Kombinieren von Microsoft-Konten - Microsoft-Support
Verknüpfen Microsoft persönlichen Konten. Es ist nicht möglich, Microsoft persönlichen Konten zu verknüpfen, zusammenzuführen oder zu kombinieren, und Sie können dinge wie Ihren Spielfortschritt oder Gamertag, Kontokäufe und Guthaben von einem Konto auf ein anderes übertragen, aber Konten können nebeneinander verwendet werden.
Applies To:
Outlook 2024, Outlook 2024 for Mac, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2021 for Mac, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Microsoft 365 for home, Outlook.com, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, My Office for iPhone, Office.com, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Aktivieren der Virtualisierung unter Windows - Microsoft-Support
Mit der Virtualisierung kann Ihr Windows-Gerät ein anderes Betriebssystem emulieren, z. B. Android oder Linux. Durch aktivieren der Virtualisierung erhalten Sie Zugriff auf eine größere App-Bibliothek, die Sie auf Ihrem Gerät verwenden und installieren können.
Windows 设备上的蓝牙版本 - Microsoft 支持
蓝牙配件有时需要满足最低的蓝牙规格(版本)要求,才能充分发挥功能。 查看 Windows 设备上的蓝牙版本. 右键单击“开始 ”菜单,然后选择“设备管理器”。 在打开的设备管理器窗口中,选择蓝牙 旁边的箭头 以将其展开。. 蓝牙 节点下 列出了多个设备。 确定哪些设备是蓝牙无线电。
Habilitar o TPM 2.0 no computador - Suporte da Microsoft
Publicado em agosto de 2021. Este artigo destina-se a usuários que não podem atualizar para Windows 11 porque seu computador não está habilitado no momento com o TPM 2.0 ou seu computador é capaz de executar o TPM 2.0, mas não está configurado para isso.
如何获得 Microsoft Rewards 积分 - Microsoft 支持
可以轻松累积Microsoft奖励积分,并赚取丰厚的奖励,如礼品卡、电影、游戏、非营利性捐赠等。 使用Microsoft帐户保持登录状态,你将因执行已执行的操作而获得积分。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
SharePoint is a browser-based app that you connect to through your web browser. If your organization has assigned you a license that includes SharePoint, you can sign in.In this article, we discuss the two most common ways to sign into SharePoint:
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Use ActiveX controls for Internet Explorer 11 - Microsoft Support
Allow Internet Explorer to Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins by selecting Enable, or Prompt if you want to be notified each time this happens. Allow Internet Explorer to Script ActiveX controls marked safe for scripting by selecting Enable, or Prompt if you want to be notified each time this happens. Select OK, and then select OK again.
Microsoft Support
Microsoft Support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Insérer des notes de bas de page et des notes de fin - Support Microsoft
Généralement, les notes de bas de page apparaissent en bas de la page et les notes de fin à la fin du document ou de la section. Un numéro ou un symbole sur la note de bas de page ou de fin de document correspond à un repère dans le document.
Applies To:
Word for Microsoft 365, Word 2024, Word 2021, Word 2019, Word 2016, My Office for iPhone, Office.com
Get started with eye control in Windows - Microsoft Support
This article will guide you through all the steps of setting up an eye tracker. If you've already got one set up, see Eye control basics in Windows 10, and for troubleshooting help, go to Eye control troubleshooting guide.. In this topic. Set up an eye tracking device