Aanmelden bij Hotmail - Microsoft Ondersteuning
Notities: Je Hotmail- of Outlook.com-wachtwoord is hetzelfde als het wachtwoord van je Microsoft-account. Als je je kunt aanmelden, maar problemen ondervindt met Outlook.com, controleer je de servicestatus.Als de status niet groen is, wacht je totdat de service weer normaal werkt en probeer je het opnieuw.
Applies To:
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher > SharePoint Tip: If you don't see the SharePoint app after selecting the app launcher, you can find it by either selecting More apps, or using the Search box near the top of the window to search for SharePoint.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
Transcribe your recordings - Microsoft Support
The transcribe feature converts speech to a text transcript with each speaker individually separated. After your conversation, interview, or meeting, you can revisit parts of the recording by playing back the timestamped audio and edit the transcription to make corrections.
Applies To:
Word for Microsoft 365, OneNote for Microsoft 365, Word for the web
Outlook.com に対してサインインまたはサインアウトする方法 - Microsoft サポート
Outlook.com でサポートを受けるには、ここ をクリックするか、メニュー バーの [ヘルプ] を選択してクエリを入力します。 セルフヘルプで問題が解決しない場合は、[さらにヘルプが必要ですか?] まで下にスクロールし、[はい] を選択します。 Outlook.com でお問い合わせいただくには、サインイン ...
Applies To:
Recover lost or deleted files - Microsoft Support
If you can't find a file on your computer or you accidently modified or deleted a file, you can restore it from a backup (if you're using Windows backup) or you can try to restore it from a previous version.Previous versions are copies of files and folders that Windows automatically saves as part of a restore point.
以 Outlook.com 发送限制 - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Outlook.com 中获取支持,请单击此处或选择菜单栏上的帮助,然后输入查询。 如果自助服务无法解决问题,请向下滚动到“仍需要帮助?”,然后选择“是”。 若要在 Outlook.com 中联系我们,需要登录。
Applies To:
Sign in to SharePoint - Microsoft Support
In the upper left corner of the window, select the app launcher > SharePoint Tip: If you don't see the SharePoint app after selecting the app launcher, you can find it by either selecting More apps, or using the Search box near the top of the window to search for SharePoint.
Applies To:
SharePoint in Microsoft 365
修复 Windows 中的声音或音频问题 - Microsoft 支持
了解如何修复 Windows 中的声音或音频问题。
Customer service phone numbers - Microsoft Support
Country/Region. Country/Region code. Phone number. Language. Toll. Anguilla +1 264 +1. 866 993 9330. 305 418 9136. English / Español. Toll free. Toll. Antigua & Barbuda
如何登入 Hotmail - Microsoft Support
提示: 登入時,如果您下次想要直接移至信箱,請在 [保持登入?] 提示中選取 [是] (不建議用於共用電腦)。 或者,選取 [不要再顯示這個] 方塊,然後選取 [否],這樣每次都會提示您輸入密碼。. 如果您無法登入或忘記您的使用者名稱或密碼,請使用我們的 [登入疑難排解員]。
Applies To: