當您在 Microsoft Exchange Server 2013,執行資料庫復原,且您嘗試重新執行 1000 個以上的交易記錄檔時,Microsoft Exchange 複寫服務意外終止。發生這個問題時,事件識別碼 4399 」 和 「 事件識別碼 4999 會記錄在應用程式記錄檔,如下所示︰
Log Name: Application Source: MSExchangeRepl Event ID: 4399 Task Category: Service Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Description: The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is terminating without collecting a Watson dump. Error The Microsoft Exchange Replication service is using too much memory (2279.62109375 MiB) and will be terminated without collecting a Watson dump. This exceeds the maximum expected value of 2048 MiB. To take a dump along with the Watson report, set registry key 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15 \Replay\Parameters\EnableWatsonDumpOnTooMuchMemory' to 1. Default can be overridden by setting registry key SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ExchangeServer\v15\Replay\Parameters\MaximumProcessPrivateMemoryMB. Log Name: Application Source: MSExchange Common Event ID: 4999 Task Category: General Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Description: Watson report about to be sent for process id: 2524, with parameters: E12, c-RTL-AMD64, 15.00.0620.029, msexchangerepl, unknown, unknown, M.E.C.Replay.ReplayServiceTooMuchMemoryNoDumpException, 0, unknown. ErrorReportingEnabled: True原因
因為複寫服務的預設上限為 2 gb 的記憶體,可能會發生這個問題。當達到這個限制時,在處理序就會終止。
dword: MaximumProcessPrivateMemoryMB
值︰ 8192 基底︰十進位 dword: MemoryLimitBaseInMB 值︰ 4096 基底︰十進位狀態
這個問題排定在未來的累積更新,如 Exchange 2013 中解析。