Kumulative Update 13 für SQL Server 2014 SP1
Kumulative Update 13 (CU13) für Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Service Pack 1 (SP1) wurde am 8/8/2017 (KB 4032542) auch als SQL Server Security Bulletin veröffentlicht. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter CVE 2017 8516 . Aus diesem Grund möglicherweise bereits als Teil dieses Sicherheitsbulletin installiert CU13 und Installation dieses Cu ist nicht erforderlich. Wenn Sie versuchen, CU13 nach CVE 2017 8516 installieren, erhalten Sie folgende Meldung:
Es sind keine SQL Server-Instanzen oder freigegebenen Funktionen vorhanden, die auf diesem Computer aktualisiert werden können.
Dies bedeutet, dass CU13 bereits installiert und keine weitere Aktion erforderlich ist. Hinweis Der Paketname für CU13, "SQLServer2014SP1 - KB4019099 - <X86/X64> .exe", enthält die CVE 2017 8516 KB-Nummer (4032542), nicht die Anzahl von CU13 KB (4019099). Dies kann ignoriert werden, wie ein einzelnes Paket beide Kanäle Version.
Dieser Artikel beschreibt die kumulative Updatepaket 13 (build-Nummer: 12.0.4522.0) für SQL Server 2014 SP1. Dieses Update enthält, die von SQL Server 2014 SP1 veröffentlicht wurden korrigiert .
Kumulatives Update
Kumulative Updates (CU) sind jetzt im Microsoft Download Center verfügbar. Nur aktuelle CU, die für SQL Server 2014 SP1 veröffentlicht ist im Download Center verfügbar.
Jedes neue CU enthält alle Korrekturen, die im vorherigen CU für die installierte Version bzw. das Service Pack von SQL Server enthalten waren.
Microsoft empfiehlt die laufende, proaktive Installation von CUs, sobald sie verfügbar sind:
CUs für SQL Server sind auf der gleichen Ebene wie Service Packs angesiedelt und sollten mit derselben Vertraulichkeitsstufe installiert werden.
Aus den Verlaufsdaten lässt sich ablesen, dass eine erhebliche Anzahl von Supportfällen Probleme betrifft, die in einem veröffentlichten CU bereits behoben wurden.
CUs können auch über Hotfixes hinaus Mehrwert bieten. Beispiele hierfür sind Updates in Bezug auf die Unterstützbarkeit, Verwaltbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit.
Wie bei SQL Server Service Packs auch, ist es ratsam, CUs zu testen, bevor Sie sie in Produktionsumgebungen bereitstellen.
Wir empfehlen, die SQL Server-Installation auf das neueste SQL Server 2014 Service packaktualisieren.
Bezug dieses kumulativen Updatepakets
Das folgende Update steht im Microsoft Download Center zur Verfügung:
Downloaden Sie das neueste kumulative Update-Paket für SQL Server 2014 SP1 jetzt.Wenn die Download-Seite nicht angezeigt wird, wenden Sie sich an Microsoft Customer Service and Support um das kumulative Updatepaket zu erhalten. Hinweis Nach der Veröffentlichung von zukünftigen kumulativen Updates für SQL Server 2016 werden diese CU befindet und der Microsoft Windows Update-Katalogheruntergeladen. Microsoft empfiehlt jedoch, dass Sie das neueste kumulative Update installieren.
In diesem kumulativen Updatepaket enthaltene Hotfixes
VSTS-Fehlernummer |
KB-Artikelnummer |
Beschreibung |
Fehlerkorrekturbereich |
10029662 |
4015561 |
SQL-Dienst |
9876158 |
4018908 |
Analysis Services |
10015186 |
4038210 |
SQL-Dienst |
10029681 |
4018227 |
Hochverfügbarkeit |
10029666 |
4019125 |
9813869 |
4013208 |
Analysis Services |
10029653 |
4017080 |
Hochverfügbarkeit |
9983806 |
4021580 |
SQL-Dienst |
10029672 |
4019983 |
Reporting Services |
10202069 |
4024184 |
SQL-Dienst |
10029685 |
4019048 |
Analysis Services |
Hinweise zu diesem Update
Bereitstellung in Hybridumgebungen
Beim Bereitstellen von Updates für eine hybridumgebung (wie AlwaysOn, Replikation, Cluster und Spiegelung) wird empfohlen, Sie in den folgenden Artikeln finden Sie vor der Bereitstellung von Updates:
Prozess des SQL Server-Failoverclusters für parallele Updates und Service Packs Hinweis Falls Sie den Prozess für parallele Updates nicht verwenden möchten, können Sie diese Schritte ausführen, um ein CU oder SP anzuwenden:
Installieren Sie das Service Pack auf dem passiven Knoten.
Installieren Sie das Service Pack auf dem aktiven Knoten (Neustart des Diensts erforderlich).
Upgraden von Always On-Verfügbarkeitsgruppen-Replikatsinstanzen Hinweis Wenn Sie Always On mit dem SSISDB-Katalog aktiviert haben, helfen Ihnen die Informationen zum Anwenden eines CU oder SP in diesen Umgebungen unter SSIS with AlwaysOn (SSIS mit Always On) weiter.
Anwenden eines Hotfix für SQL Server in einer Topologie mit Replikation
Kumulative SQL Server-Updates sind derzeit mehrsprachig verfügbar. Daher ist dieses kumulative Updatepaket nicht speziell für eine Sprache bestimmt. Es gilt für alle unterstützten Sprachen.
Im Formular unter „Laden Sie jetzt das aktuelle kumulative Updatepaket für SQL Server 2014 herunter“ werden die Sprachen angezeigt, für die das Updatepaket verfügbar ist. Falls Ihre Sprache nicht angezeigt wird, liegt dies daran, dass ein kumulatives Updatepaket nicht speziell für diese Sprache verfügbar ist und der ENU-Download für alle Sprachen gilt.
Aktualisierte Komponenten
Ein kumulatives Updatepaket enthält alle Komponentenpakete. Mit dem kumulativen Updatepaket werden aber nur die Komponenten aktualisiert, die auf dem System installiert sind.
Support für dieses Update
Falls weitere Probleme auftreten oder andere Schritte zur Problembehandlung erforderlich sind, müssen Sie unter Umständen eine separate Serviceanfrage erstellen. Für zusätzliche Supportanfragen und -belange, die sich nicht auf dieses spezielle kumulative Updatepaket beziehen, fallen die üblichen Supportgebühren an. Wenn Sie eine vollständige Liste mit den Telefonnummern des Microsoft-Kundendienst und -Support anzeigen oder eine separate Serviceanfrage erstellen möchten, können Sie die Website des Microsoft-Supports besuchen.
Deinstallieren des Updates
Gehen Sie hierzu wie folgt vor:
Klicken Sie in der Systemsteuerung auf Software. Hinweis Wenn Sie Windows 7 oder eine höhere Version ausführen, lautet die entsprechende Funktion in der Systemsteuerung Programme und Features.
Suchen Sie nach dem Eintrag für dieses kumulative Update.
Halten Sie den Eintrag gedrückt, oder klicken Sie mit der rechten Maustaste darauf, und wählen Sie Deinstallieren.
Informationen zum kumulativen Updatepaket
Zum Anwenden dieses kumulative Updatepaket muss SQL Server 2014 SP1 ausgeführt werden.
Informationen zum Neustart
Sie müssen den Computer nach der Installation dieses kumulativen Updatepakets unter Umständen neu starten.
Sie müssen keine Änderungen an der Registrierung vornehmen, um die Hotfixes aus dem Paket verwenden zu können.
Informationen zur Datei mit dem kumulativen Updatepaket
Dieses kumulative Updatepaket nicht alle Dateien enthalten, die Sie benötigen, um ein Produkt vollständig auf den neuesten Stand zu aktualisieren. Dieses Paket enthält nur die Dateien, die in diesem Artikel beschriebenen Probleme beheben müssen.Die englische Version dieses Pakets hat Dateiattribute (oder höher), die in der folgenden Tabelle aufgelistet werden. Die Datums- und Uhrzeitangaben für diese Dateien sind in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) aufgelistet. Wenn Sie die Dateiinformationen anzeigen, werden sie in die lokale Zeit konvertiert. Um die Differenz zwischen UTC und der Ortszeit zu suchen, verwenden Sie die Registerkarte Zeitzone in dem Element im Bedienfeld .
x86-basierte Versionen
SQL Server 2014 Suchdienst
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Msmdsrv.rll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
963264 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Msmdsrvi.rll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
960192 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Sqlbrowser_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Writer
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sqlvdi.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
148672 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.configurationtool.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.configurationproxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
400064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
911552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.common.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.proxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Powerpivotconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
292032 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
34950848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenbank Common Core Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
161984 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3741888 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
231104 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1362112 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Data Quality Client
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenqualität
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
472768 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenqualität
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server Datenbankdienste 2014 zentrale Instanz
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Backuptourl.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
40640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Hadrres.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
155328 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.autobackupagent.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
179904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
69312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
62656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
146624 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
257728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Qds.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
520384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
31424 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
468160 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
454848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1955520 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28769472 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
67142848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
25280 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
5718208 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
199360 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
9014464 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Services-Core freigegebene Datenbank
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Bcp.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
112320 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
154816 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
534208 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
45248 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
161984 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
50368 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1589440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3741888 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
231104 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1362112 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
257728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
224448 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
446656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
137408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
696512 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28864 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
237760 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
122560 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
293056 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
446656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
649920 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
820928 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
366272 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
125120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
198336 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqlcmd.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
201408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqldiag.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1177792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
181952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqllogship.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
105152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
308416 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlps.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
73408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
101568 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
55488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
56000 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
43192 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
53952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
53952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
43712 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
42688 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Txdatacollector.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
285376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
437952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
210624 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Volltext-Engine
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Fd.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
584896 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Integrationsservices
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
69312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
333504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.txscript.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
241344 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
217280 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
137408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
336576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
437952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
144576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
3838144 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1060544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1101504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1224384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1109696 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1105600 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1121984 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1105600 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1048256 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1081024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1093312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1208000 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1085120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1060544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1101504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
564928 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
564928 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
147136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
147136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
657088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
657088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
321216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
321216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
303296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
303296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
158912 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
158912 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
5565120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
5565120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingobjectmodel.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
115392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingobjectmodel.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
666296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
108736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
108736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
239808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
297152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
297152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
477888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
495808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
495808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll.deploy |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
82112 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2015936 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
110272 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
106176 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1542848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2236608 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
1284288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Rsctr120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
45760 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Management Studio
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Attunity.ssis.odbc.design.dll | |
114288 |
28-Jun-2017 |
16:46 |
x86 |
Bcp.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
112320 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Datadesigners.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
5860544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1226944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
524480 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.azuresqldbutils.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
33984 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.dac.dacwizard.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
867008 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
98496 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentwizard.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
806080 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.hadrtasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1647296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.reports.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
14073536 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.servicemanagement.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
123072 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.controls.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
172736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
317120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1589440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.txscript.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
241344 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
62656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
257728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Objectexplorer.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3975360 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Pfclnt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1156288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Pfutil.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
617152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
137408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
110272 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
1284288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqlcmd.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
201408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqldiag.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1177792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Sqlmanagerui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
7995584 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqlps.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
73408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
336576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Txdatacollector.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
285376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
437952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
144576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 und Workstation-Komponenten
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Dtaengine.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
160448 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2050752 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2141376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
69312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasksui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
159936 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
399552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2034880 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
333504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytaskui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
473792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Pfui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
680128 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Profiler.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1342656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
x64-basierte Versionen
SQL Server 2014 Suchdienst
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
60096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Msmdsrv.rll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
963264 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Msmdsrvi.rll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
960192 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Writer
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sqlvdi.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
148672 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlvdi.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
161472 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlwriter_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.configurationtool.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.configurationtool.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.configurationproxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
400064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.configurationproxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
400064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
911552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.sharepoint.integration.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
911552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.common.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.common.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.proxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.spaddin.configuration.proxy.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Powerpivotconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
291520 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Powerpivotconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
292032 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
52109504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Msmdsrv.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
51206848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7423680 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
8572096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sql_as_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
19112640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenbank Common Core Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
161984 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
161984 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3741888 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3741888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
231104 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
231104 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1362112 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1362112 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sql_common_core_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Data Quality Client
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sql_dqc_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenqualität
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
472768 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.ssdqs.cleansing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
472768 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Datenqualität
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Sql_dq_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
SQL Server Datenbankdienste 2014 zentrale Instanz
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Backuptourl.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
40128 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Hadrres.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
172736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Hkengine.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1654464 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Hkruntime.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
109248 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlautoadmin.autobackupagent.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
179904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
392384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.vdiinterface.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
70848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
64704 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
160448 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
282816 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Qds.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
544448 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Rsfxft.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
33472 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_inst_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqlaccess.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
469184 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Sqlagent.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
613056 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqldk.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2421952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqllang.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
36192960 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlmin.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
64733376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
29888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptdowngrade.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
25792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlscriptupgrade.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
5718208 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
775872 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqlservr.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
372416 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqltses.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
8974528 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Services-Core freigegebene Datenbank
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Bcp.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
122048 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Distrib.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
173760 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
3004096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
464064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
378048 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Logread.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
624320 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Mergetxt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
51392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.connectioninfo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
161984 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.businesslogicsupport.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
50368 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1646784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smo.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3741888 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.smoextended.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
231104 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.sqlenum.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1362112 |
28-Jun-2017 |
22:15 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
282816 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
257728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msgprox.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
262336 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Qrdrsvc.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
548032 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Rdistcom.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
814784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replagnt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
30400 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Repldp.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
272576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replerrx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
145088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replisapi.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
351936 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replmerg.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
515264 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Replprov.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
793792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replrec.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
974528 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Replsub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
434880 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Replsync.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
144576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Spresolv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
240832 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sql_engine_core_shared_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
240832 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqldiag.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1269440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqldistx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
216768 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqllogship.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
104640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Sqlmergx.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
353472 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlps.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
73408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
29888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlwep120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
111808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssradd.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
63168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssravg.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
64192 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssrdown.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
48832 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssrmax.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
61632 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssrmin.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
61632 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssrpub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
49344 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Ssrup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
48320 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Txdatacollector.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
397504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
517824 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Xmlsub.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
285376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Volltext-Engine
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Fd.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
661696 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sql_fulltext_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Integrationsservices
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
3004096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
464064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
378048 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
69312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
333504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.txscript.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
241344 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msdtssrvr.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
216768 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sql_is_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
335552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
517824 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
179392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
SQL Server 2014 Reporting Services
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
3838144 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1060544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1101504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1224384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:56 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1109696 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1105600 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1121984 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1105600 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1048256 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1081024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1093312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1208000 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1085120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1089216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1060544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1097408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.chartwincontrol.resources.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1101504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:34 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
564928 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.xmlaclient.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
564928 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
147136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.datarendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
147136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
657088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.excelrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
657088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
321216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.hpbprocessing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
321216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
303296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.htmlrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
303296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
158912 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.imagerendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
158912 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
5565120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingcore.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
5565120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingobjectmodel.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
115392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.processingobjectmodel.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115392 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.reportpreview.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
666296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
108736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.richtext.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
108736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.sharepoint.server.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
239808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
297152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.spbprocessing.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
297152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.upgradescripts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
477888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll.deploy |
12.0.4522.0 |
495808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.wordrendering.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
495808 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll.deploy |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
392384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
52109504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7423680 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
8572096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesemaildeliveryprovider.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
82112 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceslibrary.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2015936 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
110272 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
104640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Reportingservicesnativeserver.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
100032 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Reportingserviceswebserver.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1542848 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Reportingserviceswebuserinterface.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2236608 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
1284288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Rsctr120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
45760 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Rsctr120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
52416 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sql_rs_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll.deploy |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
775872 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
19112640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 Management Studio
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Attunity.ssis.odbc.design.dll | |
114288 |
28-Jun-2017 |
16:46 |
x86 |
Bcp.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
122048 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Datadesigners.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
5860544 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.dataflowui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1226944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.datatransformationservices.vsintegration.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
524480 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.dataextensions.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
202944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.reportingservices.diagnostics.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1412800 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.maintenanceplantasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
311488 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.azuresqldbutils.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
33984 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.dac.dacwizard.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
867008 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentmanagement.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
98496 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.deploymentwizard.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
806080 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.hadrtasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1647296 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.reports.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
14073536 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.servicemanagement.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
123072 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.controls.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
172736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.controls.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
172736 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.sqlstudio.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
317120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.replication.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1589440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.scripttask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
129216 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.txscript.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
241344 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
401088 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.types.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
392384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.wmiewtask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
53440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xe.core.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
62656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
282816 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xevent.linq.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
257728 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmltask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
153792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Objectexplorer.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
3975360 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Pfclnt.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1156288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Pfutil.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
617152 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rawsource.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
137408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Reportingservicesnativeclient.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
110272 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Rsconfigtool.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
1284288 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sql_ssms_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqlcmd.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
240832 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqldiag.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1269440 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqlmanagerui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
7995584 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Sqlps.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
73408 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
29888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
775872 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:35 |
x64 |
Sqlserverspatial120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
551616 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Ssisupgrade.exe |
12.0.4522.0 |
336576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Txdatacollector.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
285376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Txlookup.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
437952 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Txunpivot.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
144576 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
SQL Server 2014 und Workstation-Komponenten
Dateiname |
Dateiversion |
Dateigröße |
Datum |
Uhrzeit |
Plattform |
Dtaengine.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
160448 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:29 |
x86 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
3004096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Dts.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2557120 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
464064 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Dtsconn.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
383168 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
378048 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Flatfilesrc.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
328384 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
1541312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.managementdialogs.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2050752 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.analysisservices.project.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
2141376 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasks.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
69312 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.astasksui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
159936 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.chainer.infrastructure.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
399552 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.configuration.sco.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
2034880 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytask.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
333504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.dmquerytaskui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
473792 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.manageddts.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
531648 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.management.integrationservices.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
174784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |
Microsoft.sqlserver.xmlsrc.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
115904 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
35146944 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msmdlocal.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
52109504 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
6739136 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Msmgdsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7423680 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x64 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
7115968 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Msolap120.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
8572096 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Pfui.dll |
12.0.4522.0 |
680128 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:37 |
x86 |
Profiler.exe |
2014.120.4522.0 |
1342656 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:38 |
x86 |
Sql_tools_keyfile.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
57024 |
29-Jun-2017 |
06:07 |
x64 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
28352 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:31 |
x86 |
Sqlresld.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
29888 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
19112640 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:33 |
x64 |
Xmsrv.dll |
2014.120.4522.0 |
22254784 |
29-Jun-2017 |
05:36 |
x86 |