         }// Add the following line.     { 93  ;   ;Ship-to Country/Region Code;Code10 ;TableRelation=Country/Region }      { 94  ;   ;Bal. Account Type   ;Option        ;OptionString=G/L Account,Bank Account }      { 97  ;   ;Exit Point          ;Code10        ;TableRelation="Entry/Exit Point" }      { 98  ;   ;Correction          ;Boolean        }      { 99  ;   ;Document Date       ;Date           }      { 100 ;   ;External Document No.;Code35        }...


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