Your data
What kind of information can be shared between my LinkedIn and Microsoft accounts?
For details about what kind of information LinkedIn and your Microsoft accounts can share after you connect your accounts, see:
LinkedIn information in Microsoft applications with your work or school account
LinkedIn information in Microsoft applications with your personal account
What kind of information from LinkedIn can other people see about me in Microsoft apps?
The appearance of your LinkedIn profile in Microsoft apps depends on your off-LinkedIn visibility settings. You can change these settings at any time.
Will my public LinkedIn profile change after I connect my LinkedIn and Microsoft accounts?
When you connect your accounts, information from your Microsoft account will not be used to update your public profile. Information from your Microsoft account will be used to enhance your personal experience on LinkedIn. For example, LinkedIn may suggest you connect to some of your Microsoft contacts.
What changes after I disconnect my LinkedIn and Microsoft accounts?
When you disconnect your accounts, LinkedIn will no longer provide data to your Microsoft account and your Microsoft account will no longer provide data to LinkedIn.
Contacts that have been imported to LinkedIn from either your Microsoft personal or Microsoft work or school account will persist on LinkedIn until you remove them. Learn about managing your imported contacts on LinkedIn.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Data sharing between LinkedIn and Microsoft adheres to the GDPR.
For information about how Microsoft meets the requirements of GDPR, see and the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
For information about how LinkedIn meets the requirements of the GDPR, see LinkedIn and GDPR and the LinkedIn Privacy FAQ.