Tato aktualizace zabezpečení pro rozhraní.NET Framework Microsoft řeší chybu zabezpečení funkce obejít ve kterém rozhraní.NET Framework (a .NET Core) součásti není zcela ověřování certifikátů. Další informace o této chybě zabezpečení naleznete v tématu Microsoft známých chyb zabezpečení a ohrožení pod CVE-2017-0248.
Tato aktualizace také obsahuje zlepšení zabezpečení opravy pro součásti Windows prezentace Framework PackageDigitalSignatureManager možnost podepsat balíčků pomocí algoritmu hash SHA256.
Pokud po instalaci této aktualizace nainstalujete jazykovou sadu, je nutné tuto aktualizaci přeinstalovat. Proto doporučujeme nainstalovat všechny potřebné jazykové sady před nainstalováním této aktualizace. Další informace naleznete v tématu Přidání jazykové sady do systému Windows.
Další informace o této aktualizaci zabezpečení
Při nesprávné úpravě registru pomocí Editoru registru nebo jiným způsobem může dojít k vážným problémům. Tyto problémy mohou vyžadovat přeinstalaci operačního systému. Společnost Microsoft nemůže zaručit, že tyto problémy bude možné vyřešit. Úpravy registru provádíte na vlastní nebezpečí.
Rozšířené použití klíče (EKU) je popsáno v dokumentu RFC 5280 v části Toto rozšíření označuje jeden nebo více účelům, pro které mohou být používány certifikované veřejné klíče, kromě nebo místo základní účely , které jsou uvedeny v rozšíření použití klíče. Například certifikát to je používaný k ověřování klientského počítače vůči serveru musí být konfigurované pro ověřování klientů. Podobně certifikát to je používaný k ověřování serveru musí být konfigurované pro ověřování serveru. Při použití certifikátů pro ověřování, zkoumá ověřovatel klientský certifikát a usiluje správný identifikátor objektu účelu v rozšíření zásad použití. Například identifikátor objektu ověření klienta je Při použití certifikátu pro ověřování klientů musí být přítomen v rozšířeních EKU certifikát nebo ověřování selžetento identifikátor objektu. Certifikáty, které mají pokračovat bez rozšíření EKU ověření. Pokud jste dočasně přístup k certifikáty správně opakováno, můžete přihlášení nebo nedostatek zabezpečení změnit přes všechny operace počítače aby se zabránilo jakékoli připojení k účinkům. Chcete-li to provést, zadejte následující registru klíč nastavení v závislosti na tom, které vaše application je cílení na verzi rozhraní.NET Framework . Metoda 1: Aktualizace registru klíče (k dispozici pro všechny verze) Poznámka: Tato položka registru musí být položka DWORD.
Pro 32bitový proces na 32-bit systém a proces 64-bit na 64 bit systému:
Pro proces 32bitové verze na 64bitovou verzi systému:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319@RequireCertificateEKUs=0
Můžete také na základě za application Odhlásit . Následující možnosti jsou k dispozici pro zakázání této změny ujistěte se, že application kompatibility je zachována.
Metoda 2: Zakážete zásady pro jednotlivé aplikace Poznámka: Tjeho registru položka musí být položka DWORD. Jediná platná hodnota je 0. Všechny ostatní hodnoty je ignorován.-
Pro 32bitový proces na 32-bit systém a proces 64-bit na 64 bit systému:
S:\Prj\console_pg\console_pg45\bin\Release\console_pg45.exe=0 C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe=0 -
Pro proces 32bitové verze na 64bitovou verzi systému:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319@System.Net.ServicePointManager.RequireCertificateEKUs
S:\Prj\console_pg\console_pg45\bin\Release\console_pg45.exe=0 C:\MyApp\MyApp.exe=0
Metoda 3: použití konfiguračního rozhraní API (k dispozici pro rozhraní.NET Framework 4.6 a novější verze)
Spuštění v rozhraní.NET Framework 4.6, můžete změnit konfiguraci na úrovni aplikace pomocí kódu, konfigurace aplikace, nebo změny v registru. Konfigurace přepínače vrozhraní.NET Framework 4.6 Poznámka: Následující příklady Zakázat funkci zabezpečení.-
První věcí, kterou by měl provést aplikace je spusťte následující kód. Důvodem je skutečnost, že správce služby bodu inicializaces pouze jednou. private const string DisableCachingName = @"TestSwitch.LocalAppContext.DisableCaching"; private const string DontCheckCertificateEKUsName= @"Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUs"; AppContext.SetSwitch(DisableCachingName, true); AppContext.SetSwitch(DontCheckCertificateEKUsName, true); -
Application configuration
Chcete-li změnit konfiguraci aplikace, přidejte následující položku: <runtime> <AppContextSwitchOverrides value="Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName=true"/> </runtime> -
Klíč registru (globální počítač):
Registry location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\[Wow6432Node\]Microsoft\.NETFramework\AppContext\Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName
Typ: Řetězec
Hodnoty: "PRAVDA"
Poznámka: Ve výchozím nastavení Switch.System.Net.DontCheckCertificateEKUsName = True pro všechny rozhraní.NET Framework 4. x aplikace , které jsou spuštěny rozhraní.NET Framework 4.6 a novější verze.
Další informace o zabezpečení Tato aktualizace se týká aktualizace Service Pack 1 pro systém Windows 7 a Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1, naleznete v následujícím článku znalostní báze Microsoft Knowledge Base:
4019112 bezpečnosti a kvality kumulativní aktualizace rozhraní.NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1 a 4.6.2 pro Windows 7 Service Pack 1 a Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1: 9. května 2017
Další informace o zabezpečení Tato aktualizace se týká systému Windows Server 2008, naleznete v následujícím článku znalostní báze Microsoft Knowledge Base:
4019115 bezpečnosti a kvality kumulativní aktualizace Service Pack 2, 4.5.2 a 4.6 rozhraní.NET Framework 2.0 pro systém Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2: 9. května 2017
Jak získat a nainstalovat aktualizaci
Metoda 1: Aktualizace systému Windows
Tato aktualizace je k dispozici prostřednictvím webu Windows Update. Pokud zapnete automatické aktualizace, bude tato aktualizace stažena a nainstalována automaticky. Další informace o tom, jak automaticky získávat aktualizace zabezpečení naleznete v tématu Windows Update: Nejčastější dotazy týkající se.
Metoda 2: Systém Windows Software Update Services (WSUS)
Na serveru služby WSUS postupujte takto:
Klepněte na tlačítko Start, klepněte na položku Nástroje pro správua potom klepněte na položku Microsoft Windows Server Update Services 3.0.
Rozbalte položku název_počítačea potom klepněte na tlačítko Akce.
Klepněte na tlačítko Importovat aktualizace.
Služba WSUS otevře okno prohlížeče, ve kterém můžete být vyzváni k instalaci ovládacího prvku ActiveX. Je nutné nainstalovat ovládací prvek ActiveX, můžete pokračovat.
Po instalaci ovládacího prvku se zobrazí obrazovka Katalog služby Microsoft Update . Zadejte jednu z následujících akcí, v závislosti na operační systém Windows, do pole Hledat a potom klepněte na tlačítko Hledat.
Windows Server 2008 zadejte 4019115.
Pro systém Windows 7 nebo Windows Server 2008 R2 zadejte 4019112.
Vyhledejte balíčky rozhraní.NET Framework, které vyhovují operačních systémů, jazyků a procesorů ve vašem prostředí. Klepněte na tlačítko Přidat a přidejte je do košíku.
Po výběru všech potřebných balíčků klepněte na tlačítko Zobrazit košík.
Klepněte na tlačítko Import k importu balíčků na server služby WSUS.
Po importu balíčků se vraťte do služby WSUS, klikněte na tlačítko Zavřít .
Aktualizace jsou nyní k dispozici pro instalaci prostřednictvím služby WSUS.
Aktualizovat informace o nasazení
Podrobnosti o nasazení této aktualizace zabezpečení naleznete v následujícím článku znalostní báze Microsoft Knowledge Base:
Informace o nasazení aktualizace zabezpečení 20170509 : 9. května 2017
Informace o odinstalaci aktualizace
Poznámka: Není doporučeno odebrat žádné aktualizace zabezpečení.
Tuto aktualizaci je možné odebrat pomocí položky programy a funkce v Ovládacím panelu.
Informace o restartování po aktualizaci
Tato aktualizace nevyžaduje restartování systému, pokud soubory, které jsou aktualizovány, nejsou uzamčeny nebo používány.
Informace o nahrazení aktualizace
Tato aktualizace nenahrazuje žádné dříve vydané aktualizace.
Informace o souborech
Název balíčku |
Algoritmus Hash SHA-1 balíček |
Balíček Hash SHA-2 |
NDP46-KB4014511-x64.exe |
BEAB62B7D633D8CC6A207F52348C1954EAEE6A03 |
7418974D308A712FB6209D688191C861292DE8FA6D3BF08C91D62E0F82DA4824 |
NDP46-KB4014511-x86.exe |
5F79AE2826E102DEB33EBD5DC7DD13C4A6837844 |
66303075E7C594F23AA2984075E4547699D20B55C22D8EC193A9A79025A5E51D |
Angličtina (Spojené státy) verze této opravy hotfix nainstaluje soubory, jejichž atributy, které jsou uvedeny v následujících tabulkách. Kalendářní data a časy jednotlivých souborů jsou uvedeny v koordinovaném světovém čase (UTC). Kalendářní data a časy těchto souborů v místním počítači jsou zobrazeny dle vašeho místního času a také podle aktuálního letního času (DST). Navíc data a časy se mohou změnit při provádění některých operací se soubory.
Pro všechny systémy založené na x86
Název souboru |
Verze souboru |
Velikost souboru |
Datum |
Čas |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,690,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
2,944,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
vbc.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
2,713,208 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
vbc7ui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,048 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
36,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
169,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
alink.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
117,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
alinkui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
36,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
96,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
55,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
35,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,264 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
41,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
91,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
40,560 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,584 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
43,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
507,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,324 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CasPol.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
107,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
7,003,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
123,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
237,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clrjit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
511,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
172,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,136 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
csc.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,052,728 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
cscui.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
204,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Culture.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
54,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
95,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,280 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfdll.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
154,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
diasymreader.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
868,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dw20.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
96,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
805,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
filetracker.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
215,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
22,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
fusion.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
93,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont |
116,922 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ilasm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
285,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
40,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
68,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
jsc.exe |
14.6.1099.0 |
46,200 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
locale.nlp |
419,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
53,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
84,736 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,405,632 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
655,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
100,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,157,352 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
268,024 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
483,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
52,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
184,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
395,016 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
140,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
32,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
750,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
14.0.1099.0 |
58,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
116,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
497,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
640,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
106,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
260,208 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,271,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,088,672 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
497,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
33,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,359,776 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
88,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
137,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
399,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
39,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
415,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
VsVersion.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
19,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
netfx45_upgradecleanup.inf |
2,371 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ngen.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
140,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
75,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
normalization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
77,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
211,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
peverify.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
173,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
600,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,491,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
247,696 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
177,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
180,632 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
484,240 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
207,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
6,079,864 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
24,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
24,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
181,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
84,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
791,264 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
843,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
581,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
64,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,176 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
regtlib.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
96,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
43,736 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
47,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
89,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
216,696 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
37,592 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
27,864 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
72,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
135,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SOS.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
722,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
680,280 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
132,240 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
704,272 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,519,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
141,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,093,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
51,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
161,456 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,896 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
30,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
310,560 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.Registration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
62,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Core.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,312,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,440 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,081,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,010,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
685,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
442,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
173,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
669,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
293,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Dynamic.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,066,200 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
144,136 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
197,368 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
132,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
144,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
256,672 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
30,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,896 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
366,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
37,552 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
171,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Handles.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
32,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,552 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,037,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
201,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
558,328 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
156,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
307,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
6,197,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,432 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
250,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,432 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
34,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,312 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
39,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
327,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,456 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Timer.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
70,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,440 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
244,600 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
172,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
164,544 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
351,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,846,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
82,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,702,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,044,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,535,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
494,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
449,248 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
163,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
108,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Configuration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
402,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,656 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,359,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
506,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
730,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
846,016 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,999,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Device.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
64,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
420,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
200,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,462,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
112,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
594,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
8,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
239,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
34,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
111,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
33,024 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Management.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
413,384 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
272,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
200,368 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
50,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
138,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Numerics.Vectors.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
107,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
344,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
141,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Security.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
292,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
134,360 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.tlb |
14.6.1099.0 |
72,192 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
303,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,349,544 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
827,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
843,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
7,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
740,248 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,801,752 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
86,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
67,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
626,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,621,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
4.6.1099.0 |
110,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
176,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
358,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
48,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
104,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WebAdminPage.cs |
48,004 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
webengine.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
webengine4.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
512,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,256,776 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
87,840 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 | |
151,330 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,685,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
152,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
131,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
67,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Pro všechny systémy založené na x64
Název souboru |
Verze souboru |
Velikost souboru |
Datum |
Čas |
System.Web.DataVisualization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,690,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
3,960,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.Compiler.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
2,944,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
vbc.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
3,246,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
vbc.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
2,713,208 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Activities.CompilerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
vbc7ui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,048 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
vbc7ui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
273,048 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Accessibility.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
36,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInProcess.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInProcess32.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AddInUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
190,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
AdoNetDiag.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
169,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
alink.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
145,048 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
alink.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
117,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
alinkui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
36,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
alinkui.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
36,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
116,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
AppLaunch.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
96,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
54,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_compiler.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
55,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
30,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_counters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
38,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_filter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
35,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
26,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_isapi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,264 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Aspnet_perf.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
41,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
91,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_rc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
91,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_regbrowsers.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_regiis.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
40,560 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_regsql.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,584 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
51,320 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_state.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
48,248 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
aspnet_wp.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
43,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
AspNetMMCExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
507,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ThirdPartyNotices.txt |
20,324 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CasPol.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
106,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
CasPol.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
107,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
10,005,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
clr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
7,003,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
138,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
clrcompression.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
123,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
237,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
clretwrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
237,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
clrjit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,059,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
clrjit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
511,128 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
compatjit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,250,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ComSvcConfig.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
172,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
153,272 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
CORPerfMonExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,136 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
csc.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,621,048 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
csc.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,052,728 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
cscui.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
204,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
cscui.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
204,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Culture.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
64,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Culture.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
54,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
CustomMarshalers.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
95,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
DataSvcUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,280 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfdll.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
181,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
dfdll.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
154,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
dfshim.dll.mui |
4.0.41209.0 |
18,600 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dfsvc.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
diasymreader.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
1,133,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
diasymreader.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
868,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
dw20.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
51,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
dw20.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
EdmGen.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
96,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
805,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
EventLogMessages.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
805,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
filetracker.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
261,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
filetracker.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
215,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
22,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
FileTrackerUI.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
22,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
fusion.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
110,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
fusion.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
93,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
GlobalUserInterface.CompositeFont |
116,922 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ilasm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
349,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
ilasm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
285,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
40,056 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
InstallUtil.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
40,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
76,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
InstallUtilLib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
68,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
72,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ISymWrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
jsc.exe |
14.6.1099.0 |
46,200 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
locale.nlp |
419,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
locale.nlp |
419,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Activities.Build.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
53,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Conversion.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
84,736 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,405,632 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Engine.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
655,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Framework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
100,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,157,352 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Build.Utilities.v4.0.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
268,024 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.CSharp.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
483,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Data.Entity.Build.Tasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
52,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Internal.Tasks.Dataflow.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
184,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
395,016 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
132,872 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Microsoft.Transactions.Bridge.Dtc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
140,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Microsoft.Windows.ApplicationServer.Applications.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
32,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.JScript.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
750,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
14.0.1099.0 |
58,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
Microsoft.JScript.tlb |
14.0.1099.0 |
58,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.Data.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
116,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
497,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll |
14.6.1099.0 |
640,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
113,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
MmcAspExt.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
106,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
256,112 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
MSBuild.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
260,208 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,748,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscordacwks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,271,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,519,776 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscordbi.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,088,672 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscoree.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
617,632 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscoreei.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
497,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
33,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscoreeis.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
33,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,277,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorlib.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,359,776 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
100 000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorpe.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
88,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
169,136 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorpehost.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
137,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
399,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorrc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
399,008 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
126,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorsecimpl.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
39,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorsecr.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
39,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
26,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorsn.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
524,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorsvc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
415,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
mscorsvw.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
VsVersion.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
19,112 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
VsVersion.dll |
14.0.1099.0 |
19,104 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
netfx45_upgradecleanup.inf |
2,371 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ngen.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
172,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ngen.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
140,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
85,160 |
30-Mar-2017 |
03:13 |
nlssorting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
75,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
normalization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
35,000 |
30-Mar-2017 |
03:13 |
normalization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
93,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PenIMC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
77,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
255,664 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PerfCounter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
211,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
peverify.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
252,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
peverify.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
173,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationBuildTasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
600,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,468,992 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PresentationCore.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,491,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Aero.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
247,696 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
presentationframework.aerolite.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
177,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Classic.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
180,632 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Luna.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
484,240 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.Royale.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
207,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
6,079,864 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemCore.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemData.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemDrawing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
24,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
24,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationFramework-SystemXmlLinq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
230,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
84,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
181,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationHost_v0400.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
84,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,071,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
PresentationNative_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
791,264 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
PresentationUI.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
843,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ReachFramework.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
581,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
63,608 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
RegAsm.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
64,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,152 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
RegSvcs.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,176 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
regtlib.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
108,664 |
30-Mar-2017 |
03:13 |
regtlib.exe |
14.0.1099.0 |
96,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
24,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
sbscmp10.dll |
4.0.41209.0 |
23,712 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
43,736 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
43,736 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelEvents.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,688 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelInstallRC.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
101,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
47,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
47,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
89,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
262,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelReg.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
216,696 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
37,592 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
37,592 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceModelRegUI.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,144 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
ServiceMonikerSupport.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
27,864 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SMDiagnostics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
72,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SMSvcHost.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
135,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
SOS.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
833,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
SOS.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
722,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Speech.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
680,280 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
sysglobl.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
132,240 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.Core.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
704,272 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,519,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
141,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Activities.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,093,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.AddIn.Contract.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
51,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.AddIn.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
161,456 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Collections.Concurrent.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Collections.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,896 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.Annotations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
30,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.Composition.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
310,560 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
system.componentmodel.composition.registration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
62,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ComponentModel.EventBasedAsync.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,504 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Core.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,312,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.DataSetExtensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,440 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Entity.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,081,576 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Entity.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,010,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
685,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.Client.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
442,096 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
173,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
669,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Contracts.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Debug.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Tools.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Diagnostics.Tracing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
293,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
system.dynamic.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,216 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Dynamic.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Globalization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,066,200 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.Selectors.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
144,136 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IdentityModel.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
197,368 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Log.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
132,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,344 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Expressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Parallel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Linq.Queryable.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Management.Instrumentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
144,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
256,672 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.Rtc.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
30,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Requests.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.WebHeaderCollection.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ObjectModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,896 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
366,272 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Printing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
366,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.ILGeneration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Emit.Lightweight.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,480 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Resources.ResourceManager.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
37,552 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.DurableInstancing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
171,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Handles.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
32,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,552 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Numerics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,037,568 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Json.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,520 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Xml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,472 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Security.Principal.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,424 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Activation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
201,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
558,328 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Channels.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
156,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Discovery.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
307,448 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
6,197,960 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Duplex.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,432 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Http.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Internals.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
250,120 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.NetTcp.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,432 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Primitives.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
34,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Routing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Security.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.ServiceMoniker40.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,312 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.WasHosting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
39,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceModel.Web.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
327,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.Encoding.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.Encoding.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
28,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Text.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,456 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,880 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Tasks.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Threading.Timer.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Abstractions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,912 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.ApplicationServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
70,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DynamicData.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
44,440 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.DynamicData.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
244,600 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Entity.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
172,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Entity.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
164,544 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Extensions.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
351,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Extensions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,846,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Routing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
22,376 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
82,392 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.DataVisualization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,702,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.Activities.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,044,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,535,224 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Workflow.Runtime.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
494,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.WorkflowServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
449,248 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xaml.Hosting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
42,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.Linq.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
163,000 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.ReaderWriter.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.Serialization.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
45,808 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.XDocument.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,400 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xml.XmlSerializer.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,928 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Caching.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
108,408 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.configuration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
402,648 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Configuration.Install.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,656 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,422,384 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Data.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,359,920 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
508,640 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
System.Data.OracleClient.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
506,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Data.SqlXml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
730,832 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Deployment.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
846,016 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,999,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Device.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
64,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
420,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.DirectoryServices.Protocols.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
200,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
3,462,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.Design.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
112,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
594,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
8,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Drawing.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
8,704 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
238,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.EnterpriseServices.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
239,336 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
106,240 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Thunk.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
34,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.EnterpriseServices.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
34,304 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,952 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.EnterpriseServices.Wrapper.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
111,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Compression.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
71,904 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.IO.Compression.FileSystem.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
33,024 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Management.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
413,384 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Messaging.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
272,064 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
200,368 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Net.Http.WebRequest.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
50,936 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Numerics.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
138,416 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Numerics.Vectors.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
31,464 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Reflection.context.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
107,760 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Remoting.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
344,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
141,160 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Security.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
292,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.ServiceProcess.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
134,360 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.tlb |
14.6.1099.0 |
72,192 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.tlb |
14.6.1099.0 |
72,192 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
306,888 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Transactions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
303,824 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,338,288 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Web.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
5,349,544 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Mobile.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
827,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.RegularExpressions.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
105,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.Services.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
843,976 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
7,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Web.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
7,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Controls.Ribbon.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
740,248 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
4,801,752 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
86,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
System.Windows.Forms.tlb |
4.6.1099.0 |
86,528 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Input.Manipulations.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
67,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Windows.Presentation.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
29,072 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.Xaml.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
626,848 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
System.XML.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,621,080 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
4.6.1099.0 |
130,200 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:52 |
4.6.1099.0 |
110,744 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationClient.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
176,488 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationClientsideProviders.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
358,816 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationProvider.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
48,496 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
UIAutomationTypes.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
104,800 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WebAdminPage.cs |
48,004 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
WebAdminPage.cs |
48,004 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
webengine.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
26,792 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
webengine.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
webengine4.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
623,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
webengine4.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
512,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WindowsBase.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,256,776 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WindowsFormsIntegration.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
102,784 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
174,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
WMINet_Utils.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
125,616 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
99,608 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
23,856 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WorkflowServiceHostPerformanceCounters.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
87,840 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 | |
151,330 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,160 |
30-Mar-2017 |
03:13 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe.mui |
4.6.1099.0 |
19,168 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
26,744 |
30-Mar-2017 |
03:13 |
WPFFontCache_v0400.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
25,720 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
2,144,944 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:51 |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
1,685,680 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
WsatConfig.exe |
4.6.1099.0 |
152,184 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
XamlBuildTask.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
131,256 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
XsdBuildTask.dll |
4.6.1099.0 |
67,768 |
29-Mar-2017 |
23:32 |
Jak získat pomoc a podporu pro tuto aktualizaci zabezpečení
Nápovědu pro instalaci aktualizací: Windows Update, nejčastější dotazy
Řešení zabezpečení pro odborníky v oblasti IT: Podpora zabezpečení TechNet a řešení problémů
Nápověda pro ochranu před viry a malware produkty založené na systému Windows a služby: Zabezpečení společnosti Microsoft
Místní podpora v závislosti na vaší zemi: Mezinárodní podpora
Platí pro
Tento článek se týká následujících akcí:
Microsoft rozhraní.NET Framework 4.6 a 4.6.1 při použití:
Windows Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1
Windows 7 Service Pack 1
Rozhraní.NET Framework Microsoft 4.6 při použití:
Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2