Personnaliser la barre des tâches dans Windows - Support Microsoft
Pour ouvrir la recherche, vous pouvez : Pour démarrer une recherche à l’aide de Recherche Windows, vous pouvez : Utilisez la zone Rechercher dans la barre des tâches: sélectionnez la zone de recherche située dans la barre des tâches et commencez à taper votre requête.Cela permet d’afficher une liste de résultats pertinents, y compris les fichiers, les applications, les paramètres ...
Налаштування панелі завдань у Windows - Підтримка від Microsoft
Дізнайтеся, як використовувати функції панелі завдань у Windows. Приховайте панель завдань, закріпіть програму, змініть розташування тощо за допомогою настройок панелі завдань.
Copilot en Bing: Nuestro enfoque hacia la IA responsable
Usos previstos y nuevas experiencias de IA los usos previstos de Copilot en Bing son conectar a los usuarios con resultados de búsqueda relevantes, revisar los resultados de toda la web para encontrar y resumir las respuestas que buscan los usuarios, ayudar a los usuarios a refinar sus investigaciones para obtener respuestas con una experiencia de chat y generar creatividad al ayudar a los ...
Windows location service and privacy - Microsoft Support
Microsoft operates a location service that helps determine the precise geographic location of your Windows device. The precise location of your device allows apps to give you directions, show shops and restaurants that are near you, and more.
Change the refresh rate on your monitor in Windows
To change the refresh rate. Select Start > Settings > System > Display > Advanced display .. Next to Choose a refresh rate, select the rate you want. The refresh rates that appear depend on your display and what it supports. Select laptops and external displays will support higher refresh rates.
Ativar o Windows - Suporte da Microsoft
Status da ativação. Descrição. O Windows está ativado. Você está ativado. A conta Microsoft não está vinculada. Siga as instruções em Vinculando sua conta Microsoft.. O Windows é ativado com uma licença digital
File sharing over a network in Windows - Microsoft Support
To share a file or folder in File Explorer, do one of the following: Right-click or press a file, select Give access to > Specific people.. Select a file, select the Share tab at the top of File Explorer, and then in the Share with section select Specific people.. Select a user on the network to share the file with, or select Everyone to give all network users access to the file.
What is HDR in Windows? - Microsoft Support
HDR content on Windows offers better brightness and color capabilities compared to traditional content (sometimes called standard dynamic range [SDR] content).
Camera doesn't work in Windows - Microsoft Support
Make sure Let apps access your camera is turned on.. Choose which apps should have access. Only apps that were installed from the Microsoft Store will appear in this list. If you're having problems with an app that you did not install from Microsoft Store, make sure that Let desktop apps access your camera is turned on.You can't turn off camera access for individual desktop apps.
Modo Internet Explorer no Microsoft Edge - Suporte da Microsoft
O suporte ao Internet Explorer 11 terminou em 15 de junho de 2022. Se qualquer site que você visitar precisar do Internet Explorer 11, você poderá recarregá-lo com o modo Internet Explorer no Microsoft Edge.