Add, turn off, or remove extensions in Microsoft Edge
Learn how to manage extensions in Microsoft Edge, including adding, disabling, or removing them as needed.
Odinstalace nebo odebrání aplikací a programů ve Windows
Odinstalujte nebo odeberte aplikace a programy v aplikaci Nastavení. Existují různé způsoby, jak odebrat aplikace a programy, takže pokud nemůžete najít tu, kterou hledáte, můžete zkusit jiné umístění.
اقتران جهاز Bluetooth في Windows - دعم Microsoft
قبل البدء، تأكد من أن جهاز الكمبيوتر Windows 11 يدعم Bluetooth. لمزيد من المعلومات حول كيفية التحقق، راجع إصلاح مشاكل Bluetooth في Windows.إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة في إضافة جهاز بدون قدرات Bluetooth، فشاهد إضافة جهاز إلى كمبيوتر Windows.
Windows 10 update history - Microsoft Support
Discover the latest updates for Windows 10, including improvements and fixes, known issues, and guidance on how to get the update.
在 Microsoft Edge 浏览器中使用 Microsoft Translator
如果在设置中打开以不同于首选语言编写的页面,Microsoft Edge 将自动提示你翻译它。 转到使用外语编写的网页时,“翻译”图标 显示在地址栏中。 如果某种语言不在“设置”的“首选语言”列表中,则将被视为外语。若要在列表中添加或删除语言,请在 Microsoft Edge 中,转到 “设置”等 > 设置 ...
Applies To:
Microsoft Edge
What is Data Execution Prevention (DEP)? - Microsoft Support
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a technology built into Windows that helps protect you from malicious code launching from areas of memory that have been designated as for data only.
Signing in with a passkey - Microsoft Support
What are passkeys? Passkeys are a replacement for your password. With passkeys, you can sign into your Microsoft personal account, or your work/school account using your face, fingerprint, or PIN.
Applies To:
Microsoft account dashboard
Find my downloads in Windows 10 - Microsoft Support
To find downloads on your PC: Select File Explorer from the taskbar, or press the Windows logo key + E.
Phone Link requirements and setup - Microsoft Support
1. Sign in with your Microsoft account. You will be prompted to Sign in with Microsoft account. If you have an existing Microsoft account on your mobile device then you will be asked to confirm your account, then click Continue.. If you don't have an existing Microsoft account on your mobile device then you will be asked to sign into your account or create a new one, then click Continue.
Aide et apprentissage sur Microsoft Edge
Obtenez de l’aide et du support sur Microsoft Edge. Recherchez du contenu de support Microsoft Edge, des articles pratiques, des didacticiels et bien plus encore.