Slik bruker du appen Tilstandskontroll for PC
Slik åpner du Tilstandskontroll for PC. I Windows bruker du Søk på oppgavelinjen til å søke etter PC-tilstandskontroll, og deretter velger du det fra listen over resultater.. Hvis det er en oppdatering tilgjengelig for Tilstandskontroll for PC, kan du raskt installere den for den nyeste versjonen.
Autorisations des applications - Support Microsoft
Voici plus d’informations sur ce que les autorisations permettent à une application de faire : Accédez à l’ensemble de vos fichiers, appareils périphériques, applications, programmes et Registre : L’application a la possibilité de lire ou écrire sur tous vos fichiers (y compris les documents, images et musique) et les paramètres du Registre, ce qui permet à l’application d ...
Add another account within Microsoft Teams (free)
Open the Teams app. Tap your profile picture or More.. Tap Add account.From here you can add another account. Just enter your sign in information and follow the instructions.
Applies To: Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams personal
Hvordan logge på - Støtte for Microsoft
Hvis du vil ha støtte i, klikker du her eller velger Hjelp på menylinjen og skriver inn spørringen. Hvis selvhjelpen ikke løser problemet, blar du ned til Trenger du fortsatt hjelp? og velger Ja.. Hvis du vil kontakte oss i, må du logge på.
Applies To: Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365 for Mac, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2019 for Mac, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2016 for Mac, Outlook 2013, Outlook Web App for Office 365, Outlook Web App for Office 365 Small Business, Outlook on the web,, Outlook Web App for Office 365 operated by 21Vianet, Outlook Web App Light, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2007, Outlook for Mac 2011, My Office for iPhone,, Outlook 2007 Developer, Outlook 2010 Developer, Outlook Calendar for Windows 10, Outlook for Android, Outlook for iOS, Outlook for Windows Phone 10, Outlook Groups for Mobile, Outlook Mail for Windows 10, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2016, Outlook on the web for Exchange Server 2019, Outlook Web App
Utilitaire de résolution des problèmes de Windows Update
Windows 10 ne sera plus pris en charge à compter du mois d’octobre 2025. Après le 14 octobre 2025, Microsoft ne fournira plus de mises à jour logicielles gratuites à partir de Windows Update, ni d'assistance technique, ni de correctifs de sécurité pour Windows 10.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure Let apps access your camera is turned on.. Choose which apps should have access. Only apps that were installed from the Microsoft Store will appear in this list. If you're having problems with an app that you did not install from Microsoft Store, make sure that Let desktop apps access your camera is turned on.You can't turn off camera access for individual desktop apps.
Securely browse the web in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Downloading files from the internet can expose your computer to malware and other security threats. Follow these tips to stay safe: Download from trusted sources: Only download files from reputable websites and sources.. Use Microsoft Defender SmartScreen: In Settings > Security, turn on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen to help identify and block malicious downloads.
Más información sobre Microsoft Rewards
Hay algunos motivos por los que no estás ganando puntos para tus búsquedas: El modo de entrega está activado. Consulta Preguntas más frecuentes sobre Give with Bing para obtener más información.. Ha iniciado sesión en una cuenta diferente o los datos del explorador no se sincronizan con los datos de la base de datos de Rewards.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Windows 中的系統設定工具 - Microsoft 支援服務
計算機管理主控台是Microsoft管理控制台 (MMC) 嵌入式管理控制台,提供管理 Windows 上各種系統元件、服務和設定的集中位置。它包含管理磁碟、服務、裝置、共用資料夾和使用者的工具,以及其他系統管理工作。 主機特別適用於需要在本機或遠端電腦上執行系統管理工作的IT專業人員和進階使用者。
¿Cómo se puede usar las teclas Fn/Bloqueo de función/Comando ...
Teclas de comando alternativo. Acción. Ayuda. Abre el sistema de ayuda (si existe) de la ventana activa. Deshacer. Cancela la acción anterior. Rehacer