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Visual changes to Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
As previously shared, we’re updating the Microsoft Edge browser with a new look that aims to modernize the browser for everyday users.As a result, you may notice visual changes to your browser experience. How can I go back to the classic look? We are always ...
Adjust privacy settings in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge is designed to detect and block known trackers. We let you decide what trackers to block. You can choose from three levels of tracking prevention: Basic, Balanced, and Strict. Balanced is selected as the default In Microsoft Edge, select > > .
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge에서 쿠키 관리: 보기, 허용, 차단, 삭제 및 사용
Edge 브라우저를 열고 브라우저 창의 오른쪽 위 모서리에서 설정 등을 선택합니다. 설정 > 쿠키 및 사이트 권한 을 선택합니다. 쿠키 및 사이트 데이터 관리 및 삭제를 선택하고, 모든 쿠키를 허용 하도록 사이트에서 쿠키 데이터를 저장하고 읽을 수 있도록 허용(권장) 을 설정합니다.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Change your browser home page - Microsoft Support
Get the steps for changing your home page in Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 11, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. On the General tab, under Home page, enter the URL of the site you want to set as a homepage.You can add more than one URL. Or, to add ...
View and delete browser history in Microsoft Edge
Go to Settings and more > Settings > Cookies and site permissions to see a list for each website, including location, cookies, pop-ups, and media autoplay. On your device All data from the previous version of Microsoft Edge All data including history, favorites
Zarządzanie plikami cookie w przeglądarce Microsoft Edge: wyświetlanie, zezwalanie, blokowanie, usuwanie i używanie
Zezwalając na obsługę plików cookie, witryny internetowe będą mogły zapisywać i pobierać dane w przeglądarce, co może usprawnić przeglądanie, zapamiętyjąc preferencje i informacje logowania. Otwórz przeglądarkę Edge, wybierz ustawienia i nie tylko w prawym górnym rogu okna przeglądarki.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Gestionarea modulelor cookie în Microsoft Edge: Vizualizarea, permiterea, blocarea, ștergerea și utilizarea
Prin permiterea modulelor cookie, site-urile web vor putea să salveze și să regăsească date în browserul dvs., ceea ce vă poate îmbunătăți experiența de navigare prin reținerea preferințelor și a informațiilor de conectare. Deschideți browserul Microsoft Edge, selectați Setări și altele în colțul din dreapta sus al ferestrei browserului.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Use live captions to better understand audio - Microsoft Support
Live captions helps everyone, including people who are deaf or hard of hearing, better understand audio by providing automatic transcription. To make more content accessible to more people, live captions now has the ability to provide translations and will turn any ...
Update to the new Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Microsoft Edge offers InPrivate browsing, which allows you to hide your browsing history, site and form data, cookies, and passwords from other people who use the same device. InPrivate browsing includes InPrivate search with Microsoft Bing, so any searches on Bing won't be associated with you or influence your Bing search suggestions.
Learn about tracking prevention in Microsoft Edge
While preventing trackers increases your privacy, you might want to create exceptions for certain trusted websites. This will allow all trackers on those sites, including potentially harmful ones. In Microsoft Edge, select Settings and more > Settings > .
適用對象: Microsoft 帳戶儀表板