Outlook.com に対してサインインまたはサインアウトする方法 - Microsoft サポート
Outlook.com でサポートを受けるには、ここ をクリックするか、メニュー バーの [ヘルプ] を選択してクエリを入力します。 セルフヘルプで問題が解決しない場合は、[さらにヘルプが必要ですか?] まで下にスクロールし、[はい] を選択します。 Outlook.com でお問い合わせいただくには、サインイン ...
Applies To:
Aanmelden bij Hotmail - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Notities: Je Hotmail- of Outlook.com-wachtwoord is hetzelfde als het wachtwoord van je Microsoft-account. Als je je kunt aanmelden, maar problemen ondervindt met Outlook.com, controleer je de servicestatus.Als de status niet groen is, wacht je totdat de service weer normaal werkt en probeer je het opnieuw.
Applies To:
Fix Bluetooth problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
Before you start. Check these things before you start troubleshooting Bluetooth on your device: Check your product information. If you’re setting up a new device and Bluetooth is missing, check the product specifications to make sure it has Bluetooth capabilities.
Anmelden bei oder Abmelden von Outlook.com - Microsoft-Support
Um Unterstützung in Outlook.com zu erhalten, klicken Sie hier, oder wählen Sie in der Menüleiste Hilfe- aus, und geben Sie Ihre Abfrage ein. Wenn ihr Problem durch die Selbsthilfe nicht behoben werden kann, scrollen Sie nach unten zu Benötigen Sie weitere Hilfe? und wählen Sie Ja aus.. Um uns in Outlook.com zu kontaktieren, müssen Sie sich anmelden.
Applies To:
Microsoft Support
Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Test your camera with the Camera app. Select Start , then choose Camera from your apps. If you're asked to allow access to the Camera, select Yes.If the camera works in the Camera app, the problem might be with the app you're trying to use.
Fix Ethernet connection problems in Windows - Microsoft Support
On your home router. Try these things first to help you fix or narrow down the connection problem. Check the Ethernet cable and connection.Make sure the Ethernet cable is securely plugged into the Ethernet port on both your router and Windows 11 PC.
Cloud gaming with Xbox | Xbox Support
Learn about cloud gaming on Xbox using your Android, iOS, or Windows device.
Seamlessly transfer content between your devices - Microsoft Support
Cross-device copy and paste (for Surface Duo and select Samsung and HONOR and OPPO and ASUS and vivo and Xiaomi devices) Let emailing yourself photos and files be a thing of the past — now you can just copy and paste or drag and drop content between your Android device and your PC.
Install mobile apps and the Amazon Appstore on Windows
To use mobile apps on your Windows 11 PC, you need to install the Amazon Appstore. Once it's set up, you'll be able to browse and install mobile apps from a curated catalogue.