打印在 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2009 年大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国本地化股票接收未开具发票和库存发货未开票报表时,本文描述的问题。实施 KB 2882942后仍然出现此问题。 按照在代码更改部分,若要解决此问题的步骤。下列产品中发生此问题︰
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国本地化的 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2009 R2
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国本地化的 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1)
受支持的修补程序现已从 Microsoft 推出。然而,它仅用于纠正本文中描述的问题。它仅应用于正经历此特定问题的系统。此修补程序可能会接受进一步的测试。因此,如果这个问题没有对您造成严重的影响,我们建议您等待下一个 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2009 服务包 或包含此修复程序的下一步的 Microsoft Dynamics 导航版本。
注意: 在特殊情况下,可免收的支持电话,可免收如果技术支持专业人员对 Microsoft Dynamics 和相关的产品的费用确定某个特定的更新能够解决您的问题。照常收取支持费用将应用于其他支持问题和对于特定更新无法解决的问题。安装信息
Microsoft 提供的编程示例仅用于说明,没有任何明示或暗示的担保。这包括但不限于适销性或特定用途适用性的暗示担保。本文假定您熟悉所演示的编程语言和用于创建和调试过程的工具。Microsoft 的支持工程师可以帮助解释某个特定过程的功能。但是,他们不会修改这些示例以提供额外的功能或构建过程以满足您的特定要求。
注意:安装此修复程序之前,请验证所有 Microsoft Dynamics 导航客户端用户都注销系统。这包括 Microsoft Dynamics 导航应用程序服务器 (NAS) 服务。要实现此修补程序时,在登录的唯一客户端用户。 若要实现此修补程序,必须使用开发人员许可证。 我们建议在 Windows 登录窗口或数据库登录窗口中的用户帐户将分配该"超级"角色 id。如果不能将用户帐户分配成"超级"角色 ID,则必须验证用户帐户具有下列权限:-
为系统对象 ID™ 5210对象和系统对象 ID 9015执行权限
在股票接收数据项目编号 1 节中的代码更改未开票报告 (10540),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...VertAlign=Bottom;
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...替换代码 1
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Adding the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Expected); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...现有代码 2
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Deleting the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040045;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...替换代码 2
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040039;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Adding the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040045;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...现有代码 3
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
{ 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; // Deleting the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; ...替换代码 3
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ }
{ 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; // Adding the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040064;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"; ...现有代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
{ 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Deleting the following lines. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected___Control1040068 } { 1040069;TextBox ;7350 ;423 ;1550 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; ...替换代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040067 }
{ 1040068;TextBox ;13050;423 ;1800 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Adding the following lines. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal } { 1040069;TextBox ;7350 ;423 ;1550 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal - ValueCostAmtActualTotal; // End of the added lines. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040069 } { 1040070;TextBox ;15000;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; ...现有代码 5
SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal } // Delete the following lines. { 1040103;TextBox ;300 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal } // End of the deleted lines. { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; ...替换代码 5
SourceExpr=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal; DataSetFieldName=ItemInvoicedQtyTotal } { 1040104;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=ItemReceivedQtyTotal; Visible=No; ForeColor=65535; ... -
在股票接收数据项目编号 2 节中的代码更改未开票报告 (10540),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Quantity,"Invoiced Quantity","Cost Amount (Expected)"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Delete the following lines. // GB1004.begin ItemReceivedQty += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. // GB1004.end END; ...替换代码 1
...NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1;
CurrReport.CREATETOTALS(Quantity,"Invoiced Quantity","Cost Amount (Expected)"); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Add the following lines. CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Actual)"); CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Expected)"); // GB1004.begin ItemReceivedQty += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ItemReceivedQtyTotal += Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added lines. // GB1004.end END; ...现有代码 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Delete the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } } } ...替换代码 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Add the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } } } ...现有代码 3
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040079;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...替换代码 3
...SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity_ } { 1040076;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040079;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...现有代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
{ 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Cost; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Item Ledger Entry"."Cost Amount (Expected)" - "Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems; Visible=No; ...替换代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Quantity____Item_Ledger_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040080 }
{ 1040081;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Cost; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=ItemCostAmtExpected - ValueCostAmtActual; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry___Cost_Amount__Expected______Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040081 } { 1040078;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name=NoOfItems; Visible=No; ... -
在股票接收数据项目编号 3 节中的代码更改未开票报告 (10540),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...OnPreDataItem=BEGIN
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Delete the following line. SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); // End of the deleted line. END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ...替换代码 1
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Add the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); LastDocumentNo := ''; // End of the added lines. END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ...现有代码 2
...ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; // GB1004.end END; ...替换代码 2
...ValueInvoicedQty += "Invoiced Quantity";
ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += "Invoiced Quantity"; // Add the following line. CalcSumDocumentNo("Value Entry"); // End of the added line. // GB1004.end END; ...现有代码 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Delete the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails); // End of the deleted line. END; } ...替换代码 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Add the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails AND ("Invoiced Quantity" <> 0)); // End of the added line. END; } ... -
更改在全局变量中股票接收代码未开票报告 (10540),如下所示︰
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Delete the following line. <Hidden>=iif (Fields!PrintDetails.Value and Fields!Value_Entry_Entry_No_.Value > 0,FALSE,TRUE)</Hidden> // End of the deleted line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...替换代码
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Adding the following line. <Hidden>=iif (Fields!PrintDetails.Value and Fields!Value_Entry_Entry_No_.Value and Fields!Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value <> 0,FALSE,TRUE)</Hidden> // End of the added line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ... -
在库存发货数据项目编号 1 节中的代码更改未开票报告 (10541),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...VertAlign=Bottom;
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__Caption } { 1040026;Label ;15000;846 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040025; HorzAlign=Right; ...替换代码 1
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Add the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Actual); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__Caption } { 1040026;Label ;15000;846 ;1500 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040025; HorzAlign=Right; ...现有代码 2
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...替换代码 2
FontBold=Yes; MultiLine=Yes; // Add the following line. CaptionML=ENU=Cost Amount (Expected); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__Caption } { 1040042;Label ;5700 ;0 ;1550 ;846 ;ParentControl=1040040; VertAlign=Bottom; ...现有代码 3
...SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No.";
DataSetFieldName=Text1040005_________Item__No__ } { 1040054;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; ...替换代码 3
...SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No.";
DataSetFieldName=Text1040005_________Item__No__ } { 1040054;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual__ } { 1040059;TextBox ;7350 ;0 ;1550 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; CaptionML=ENU=Rec. not invoiced; ...现有代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
{ 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040071 } { 1040072;Label ;0 ;423 ;5550 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; ...替换代码 4
...DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040070 }
{ 1040071;TextBox ;16650;423 ;1500 ;423 ;FontSize=7; FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040071 } { 1040072;Label ;0 ;423 ;5550 ;423 ;FontSize=9; FontBold=Yes; ... -
更改数据在库存发货的项号 2 中的代码未开票报告 (10541),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN
NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Delete the following lines. ItemCostAmount += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQty += -Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemCostAmountTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; ItemShippedQtyTotal += -Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal += "Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted lines. END; DataItemLink=Item No.=FIELD(No.); ...替换代码 1
NoOfItems := NoOfItems + 1; CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)","Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity"); // Add the following lines. CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Actual)"); CALCFIELDS("Cost Amount (Expected)"); ItemCostAmount -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemShippedQty -= Quantity; ItemInvoicedQty -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpected -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemCostAmountTotal -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); ItemShippedQtyTotal -= Quantity; ItemInvoicedQtyTotal -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal -= ("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); // End of the added lines. END; DataItemLink=Item No.=FIELD(No.); ...现有代码 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Delete the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Expected)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040082;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name="Entry No."; Visible=No; ...替换代码 2
...{ 1040047;TextBox ;2100 ;0 ;1500 ;423 ;HorzAlign=Left;
SourceExpr="Source No."; DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Source_No__ } // Add the following line. { 1040030;TextBox ;13050;0 ;1800 ;423 ;SourceExpr=-("Cost Amount (Expected)" + "Cost Amount (Actual)"); // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Item_Ledger_Entry__Cost_Amount__Expected__ } { 1040082;TextBox ;18000;0 ;150 ;423 ;Name="Entry No."; Visible=No; ... -
在库存发货数据项目编号 3 中的代码更改未开票报告 (10541),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...OnPreDataItem=BEGIN
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Delete the following lines. SETFILTER("Invoiced Quantity",'<>%1',0); CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ValueInvoicedQty += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActual += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal += -"Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActualTotal += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted lines. END; DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.); ...替换代码 1
IF EndDate <> 0D THEN SETRANGE("Posting Date",0D,EndDate); // Add the following lines. CurrReport.CREATETOTALS("Cost Amount (Actual)","Invoiced Quantity"); LastDocumentNo := ''; END; OnAfterGetRecord=BEGIN ValueInvoicedQty -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActual -= "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueInvoicedQtyTotal -= "Invoiced Quantity"; ValueCostAmtActualTotal -= "Cost Amount (Actual)"; CalcSumDocumentNo("Value Entry"); // End of the added lines. END; DataItemLink=Item Ledger Entry No.=FIELD(Entry No.); ...现有代码 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Delete the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails); // End of the deleted line. END; } ...替换代码 3
SectionHeight=423; OnPreSection=BEGIN // Add the following line. CurrReport.SHOWOUTPUT(PrintDetails AND ("Invoiced Quantity" <> 0)); // End of the added line. END; } ...现有代码 4
...{ 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ } // Delete the following line. { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr="Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__ } } } ...替换代码 4
...{ 1040025;TextBox ;15000;0 ;1500 ;423 ;CaptionML=ENU=Invoiced Quantity;
SourceExpr=-"Invoiced Quantity"; DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_ } // Add the following line. { 1040027;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;SourceExpr=-"Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry__Cost_Amount__Actual__ } } } ... -
更改数据在库存发货的项目数 4 中的代码未开票报告 (10541),如下所示︰
现有代码...SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 } { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Delete the following line. SourceExpr="Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the deleted line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040044 } { 1040029;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ...替换代码
...SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Invoiced Quantity";
DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Invoiced_Quantity__Control1040036 } { 1040044;TextBox ;16650;0 ;1500 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; // Add the following line. SourceExpr=-"Value Entry"."Cost Amount (Actual)"; // End of the added line. DataSetFieldName=Value_Entry___Cost_Amount__Actual___Control1040044 } { 1040029;TextBox ;0 ;0 ;5400 ;423 ;FontBold=Yes; SourceExpr=Text1040005 + ' ' + Item."No."; ... -
更改代码在全局变量中库存发货未开票报告 (10541),如下所示︰
现有代码 1...ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal; ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal; BEGIN { ...替换代码 1
...ItemCostAmtExpectedTotal@1040016 : Decimal;
ValueInvoicedQtyTotal@1040019 : Decimal; ValueCostAmtActualTotal@1040020 : Decimal; // Add the following lines. LastDocumentNo@1040023 : Code[20]; LOCAL PROCEDURE CalcSumDocumentNo@1040000(VAR ValueEntry@1040000 : Record 5802); VAR ValueEntry1@1040001 : Record 5802; ValueCostAmtActualPer@1040002 : Decimal; ValueIncoicedQtyPer@1040003 : Decimal; BEGIN IF LastDocumentNo = ValueEntry."Document No." THEN BEGIN ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)" := 0; ValueEntry."Invoiced Quantity" := 0; END ELSE BEGIN WITH ValueEntry1 DO BEGIN COPYFILTERS(ValueEntry); SETRANGE("Document No.",ValueEntry."Document No."); IF FINDSET THEN REPEAT ValueCostAmtActualPer += "Cost Amount (Actual)"; ValueIncoicedQtyPer += "Invoiced Quantity"; UNTIL NEXT = 0; END; ValueEntry."Cost Amount (Actual)" := ValueCostAmtActualPer; ValueEntry."Invoiced Quantity" := ValueIncoicedQtyPer; LastDocumentNo := ValueEntry."Document No."; END; END; // End of the added lines. BEGIN { ...现有代码 2
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Delete the following line. <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!PrintDetails.Value) And (Fields!Value_Entry__Document_No__.Value<>""),False,True)</Hidden> // End of the deleted line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...替换代码 2
</TableCells> <Visibility> // Add the following line. <Hidden>=IIF(First(Fields!PrintDetails.Value) And (Fields!Value_Entry__Document_No__.Value<>"") And (Fields!Value_Entry__Invoiced_Quantity_.Value <>0),False,True)</Hidden> // End of the added line. </Visibility> </TableRow> </TableRows> ...
您必须将 Microsoft Dynamics 导航 2009 R2 的英国本地化或要应用此修补程序安装 SP1。
Microsoft 已经确认这是“适用于”一节中列出的 Microsoft 产品中的问题。
注意:这是直接从创建 Microsoft 支持部门内的"快速发布"的文章。此处包含的信息是作为为了响应新出现的问题而提供的。由于以使其可用的速度,而材料可能包含印刷错误,恕不另行通知,随时可能进行修订。其他考虑因素,请参阅使用条款。