Sleva na poplatek za zboží, které jsou přiřazeny k prodejní dodávky nejsou distribuovány podle vybrané volby odpovídající hodnoty položek v produktu Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009. Postupujte podle pokynů změny kódu sekce Chcete-li vyřešit tento problém. K tomuto problému dochází v následujících produktů:

  • Aplikace Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

  • Aplikace Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Service Pack 1 (SP1)


Informace o opravě hotfix

Podporovaná oprava hotfix je nyní k dispozici od společnosti Microsoft. Však je určena pouze k odstranění problému popsaného v tomto článku. Použijte ji pouze u systémů, ve kterých dochází k tomuto konkrétnímu problému. Tato oprava hotfix může být dále testována. Proto pokud jste závažně tento problém, doporučujeme počkat na další aktualizaci service pack produktu Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 nebo další verze produktu Microsoft Dynamics NAV, která obsahuje tuto opravu hotfix.Poznámka: Ve zvláštních případech poplatky, které jsou třeba obvykle zaplatit za telefonní hovory mohou být stornovány, jestliže pracovník technické podpory společnosti Microsoft Dynamics a souvisejících produktů Určuje, že konkrétní aktualizace odstraní váš problém. Výdaje na technickou podporu použije dalších otázek a problémů, které nelze vyřešit konkrétní aktualizací.

Informace o instalaci

Společnost Microsoft poskytuje ukázky programování pouze pro ilustraci bez žádné záruky výslovně uvedené nebo odvozené. To zahrnuje, ale není omezen pouze na předpokládané záruky obchodovatelnosti nebo vhodnosti pro určitý účel. Tento článek předpokládá, že jste obeznámeni s programovacím jazykem, který je předmětem ukázky a s nástroji, které slouží k vytvoření a ladění skriptu. Pracovníci podpory společnosti Microsoft mohou vysvětlit funkce určitého postupu. Nemohou však následující příklady rozšířit o další funkce nebo konstrukce podle konkrétních požadavků.Poznámka: Před instalací této opravy hotfix ověřte, že všichni uživatelé klienta Microsoft Dynamics NAV odhlášeni systému. To zahrnuje služby Microsoft Dynamics NAV Application Server (NAS). Je třeba klienta pouze uživatel přihlášený při implementaci opravy hotfix.Chcete-li implementovat tuto opravu hotfix, musí mít licenci vývojáře.Doporučujeme, aby uživatelský účet v okně přihlášení systému Windows nebo v okně přihlášení databáze přidělí "SUPER" ID role. Pokud uživatelský účet nelze přiřadit ID role "SUPER", musíte ověřit, že uživatelský účet má následující oprávnění:

  • Změnit oprávnění pro objekt, který budete měnit.

  • Oprávnění ke spuštění pro System Object ID 5210 objekt a System Object ID 9015objektu.

Poznámka: Nemáte práva k úložištím dat. Pokud nebudete provádět opravu dat.

Změny kódu

Poznámka: Vždy otestujte opravy kódu v kontrolovaném prostředí před instalací opravy v provozních počítačích.Chcete-li vyřešit tento problém, postupujte takto:

  1. Změňte kód v okně Vlastnosti v procedura prodeje Post (80) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...PostJobContractLine(JobTaskSalesLine,TempJnlLineDim2);                        END;                      SalesLine.Type::"Charge (Item)":                        IF Invoice OR ItemChargeAssgntOnly THEN BEGIN// Delete the following line.                         ItemJnlRollRndg := FALSE;             // End of the deleted line.                          ClearItemChargeAssgntFilter;                          TempItemChargeAssgntSales.SETCURRENTKEY("Applies-to Doc. Type");                          TempItemChargeAssgntSales.SETRANGE("Document Line No.",SalesLine."Line No.");                          IF TempItemChargeAssgntSales.FINDSET THEN...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...PostJobContractLine(JobTaskSalesLine,TempJnlLineDim2);                        END;                      SalesLine.Type::"Charge (Item)":                        IF Invoice OR ItemChargeAssgntOnly THEN BEGIN// Add the following line.                         ItemJnlRollRndg := TRUE;                  // End of the added line.                          ClearItemChargeAssgntFilter;                          TempItemChargeAssgntSales.SETCURRENTKEY("Applies-to Doc. Type");                          TempItemChargeAssgntSales.SETRANGE("Document Line No.",SalesLine."Line No.");                          IF TempItemChargeAssgntSales.FINDSET THEN...

    Existující kód 2

    ...GenJnlLineDocNo := TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. No.";                              CASE TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type" OF                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Shipment:                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerShpt(SalesLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...GenJnlLineDocNo := TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. No.";                              CASE TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type" OF                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Shipment:                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerShpt(SalesLine,SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     SalesLine.Quantity,SalesLine."Line Discount Amount",SalesLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Existující kód 3

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerRetRcpt(SalesLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Order,                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Invoice:...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerRetRcpt(SalesLine,SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     SalesLine.Quantity,SalesLine."Line Discount Amount",SalesLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntSales.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Order,                                TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Invoice:...
  2. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerShpt v procedura prodeje Post (80) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerShpt@5807(SalesLine@1000 : Record 37);      VAR        SalesShptLine@1003 : Record 111;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Add the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerShpt@5807(SalesLine@1000 : Record 37;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);      VAR        SalesShptLine@1003 : Record 111;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Existující kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");            IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Delete the following line.               AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign);              NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity);              NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;              NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");            IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Add the following lines.               AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,               TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.              NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity);              NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;              NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Delete the following line.               NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign);          UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;        END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Add the following lines.               NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,              TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.          UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;        END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",...

    Existující kód 4

    ...END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Amount to Assign",// Delete the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Qty. to Assign");     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetRcpt@5810(SalesLine@1000 : Record 37);// End of the deleted lines.      VAR        ReturnRcptLine@1002 : Record 6661;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Náhradní kód 4

    ...END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Amount to Assign",// Add the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Qty. to Assign",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetRcpt@5810(SalesLine@1000 : Record 37;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);// End of the added lines.      VAR        ReturnRcptLine@1002 : Record 6661;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...
  3. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerRetRcpt v procedura prodeje Post (80) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");            IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Delete the following line.               AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign);              NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity);              NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;              NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");            IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Add the following lines.               AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,               TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.              NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity);              NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;              NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Delete the following line.               NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign);          UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;        END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;            END ELSE // the last time              PostItemCharge(SalesLine,                TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",ABS(TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity),// Add the following lines.               NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,               TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.          UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;        END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",...

    Existující kód 3

    ...END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Amount to Assign",// Delete the following line.           TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Qty. to Assign")      END;      LOCAL PROCEDURE PostAssocItemJnlLine@3(QtyToBeShipped@1000 : Decimal;QtyToBeShippedBase@1001 : Decimal) : Integer;      VAR...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...END ELSE          PostItemCharge(SalesLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Amount to Assign",// Add the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntSales."Qty. to Assign",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining)// End of the added lines.      END;      LOCAL PROCEDURE PostAssocItemJnlLine@3(QtyToBeShipped@1000 : Decimal;QtyToBeShippedBase@1001 : Decimal) : Integer;      VAR...
  4. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemCharge v procedura prodeje Post (80) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...TempValueEntryRelation.DELETEALL;        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     PROCEDURE PostItemCharge@42(SalesLine@1005 : Record 37;ItemEntryNo@1004 : Integer;QuantityBase@1003 : Decimal;AmountToAssign@1002 : Decimal;QtyToAssign@1001 : Decimal);      VAR        DummyTrackingSpecification@1000 : Record 336;      BEGIN        WITH TempItemChargeAssgntSales DO BEGIN...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...TempValueEntryRelation.DELETEALL;        END;      END;// Add the following line.     PROCEDURE PostItemCharge@42(SalesLine@1005 : Record 37;ItemEntryNo@1004 : Integer;QuantityBase@1003 : Decimal;AmountToAssign@1002 : Decimal;QtyToAssign@1001 : Decimal;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1006 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1007 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1008 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1009 : Decimal);      VAR        DummyTrackingSpecification@1000 : Record 336;      BEGIN        WITH TempItemChargeAssgntSales DO BEGIN...

    Existující kód 2

    ...SalesLine.Amount :=              CurrExchRate.ExchangeAmtFCYToLCY(                UseDate,SalesHeader."Currency Code",TotalChargeAmt,SalesHeader."Currency Factor");          SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount" := ROUND(// Delete the following lines.             SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount" / SalesLine.Quantity * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");// End of the deleted lines.          SalesLine.Amount := ROUND(SalesLine.Amount,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision") - TotalChargeAmtLCY;          IF SalesHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN            TotalChargeAmtLCY := TotalChargeAmtLCY + SalesLine.Amount;          SalesLine."Unit Cost (LCY)" := ROUND(...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...SalesLine.Amount :=              CurrExchRate.ExchangeAmtFCYToLCY(                UseDate,SalesHeader."Currency Code",TotalChargeAmt,SalesHeader."Currency Factor");          SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount" := ROUND(// Add the following lines.             TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         SalesLine."Line Discount Amount" := ROUND(             TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         SalesLine."Line Amount" := ROUND(             TotalLineAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining := TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining - SalesLine."Inv. Discount Amount";         TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining := TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining - SalesLine."Line Discount Amount";TotalLineAmtRemaining := TotalLineAmtRemaining - SalesLine."Line Amount";         TotalQtyRemaining := TotalQtyRemaining - QtyToAssign;// End of the added lines.              SalesLine.Amount := ROUND(SalesLine.Amount,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision") - TotalChargeAmtLCY;          IF SalesHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN            TotalChargeAmtLCY := TotalChargeAmtLCY + SalesLine.Amount;          SalesLine."Unit Cost (LCY)" := ROUND(...
  5. Změňte kód v okně Vlastnosti v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...3:                        ERROR(Text015);                      PurchLine.Type::"Charge (Item)":                        IF Invoice OR ItemChargeAssgntOnly THEN BEGIN// Delete the following line.                         ItemJnlRollRndg := FALSE;                          ClearItemChargeAssgntFilter;                          TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.SETCURRENTKEY("Applies-to Doc. Type");                          TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.SETRANGE("Document Line No.",PurchLine."Line No.");                          IF TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.FINDSET THEN...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...3:                        ERROR(Text015);                      PurchLine.Type::"Charge (Item)":                        IF Invoice OR ItemChargeAssgntOnly THEN BEGIN// Add the following line.                         ItemJnlRollRndg := TRUE;                          ClearItemChargeAssgntFilter;                          TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.SETCURRENTKEY("Applies-to Doc. Type");                          TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.SETRANGE("Document Line No.",PurchLine."Line No.");                          IF TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.FINDSET THEN...

    Existující kód 2

    ...GenJnlLineDocNo := TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. No.";                              CASE TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type" OF                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Receipt:                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerRcpt(PurchLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Transfer Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...GenJnlLineDocNo := TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. No.";                              CASE TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type" OF                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Receipt:                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerRcpt(PurchLine,PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     PurchLine.Quantity,PurchLine."Line Discount Amount",PurchLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Transfer Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Existující kód 3

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Transfer Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerTransfer(PurchLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment":                                  BEGIN...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Transfer Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerTransfer(PurchLine,PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     PurchLine.Quantity,PurchLine."Line Discount Amount",PurchLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment":                                  BEGIN...

    Existující kód 4

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment":                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerRetShpt(PurchLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Sales Shipment":                                  BEGIN...

    Náhradní kód 4

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Shipment":                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerRetShpt(PurchLine,PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     PurchLine.Quantity,PurchLine."Line Discount Amount",PurchLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Sales Shipment":                                  BEGIN...

    Existující kód 5

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Sales Shipment":                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerSalesShpt(PurchLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Změněný kód 5

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Sales Shipment":                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerSalesShpt(PurchLine,PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     PurchLine.Quantity,PurchLine."Line Discount Amount",PurchLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN...

    Existující kód 6

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Delete the following line.                                   PostItemChargePerRetRcpt(PurchLine);                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Order,                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Invoice:...

    Náhradní kód 6

    ...TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::"Return Receipt":                                  BEGIN// Add the following lines.                                   PostItemChargePerRetRcpt(PurchLine,PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount",                                     PurchLine.Quantity,PurchLine."Line Discount Amount",PurchLine."Line Amount");// End of the added lines.                                    TempItemChargeAssgntPurch.MARK(TRUE);                                  END;                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Order,                                TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Applies-to Doc. Type"::Invoice:...
  6. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerRcpt v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRcpt@5807(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39);      VAR        PurchRcptLine@1002 : Record 121;        TempItemLedgEntry@1003 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1005 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Add the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRcpt@5807(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);      VAR        PurchRcptLine@1002 : Record 121;        TempItemLedgEntry@1003 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1005 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Existující kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %");                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %",                 TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %");            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %",                 TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Existující kód 4

    ...PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            PurchRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",PurchRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",// Delete the following lines.           PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %");     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetShpt@5811(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39);// End of the deleted lines.      VAR        ReturnShptLine@1002 : Record 6651;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Náhradní kód 4

    ...PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            PurchRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",PurchRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",// Add the following lines.           PurchRcptLine."Indirect Cost %",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetShpt@5811(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);// End of the added lines.      VAR        ReturnShptLine@1002 : Record 6651;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...
  7. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerRetShpt v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %");                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %");            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Existující kód 3

    ...PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            ReturnShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",-ReturnShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            ABS(TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign") * Sign,            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",// Delete the following lines.           ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %");     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerTransfer@23(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39);// End of the deleted lines.      VAR        TransRcptLine@1002 : Record 5747;        ItemApplnEntry@1003 : Record 339;        DummyTrackingSpecification@1001 : Record 336;...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            ReturnShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",-ReturnShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            ABS(TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign") * Sign,            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",// Add the following lines.           ReturnShptLine."Indirect Cost %",TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);     END;     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerTransfer@23(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1016 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1017 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1018 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1019 : Decimal);// End of the added lines.      VAR        TransRcptLine@1002 : Record 5747;        ItemApplnEntry@1003 : Record 339;        DummyTrackingSpecification@1001 : Record 336;...
  8. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerTransfer v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) taktoExistující kód

    ...PurchLine."Bin Code" := '';          PurchLine."Line No." := "Document Line No.";          IF TransRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No." = 0 THEN// Delete the following line.           PostItemChargePerITTransfer(PurchLine,TransRcptLine)          ELSE BEGIN            TotalAmountToPostFCY := "Amount to Assign";            IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN              TotalAmountToPostLCY :=...

    Změněný kód

    ...PurchLine."Bin Code" := '';          PurchLine."Line No." := "Document Line No.";          IF TransRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No." = 0 THEN// Add the following lines.           PostItemChargePerITTransfer(PurchLine,TransRcptLine,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,             TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining)// End of the added lines.          ELSE BEGIN            TotalAmountToPostFCY := "Amount to Assign";            IF PurchHeader."Currency Code" <> '' THEN              TotalAmountToPostLCY :=...
  9. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerITTransfer v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerITTransfer@43(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;TransRcptLine@1017 : Record 5747);      VAR        TempItemLedgEntry@1016 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1001 : Codeunit 6500;        Factor@1023 : Decimal;...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...END;        END;      END;// Add the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerITTransfer@43(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;TransRcptLine@1017 : Record 5747;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1026 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1024 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1025 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1030 : Decimal);      VAR        TempItemLedgEntry@1016 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1001 : Codeunit 6500;        Factor@1023 : Decimal;...

    Existující kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign,0);                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 AmountToAssign,QtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0);            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042);        END;...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042);        END;...
  10. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerSalesShpt v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...ERROR(Text042);        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerSalesShpt@41(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39);      VAR        SalesShptLine@1002 : Record 111;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...ERROR(Text042);        END;      END;// Add the following line.    LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerSalesShpt@41(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);      VAR        SalesShptLine@1002 : Record 111;        TempItemLedgEntry@1010 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1009 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Existující kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,0);                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0);            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Existující kód 4

    ...ELSE          PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",-SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,// Delete the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",0)     END;     PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetRcpt@37(PurchLine@1001 : Record 39);// End of the deleted lines.      VAR        ReturnRcptLine@1000 : Record 6661;        TempItemLedgEntry@1011 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1010 : Codeunit 6500;...

    Náhradní kód 4

    ...ELSE          PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            SalesShptLine."Item Shpt. Entry No.",-SalesShptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,// Add the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining)     END;     PROCEDURE PostItemChargePerRetRcpt@37(PurchLine@1001 : Record 39;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1013 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1014 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1015 : Decimal);// End of the added lines.      VAR        ReturnRcptLine@1000 : Record 6661;        TempItemLedgEntry@1011 : TEMPORARY Record 32;        ItemTrackingMgt@1010 : Codeunit 6500;...
  11. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemChargePerRetRcpt v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,0);                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...AmountToAssign := ROUND(NonDistrAmountToAssign * Factor,GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");              IF Factor < 1 THEN BEGIN                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 AmountToAssign * Sign,QtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.                NonDistrQuantity := NonDistrQuantity - TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity;                NonDistrQtyToAssign := NonDistrQtyToAssign - QtyToAssign;                NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time...

    Existující kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Delete the following line.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0);            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...NonDistrAmountToAssign := NonDistrAmountToAssign - AmountToAssign;              END ELSE // the last time                PostItemCharge(PurchLine,                  TempItemLedgEntry."Entry No.",TempItemLedgEntry.Quantity,// Add the following lines.                 NonDistrAmountToAssign * Sign,NonDistrQtyToAssign,0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,                 TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining);// End of the added lines.            UNTIL TempItemLedgEntry.NEXT = 0;          END ELSE            ERROR(Text042)        ELSE...

    Existující kód 3

    ...ELSE          PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,// Delete the following line.           TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",0)      END;      LOCAL PROCEDURE PostAssocItemJnlLine@3(QtyToBeShipped@1000 : Decimal;QtyToBeShippedBase@1001 : Decimal) : Integer;      VAR...

    Změněný kód 3

    ...ELSE          PostItemCharge(PurchLine,            ReturnRcptLine."Item Rcpt. Entry No.",ReturnRcptLine."Quantity (Base)",            TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Amount to Assign" * Sign,// Add the following lines.           TempItemChargeAssgntPurch."Qty. to Assign",0,TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining,           TotalQtyRemaining,TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining,TotalLineAmtRemaining)// End of the added lines.      END;      LOCAL PROCEDURE PostAssocItemJnlLine@3(QtyToBeShipped@1000 : Decimal;QtyToBeShippedBase@1001 : Decimal) : Integer;      VAR...
  12. Změňte kód ve funkci PostItemCharge v thePurch.-zaúčtování procedura (90) takto:Existující kód 1

    ...TempValueEntryRelation.DELETEALL;        END;      END;// Delete the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemCharge@42(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;ItemEntryNo@1004 : Integer;QuantityBase@1005 : Decimal;AmountToAssign@1006 : Decimal;QtyToAssign@1007 : Decimal;IndirectCostPct@1008 : Decimal);      VAR        DummyTrackingSpecification@1001 : Record 336;      BEGIN        WITH TempItemChargeAssgntPurch DO BEGIN...

    Změněný kód 1

    ...TempValueEntryRelation.DELETEALL;        END;      END;// Add the following line.     LOCAL PROCEDURE PostItemCharge@42(PurchLine@1000 : Record 39;ItemEntryNo@1004 : Integer;QuantityBase@1005 : Decimal;AmountToAssign@1006 : Decimal;QtyToAssign@1007 : Decimal;IndirectCostPct@1008 : Decimal;VAR TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining@1009 : Decimal;VAR TotalQtyRemaining@1010 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining@1011 : Decimal;VAR TotalLineAmtRemaining@1012 : Decimal);      VAR        DummyTrackingSpecification@1001 : Record 336;      BEGIN        WITH TempItemChargeAssgntPurch DO BEGIN...

    Existující kód 2

    ...ROUND(              PurchLine.Amount / QuantityBase,GLSetup."Unit-Amount Rounding Precision");          PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount" := ROUND(// Delete the following lines.             PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount" / PurchLine.Quantity * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         PurchLine."Line Discount Amount" := ROUND(             PurchLine."Line Discount Amount" / PurchLine.Quantity * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");// End of the deleted lines.          PostItemJnlLine(            PurchLine,            0,0,            QuantityBase,QuantityBase,...

    Náhradní kód 2

    ...ROUND(              PurchLine.Amount / QuantityBase,GLSetup."Unit-Amount Rounding Precision");          PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount" := ROUND(// Add the following lines.             TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         PurchLine."Line Discount Amount" := ROUND(             TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         PurchLine."Line Amount" := ROUND(             TotalLineAmtRemaining / TotalQtyRemaining * QtyToAssign,             GLSetup."Amount Rounding Precision");         TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining := TotalInvDiscAmtRemaining - PurchLine."Inv. Discount Amount";         TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining := TotalLineDiscAmtRemaining -  PurchLine."Line Discount Amount";         TotalLineAmtRemaining := TotalLineAmtRemaining -  PurchLine."Line Amount";         TotalQtyRemaining := TotalQtyRemaining - QtyToAssign;// End of the added lines.          PostItemJnlLine(            PurchLine,            0,0,            QuantityBase,QuantityBase,...


Musí mít jednu z následujících produktů nainstalovali tuto opravu hotfix:

  • Aplikace Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 R2

  • Aplikace Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1

Informace o odinstalaci

Tato oprava hotfix nelze odebrat.


Společnost Microsoft potvrdila, že se jedná o problém v produktech společnosti Microsoft, které jsou uvedeny v části "Platí pro".

Poznámka: Toto je článek "Rychlé publikování" vytvářen přímo v rámci odborné pomoci společnosti Microsoft. Informace obsažené v tomto dokumentu jsou poskytovány tak, jak je v reakci na vznikající problémy. V důsledku rychlosti v jeho zpřístupnění materiály, mohou obsahovat typografické chyby a mohou být upraveny kdykoli bez předchozího upozornění. Viz Podmínky použitípro další aspekty.

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