Microsoft 帐户安全信息和验证码 - Microsoft 支持
当你登录到Microsoft帐户时,我们可能会要求提供其他证明,证明该帐户确实是你的帐户。 我们将向你帐户上列出的电子邮件地址和电话号码发送一个代码,当你使用代码进行回复时,我们知道确实是你。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
在 Windows 中更改监视器上的刷新率 - Microsoft 支持
Windows 11引入了一项称为动态刷新速率 (DRR) 的新功能,该功能会根据你当时执行的操作自动调整刷新率。 这可以帮助你获得两全其美:当你需要游戏、浏览或墨迹书写时获得流畅的体验,当你不执行这些类型操作时,电池使用时间更长。
Securely browse the web in Microsoft Edge - Microsoft Support
As you browse the web, you'll see an icon in the address bar that indicates the security of the connection to the site you're visiting. This icon helps you determine if you can safely send and receive information from the site.
Microsoft Support
Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Microsoft Copilot, Microsoft 365, Windows, Surface, and more.
Browsing history on the privacy dashboard - Microsoft Support
Why am I not seeing all my data on the privacy dashboard? To learn more about why you might not be seeing all of your data, see View your data on the privacy dashboard.. Legacy version of Microsoft Edge
阻止 Microsoft Edge 中的弹出窗口 - Microsoft 支持
弹出窗口阻止程序无法阻止哪些弹窗? 如果在启用此功能并且尝试了上面列出的解决方案后,网页中仍然显示了弹出窗口,则它们可能是网站广告,以弹出窗口的样子呈现。
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
激活 Windows - Microsoft 支持
若要在 Windows 11 中检查激活状态,请选择“开始 ”按钮,然后选择“设置 > 系统 ” ,然后选择“激活 ”。 。 激活状态将在“激活”旁边列出。 在“设置”中检查激活状态. 你将在“激活”页面上看到以下一条激活状态消息:
Download and install or reinstall Office 2019, Office 2016, or Office ...
Note: The steps to install the 2019, 2016, or 2013 versions of Office Professional Plus, Office Standard, or a stand-alone app such as Word or Project might be different if you got Microsoft 365 through one of the following: Microsoft Workplace Discount Program (formerly known as Home Use Program): If you bought Microsoft 365 for personal use through your company, see Install Office through ...
Applies To:
Office 2019, Office 2016, Office 2016 for Mac, Office 2013
Come usare l'app Controllo integrità PC - Supporto tecnico Microsoft
Come aprire il controllo di integrità PC. In Windows, usa Cerca sulla barra delle applicazioni per cercare Controllo integrità PC, quindi selezionalo nell'elenco dei risultati.. Se è disponibile un aggiornamento di Controllo integrità PC, puoi installarlo rapidamente per ottenere la versione più recente. に対してサインインまたはサインアウトする方法 - Microsoft サポート でサポートを受けるには、ここ をクリックするか、メニュー バーの [ヘルプ] を選択してクエリを入力します。 セルフヘルプで問題が解決しない場合は、[さらにヘルプが必要ですか?] まで下にスクロールし、[はい] を選択します。 でお問い合わせいただくには、サインイン ...
Applies To: