Get started with SharePoint agents - Microsoft Support
You can't edit the ready-made agent that comes with the site. Share your agent with others. Find the agent you want to share from the agent list. Select the ellipsis and then select Share. You can then use the Copy Link option to grab a link to the file. You can send the link to your colleagues as you do for sharing other files.
Applies To: Office for business, Microsoft Office
December 10, 2024—KB5048667 (OS Build 26100.2605)
IMPORTANT Because of minimal operations during the Western holidays and the upcoming new year, there won’t be a non-security preview release for the month of December 2024. There will be a monthly security release for December 2024. Normal monthly servicing for both security and non-security preview releases will resume in January 2025.
How to check if your device meets Windows 11 system requirements after ...
Wait until the task completes. The task completes when its Status column shows Ready.To refresh the status, select Action > Refresh in the top navigation menu.. Refresh using an administrator Command Prompt. Right-click on the Start menu and select Search .. In the Type here to search text box, enter: cmd
Ways to install Windows 11 - Microsoft Support
The Windows 11 Setup window opens. Step through the Windows 11 Setup pages, following instructions at each step.. At the Ready to install page, the default is to Keep personal files and apps.However, selecting the Change what to keep link gives the following options:. Keep personal files and apps - Personal files, apps, and Windows settings are all kept and migrated to the new Windows 11 install.
أعد تعيين كلمة مرور حساب Microsoft المنسية - دعم Microsoft
معرفة كيفية إعادة تعيين أو تغيير كلمة مرور حساب Microsoft. الحصول على تعليمات حول كلمة مرور حساب Microsoft المنسية.
Applies To: Microsoft account dashboard
Aanmelden bij een Microsoft-account - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Gebruik uw Microsoft-account om u aan te melden bij Microsoft-services zoals Windows, Microsoft 365, OneDrive, Skype, Outlook en Xbox Live.
Applies To: Microsoft 365 for home,, Microsoft 365 for Mac, Microsoft 365 for Windows, Microsoft account dashboard, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft Teams, My Office for iPhone,, OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
Résoudre les problèmes liés au Bluetooth dans Windows
Sur le PC que vous voulez coupler à : Assurez-vous que le mode Avion est désactivé : Sélectionnez les icônes Réseau, Son ou Batterie ( ) sur le côté droit de la barre des tâches, puis vérifiez que le paramètre rapide Mode avion est désactivé. Activer ou désactiver le Bluetooth : Sélectionnez Démarrer les paramètres > > appareils de & Bluetooth.
Update auf den neuen Microsoft Edge - Microsoft-Support
Erleben Sie das Web auf ganz neue Weise, indem Sie von Internet Explorer oder Microsoft Edge Legacy zum Microsoft Edge Browser wechseln. Zu Microsoft Edge wechseln
下载 Internet Explorer 11(脱机安装程序) - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft Edge 是 Microsoft 推荐的浏览器. 对 Internet Explorer 的支持已于 2022 年 6 月 15 日结束。 如果访问的任何网站需要 Internet Explorer 11,则可以在 Microsoft Edge 中使用 Internet Explorer 模式重新加载它。
Sie können das klassische Outlook nicht auf einem neuen Windows-PC ...
Wenn Sie kürzlich ein neues Windows-Gerät gekauft haben, können Sie das klassische Outlook möglicherweise nicht finden, oder das Symbol wird angezeigt, aber Sie erhalten eine Fehlermeldung, wenn Sie versuchen, es zu öffnen.
Applies To: New Outlook for Windows