What is Data Execution Prevention (DEP)? - Microsoft Support
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a technology built into Windows that helps protect you from malicious code launching from areas of memory that have been designated as for data only.
How to delete the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder
An administrator might have customized the settings for your Temporary Internet Files folder to prevent you from changing the settings. For example, the administrator can remove the General tab from the interface in the Internet Options dialog box. If you cannot access the Internet Options dialog box or the General tab, contact your administrator for more information.
General privacy settings in Windows - Microsoft Support
Windows provides the following privacy settings to give you control over your privacy. Advertising ID. Windows generates a unique advertising ID for each user on a device, which app developers and advertising networks can then use for their own purposes, including providing more relevant advertising in apps.
Download language pack for speech - Microsoft Support
Manually download a language for Cortana speech. Go back to Settings > Time & language > Language, select your new language, and then use the up-arrow button to move it to the top of the list and make it the default.
Configure startup applications in Windows - Microsoft Support
When it comes to optimizing your Windows device, one of the key optimization areas is the startup process. The applications that run automatically when your device boots up can impact both the speed of your startup and the overall performance of your system.
Windows camera, microphone, and privacy - Microsoft Support
In Windows 11, ensure that Camera access, Let apps access your camera, and the individual toggle for the Microsoft Store app you wish to use is turned on. If you do not see the app or website you're looking for in the list, it's likely a desktop app. Desktop apps cannot be individually toggled, but access for those apps can be controlled using Let desktop apps access your camera.
在 64 位、32 位和 ARM 版本的 OneDrive 之间进行选择 - Microsoft 支持
如果不确定哪个 OneDrive 版本更适合自己,可以查看选择 64 位版本、32 位版本、适用于 Windows 的 ARM64 版本或适用于 Mac 的 Apple 芯片版本的原因。 如果知道所需的版本,可以 了解如何安装它。. 如果已 OneDrive ,但不确定自己使用的是哪个版本,请查看我使用的是哪个版本的 OneDrive?
Applies To: OneDrive (home or personal), OneDrive for Mac, OneDrive for Windows
你的帐户设置在"邮件"或"日历"中已过期,Windows 10 - Microsoft 支持
Microsoft 已在 Windows 10 创意者更新中增添了针对 Yahoo! 帐户的 OAuth 支持。 若要立即安装创意者更新,请转到软件下载网站并选择“立即更新”。 有关更新的详细信息,请参阅 Windows 10 创意者更新现已推出。. 如果拥有日语 Yahoo!
Applies To: Calendar for Windows 10, Mail for Windows 10
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Share your PowerPoint presentation with others - Microsoft Support
Invite people to view or edit your presentation. Save your file to the cloud and then invite people to view or edit it. That way, whenever you update your file, everyone you share with will have the latest version.
Applies To: PowerPoint for Microsoft 365, PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac, PowerPoint 2024, PowerPoint 2024 for Mac, PowerPoint 2021, PowerPoint 2021 for Mac, PowerPoint 2019, PowerPoint 2019 for Mac, PowerPoint 2016