Use Password Generator to create more secure passwords in Microsoft ...
Note: If you don’t find the Password Generator drop-down working as expected on any website, right-click on the password field and select Suggest strong password; the password generator drop-down will appear.
Usar a Ferramenta de Captura para obter capturas de tela
Para capturar um recorte de vídeo, abra a Ferramenta de Recorte, selecione o botão Gravar e, em seguida, selecione Nova gravação ou prima a tecla do logótipo do Windows + Shift + R.Selecione a área do ecrã que pretende gravar e, em seguida, selecione Iniciar.Quando terminar, selecione Parar.Neste momento, pode guardar a gravação tal como está ou selecionar Editar no Clipchamp para ...
Xbox Status | Xbox Support
Check the Xbox services, games, and apps for any service outages.
Customize the text for a hyperlink - Microsoft Support
If you’ve ever added hyperlinks to a message, you probably already know that URLs can get long and ugly. You can change the link text to something easier to read that tells people what the link is about.
Applies To:
Outlook for Microsoft 365, Outlook 2024, Outlook 2021, Outlook 2019, Outlook 2016, Outlook 2013
Save or forget passwords in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
Note: The Automatically save passwords setting has been retired with Microsoft Edge version 124 and later. Instead, Edge will offer to save your passwords each time you enter new credentials in the Edge browser. All your previously autosaved passwords will continue to be available for a seamless login.
Pin an app to the taskbar - Microsoft Support
From the Start menu or apps list, press and hold (or right-click) an app, then, if available, select Pin to taskbar .
Change your profile photo or name in
To get support in, click here or select Help on the menu bar and enter your query. If the self-help doesn't solve your problem, scroll down to Still need help? and select Yes.. To contact us in, you'll need to sign in.
Applies To:
Réinitialiser un mot de passe de compte Microsoft
Remarques : Si vous connaissez votre mot de passe, mais que vous souhaitez simplement le modifier, accédez à’onglet Sécurité, puis sélectionnez Modifier mon mot de passe.. Si vous connaissez votre nom d’utilisateur et votre mot de passe, mais qu’ils ont cessé de fonctionner, lisez Mon nom d’utilisateur et mon mot de passe ont cessé de fonctionner.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Using the Windows Activation troubleshooter - Microsoft Support
Select Start upgrade.The upgrade might take a while and you won't be able to use your device until it's done.
Create a meeting in Microsoft Teams (free) - Microsoft Support
Change meeting options : Configure the meeting's privacy options after you select Get a link to share .. Select Configure meetings options , a new tab opens in your default browser where you can set Who can bypass the lobby and Who can present options in the dropdown menu. Make your selections, then Save .
Applies To:
Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams personal