Applies ToPowerPoint 2013

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Create a flow chart in PowerPoint 2013 to illustrate sequential steps in a process, and choose from a variety of layouts and options. Watch this video to learn more.

Use the right shape for the right purpose

For your flow chart, you want to be sure to use the right shape for the right purpose. Click INSERT > Shapes, and point to a shape for a Screen Tip to see its intended purpose. Here are some basics. For more about shape types, see the link to the right under See also:

  • The rectangle is a Process shape, used for main steps in the process.

  • The diamond is a Decision shape, used to show a decision point in the process.

  • And the elongated oval is a Terminator shape, used to start and end the process.

Start building your flow chart

  1. Click INSERT > Shapes and build the chart using shapes from the gallery. To insert a shape, click it, and drag the crosshairs to draw it.

  2. Specifically, use the Flowchart group for the shapes and the Lines group for the connectors between shapes.

  3. As a visual aid for sizing and positioning shapes, click VIEW and check Gridlines.

Want more?

Flowchart shapes explained

Microsoft Visio - flow chart software

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