使 Windows - Microsoft
兼容性设置. 描述. 以兼容性模式运行此程序,以便. 使用早期版本的 Windows 中的设置运行程序。 如果你确信此程序是为某个特定版本的 Windows 而设计(或与该版本共同使用),请尝试使用此设置。
Windows 8.1 support ended on January 10, 2023
PCs originally built with Windows 8.1 are designed with technology that is about 10 years old. Once you move to a new PC, there will be many aspects of Windows that you will find familiar, but also with important software and hardware innovations and capabilities that were not available a decade ago.
Utilisez l'outil Vérificateur des fichiers système pour réparer les ...
Effectuez un balayage depuis le bord droit de l'écran, puis appuyez sur Rechercher.Ou, si vous utilisez une souris, pointez sur l'angle inférieur droit de l'écran, puis cliquez sur Rechercher.Tapez Invite de commandes dans la zone de recherche, cliquez avec le bouton droit sur Invite de commandes, puis cliquez sur Exécuter en tant qu'administrateur.
Windows - Microsoft
Windows 11引入了一项称为动态刷新速率 (DRR) 的新功能,该功能会根据你当时执行的操作自动调整刷新率。 这可以帮助你获得两全其美:当你需要游戏、浏览或墨迹书写时获得流畅的体验,当你不执行这些类型操作时,电池使用时间更长。
Stay safe with a genuine Office license - Microsoft Support
Learn how to tell if your Office software is genuine. To help determine if your Microsoft software is genuine, go to our How to Tell site for more information. Here you'll learn about authentic packaging, including what to look for with product key labels, and Certificate of Authenticity (COA), how to report counterfeit software, and find out what your shopping and licensing options are.
Applies To: Office 2019
线 - Microsoft
注意: 无线显示应用在运行 Windows 11 版本 22H2 及更高版本的设备上可用。如果运行的是早期版本的 Windows,请在任务栏的搜索框中输入 “连接”,然后在结果列表中选择“连接”,从而启动 “连接” 应用。 若要了解你运行的是哪个版本的 Windows,请参阅我运行的是哪个版本的 Windows 操作系统?
How to delete the contents of the Temporary Internet Files folder
An administrator might have customized the settings for your Temporary Internet Files folder to prevent you from changing the settings. For example, the administrator can remove the General tab from the interface in the Internet Options dialog box. If you cannot access the Internet Options dialog box or the General tab, contact your administrator for more information.
How to reset the Hosts file back to the default - Microsoft Support
To reset the Hosts file back to the default, follow these steps: 1. Open Notepad. To do this, search for “Notepad” using Cortana, and then tap or click the Notepad icon.. 2. Copy the following text, and then paste the text into the file:
Use Game Mode while gaming on your Windows device
When you use Game Mode, Windows prioritizes your gaming experience by turning things off in the background. When you’re running a game, Game Mode:
Can't send or receive email in Outlook.com - Microsoft Support
Important: If your Microsoft cloud storage is full, you cannot send or receive email.Messages sent to you while your storage was full are bounced back to the sender and are unrecoverable. Check your mailbox storage to see what's taking up space. Learn more about recent changes.
Applies To: Outlook.com