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Regolare le impostazioni di privacy in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Edge è progettato per rilevare e bloccare gli strumenti di monitoraggio noti. Consente di decidere quali strumenti di monitoraggio bloccare. È possibile scegliere tra tre livelli di prevenzione del monitoraggio: Base, Bilanciato e Limitato. Il valore predefinito
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Saving credit or debit card info in Microsoft Edge
Microsoft is dedicated in making Microsoft Edge the best browser for shopping with features like coupons, price comparison, price history, ratings, reviews, and more. Microsoft Edge helps you to be confident shopper with all the purchase information at your fingertips.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Passkeys overview - Microsoft Support
Note: the website or application you're trying to sign into must support passkeys in order for them to work.The good news is that the industry is quickly adopting passkeys as an authentication mechanism, so more and more websites and applications are beginning
Connect a website to a Bluetooth or USB device in Microsoft Edge
Be sure to allow only trusted websites to access your device. When you connect a website to a device, the website has access to all its data and may allow someone to control or reprogram the device through the website. Connect a website with your device in ...
Turn Microsoft Defender Firewall on or off
To turn it off, switch the setting to Off. Turning off Microsoft Defender Firewall could make your device (and network, if you have one) more vulnerable to unauthorized access. If there's an app you need to use that's being blocked, you can allow it through the firewall, instead of turning the firewall off.
Use the dark theme in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
The dark theme changes the default bright background color in the new Microsoft Edge to a darker color, which is easier on the eyes in low-light environments or if you prefer less bright interfaces. Here's how to activate dark mode: Go to Settings and more > Settings .
Saving credit or debit card info in Microsoft Edge
By saving your card to Microsoft Edge on your current device, you can reuse the same card for checkout in the future with Microsoft Edge browser on the same device. Microsoft Edge will autofill the card info you've saved to expedite your checkout process.
適用對象: Microsoft Edge
Blocking adult content with SafeSearch or blocking Chat
Chat: If you wish to guarantee Chat is turned off for a given PC, you can do so by mapping www.bing.com to either Nochat.bing.com (which will lock Chat as turned off for the given PC) or Nochatstrict.bing.com (which will lock Chat as turned off for the given PC and the SafeSearch setting as locked to strict), by following the same steps as outlined above but in step 6, pinging either “nochat ...
What's imported to Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
If Google Chrome is detected as your primary browser, Microsoft Edge presents you with the option to import data from Google Chrome so that you give explicit consent to this data being imported. When you select Get Started, favorites, history, and shortcuts are brought over from Google Chrome. ...
Use Password Generator to create more secure passwords in Microsoft Edge
Password Generator in Microsoft Edge is a game-changer. Use it to automatically generate a strong, unique password suggestion each time you need one. Additionally, the generated password is saved automatically in the browser and filled across all your signed-in devices so you don’t have to remember it.