Imprimir no Microsoft Edge - Suporte da Microsoft
A impressão no Microsoft Edge é um processo simples e pode ser feito de várias maneiras. Usando o atalho de teclado: Pressione Ctrl + P no Windows ou Comando + P no Mac para abrir a caixa de diálogo de impressão. Opção menu: Clique nos três pontos horizontais no canto superior direito do navegador para abrir o menu. Selecione Imprimir no menu suspenso.
修复 Windows 中就近共享的问题 - Microsoft 支持
如果无法通过蓝牙配对或识别设备,请按照以下故障排除步骤进行解决。 检查蓝牙状态: 在两台设备上,转到 “设置 >设备 > 蓝牙 & 设备 ”,并确保蓝牙已打开。 重新配对设备: 从蓝牙设置中删除配对的设备,然后重新连接它们。 更新蓝牙驱动程序: 打开设备管理器,找到蓝牙适配器,右键 ...
How to use two-step verification with your Microsoft account
Important: If you turn on two-step verification, you will always need two forms of identification.This means that if you forget your password, you need two contact methods. Or if you lose your contact method, your password alone won't get you back into your account—and it can take you 30 days to regain access.
Office Deployment Tool - Microsoft Support
If you’re an administrator, you can use the Office Deployment Tool to manage your Office 2016 Click-to-Run deployment options, such as installations sources, product and language combinations, or deployment configuration options.
Cooking up a great prompt: Getting the most from Copilot
Generating content ideas. Lead with broader requests, then give specific details about the content. Gaining insights. Ask for a summary of a specific file, then ask relevant questions to gain deeper insights.
Applies To: Office for business, Microsoft Office
Solucionar problemas con las opciones de pago
Nota: Microsoft Store de Líbano para consumidores se cerró el 28 de octubre de 2021.Sin embargo, el soporte técnico al cliente sigue estando disponible a través de Soporte técnico de Microsoft y los productos de Microsoft están disponibles a través de nuestros asociados de la región.
Windows'ta mikrofonları ayarlama ve test etme - Microsoft Desteği
Yeni bir mikrofon yüklemek için şu adımları izleyin: Mikrofonunuzun PC’nize bağlı olduğundan emin olun. Sistem > Ses > Başlangıç > Ayarları'nı seçin.. Ses ayarları'nda, bağlı mikrofonlarınızı görmek için Giriş'e gidin. Bu bir Bluetooth mikrofonuysa Cihaz ekle'yi seçin.. Zaten yüklü olan bir mikrofonu test etmek için:
Como resgatar pontos do Microsoft Rewards
Estou a ter um problema ao resgatar os meus pontos do Microsoft Rewards. Se estiver a ter um problema ao resgatar os seus pontos do Microsoft Reward, poderá ser um dos seguintes problemas:
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Fan behavior and fan noise in a Surface device - Microsoft Support
Abnormal sounds. Noises like grinding, whining, or ticking are abnormal. While fan operation is normal and expected behavior, at no point should it sound like there is something broken.
Product keys for Windows - Microsoft Support
Find your product key to activate Windows. A product key is a 25-character code that's used to activate Windows and helps verify that Windows hasn't been used on more PCs than the Microsoft Software License Terms allow.